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Worst final 2


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The PERFECT scenario (which will never happen in a million years) would be Will and CG as the last two......and CG GETTING ALL THE VOTES AND WINNING!!!!! :D

Now that would be a sweet victory for all mankind. Could you imagine the look of horror and disbelief on the revolting Dr. Botox' face??? :angry: That alone would be worth 1/2 a mil!!! ;)

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I personally do not want to see the two biggest backstabbers in the house...Danielle (Who backstabbed and backdoored Kaysar) and James (Who backstabbed his whole alliance from the start). With all these idiots in the house being played by Boogie and Will, they deserve to lose. CT to the end.

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Excuse me if I am wrong, but this is a game! Why is it okay when they did it to Jase but not okay when it happened to Kaysar. They would never have been nominated if the POV wasn't planned for someone to win and take themselves off so they could "backdoor" anyone. :wacko:

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Worst Final 2 - James the WHINER and Erika!

Best Final 2 - Janelle and Will (Janelle being the winner since Will already won once)

Dream Final 2 - Janelle and Howie (Howie being the winner)!!! :D

I'd be happy seeing seeing CG win though. He doesn't play the game, but I kinda like the old dude!

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Danielle is the best Strategiest the game has seen, Will is the best Social Game player and Janelle is the best Competition player the game has seen. James attempts to be all three of these things but, fails in comparison. If we really want the All-Star to be won by the best and not our favorite player... then, imo, one of these three should win it... see which approach is best for victory. Will has done it once but, even he says that his win had a lot to do with luck and timing. I really didn't think he could pull off another win with the exact same strategy but, he is and so for me... although I don't like all of these three... to me it would be the best for the game of BB if one of them won it!

Of course, if James did manage to pull all three together to the end then that would be acceptable. :(

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Excuse me if I am wrong, but this is a game! Why is it okay when they did it to Jase but not okay when it happened to Kaysar. They would never have been nominated if the POV wasn't planned for someone to win and take themselves off so they could "backdoor" anyone.

James isnt acting as though its a game. The way he talks behind people's backs is horrible (and in front as i just read what he told to Howie. He is an a**hole and should be locked away from society forever). He is the new Maggie. As for Jase, the LOD had all the votes so THEY backdoored him just as they did Kaysar.

CBS needs to find a way to get rid of the "backdoor".

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Worst Final Two?- Will/Boogie. Only because that moots the whole Game. They will share the money and their game is way too obvious.

Best Final Two?- George /Howie. Only because they are two Goofballs that could use the money.

Weird Final Two?- Erika/Janelle. Considering the Sequester situation, that would be an interesting vote.

"No Way In Hell" Final Two?- Danielle/George. If that happens, may God have mercy on our souls.

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I've changed mine from George/Boogie to...James and Boogie.

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I would just make me sick if the final 2 were

James and Erika.

I just makes me sick the way James hid behind Danill's skirt and Janelles skirt. He has never been honest and stepped up to play the game. Erika because she IS a lying backstabbing piece of furniture. If she says one more time she was America's choice I am going to puke. She went to some of the forums and promised them interviews and shout outs if they used her voting bot. That was nothing but cheat voting. NO WAY was she ever America's choice.

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