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Are you upset over the HOH redo?


Are you upset over the HOH redo?  

143 members have voted

  1. 1. Are you upset over the HOH redo?

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If included I would have voted: I could care less!

Actually, I find this board more entertaining than the show this season. At this point any of the houseguests deserve to win or lose.

But, I guess if in previous seasons there was a mechanical problem and there was no redo than it wouldn't be fair this season to redo it. I don't remember anything mechanical malfunctioning in previous season, but I could be wrong.

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I am not sure about technical malfunctions but in season 5 Karen should have won the putting HOH Julie stated in her rules the first ball to go to the bottom of the hole won HOH. Marvin's ball went in the hole first but spun around the top while Karen's ball went to the bottom. But then again that wasnt the final put Marvin had a put off against Cowboy so it should have been cowboy or karen as HOH

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It was the right thing to do... so, I don't mind at all.

And, this is NOT the first re-do they've done. James, Howie and Janie talked about 3 of their comps being "re-do's" last season... they specifially mentioned the Hockey - POV. However, as far as I remember it's the first HOH re-do.

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I've pretty much been a S6 fan (though, I do think they have made some foolish nominations), so I was happy to see Janelle won the HOH redo.

But, I will admit that it seems a little unfair that Janelle and Will were allowed to play again even though they answered questions incorrectly.

However, I believe the question of Mike Boogie comes into play here. What about him? The same question that Janelle got incorrect, Boogie's answer didn't appear one way or the other.

Do we assume he got the answer right (which would mean he SHOULD be allowed to play in the redo)? Or, should we assume he got it wrong (meaning he should NOT be allowed to play the redo)?

I think that if CBS was going to disallow Janelle (and Will) to play the redo, they'd have to come to some decision about Boogie. And how many complaints might follow after that?

Admittedly, Will and Boogie almost certainly threw both comps. But I still think deserved thought.

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I don't care either way, especially as the the Coup D'Etat (if used) could change everything completely anyway. And the veto will definately change things up.

I also wonder if the CBS / BB rules say anything like, if there is a redo, all original competitors will participate. My guess, since there have been redos in the past, is that there is a written rule to prevent any possible litigation. But, since I haven't read the rules, I don't know.

Anyway, I guess I can't be bothered to get really bent out of shape over what I can't control and what ultimately doesn't really impact my life. JMHO. B)

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I think it was good to redo the competition.

First of all, it really was the only fair thing to do. The buttons were junk, and it messed up the competition the first time around. May as well start again from scratch.

Secondly, Erika as HoH would have made for a boring week. Janelle and Howie up for nomination... yawn, way too predicatable, and it would result in one of the three alliances collapsing. It makes for a much better game if they keep the teams as balanced as possible: Janelle & Howie, chill town, and "the floaters". The problem is that there are still too many floaters on that team, and the game is in danger of ending up like Season 6 (which was a really boring finish).

With Janelle as HoH, then the floater team can be dropped in size and make for a better overall game.

And please... don't be under the misconception that this should be a fair game. This should be an entertaining game; CBS understand that, it wants to make money.

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Have you ever started a project and realized there was a problem and had to start over again.

As Forrest would say "Sh@t Happens"

Can we please get on with some BB!! :D

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I was really upset at first but Danielle's so smart and strong and she's got the Legion of Doom backing her up when it really matters . . . damn they're smart! Looks like with smaller numbers in the house they have the power to manoever the game to force Marcellas or George out the door . . . I think that's partly why Shapiro's had to get so heavy-handed this year - these people are just SO good at manoevering withing the confines to survive he's really got to go to extremes to get his way.

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I wouldn't go so far as to say im upset but i do believe that it is unfair. Once the competition is done on live television the winner should stay. Its just bad luck that howie got a buzzer that was didn't work. If Erika, Will, Dani or anyone else had the malfunctioning buzzer the winner probably would have stayed the same. I do however strongly disagree with Julie Chen hosting the show. She has no authority in the competitions, she constantly forgets the house guests names and she doesn't try to hold a conversation with the players. Julie Chen you have been evicted from the BB studio!! Well at least give her some communications with the judges while the hoh comps are going on so she doesn't look so dumb when competitions dont go so smoothly. Where's Bob Barker???

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I'm not upset about it at all. It created the drama for the fans that has been lacking since day 1. I also believe that the equipment was faulty so therefore it should have been redone. I was actually hoping that Boogie would have won just because of this controversy (rigged for Jani to win) it has caused.

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How could you be upset over it anyways? It has to be fair and I think it was pretty obvious that it wasn't the first time around. Even if it happened to someone I hated in the house, I'd still want them to do it over. It's better to be fair than rigged or letting wrong things go unchanged.
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I think a redo was fair. I don't feel sorry for Erika, because she admitted to dani that she used her hair to cover her hands so she could keep them on the buzzer, which they were not allowed to do.

If you cheat and you lose, too bad, too sad.

Plus you have to admit even if you're not a S6 fan, it was funny watching the FH crow and them bitch and moan....that's great tv!!

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I would have been more upset if they didn't do a redo because it was so obvious that Howie hit the buzzer and he also hit the buzzer before anyone else did. B)

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