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Are any other SOV fans really liking CT this year?


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I was a huge SOV fan who only started watching the show during season 3. When I heard that CT were gunning to get the SOV out, I immediately disliked them just because they were opposit the SOV. But after being introduced to Will and Boogie this year, I find myself liking them more than the SOV. Anyone else in the same situation?


not a fan of no groups. i like players gameplay not which group they in.


I was a SOV fan last year. I like Will. After seeing the cruelty/anger/bullying Booger is capable of the two time he was drunk, I could never like him.


Love the sovs, always will like them.

I didn't see CT's season but I like Will and hope he goes far, but Boogie... ugh... get Booger out of the house.


I'm with uvp!

I did like the sovs last year as a group though, but this year I started it off w/ a clean slate. I like some of them but not all, and I'm a Will fan. I like people to earn my respect, rather than just give it to them right off the bat.


I'm a Sov fan and I don't like CT. I think they are good players though. I'm sure Boogie and Will outside of the house are cool people. And I do find myself laughing or being entertained by them in the house. But as far as game play goes, can't stand them. If any of that makes any sense. :P

And I don't care much for Will's ego. I understand being confident with yourself but he goes a little overboard with that.


I'm with UVP and Crackers! Game play is the most important but if a player gets bitchy and mean, I can go off them really quickly (it's usually a sign of insecurity and desperation). Having said that, I was a Sov fan last season (though don't like that bossy, mean streak of James or Howie's immaturity- I can only take so many boobie comments before it gets old), but absolutely love Will (though Boogie is a little nauseating at times).


I like Janelle A LOT. I like Kaysar too. I'm iffy on Howie, just because he's getting so stupid and annoying. And James... I disliked him after the George-POV drama.

At the beginning of the season, I couldn't stand Will or Boggie. The feeling is lessening with Will, but not so much Boggie. Will's biggest problem is his ego/over-confidence. And Boggie is just sooo annoying.


I'm more of a dog fan, myself. I liked the some, not all, of the Sov's last year because I could relate better to them and I immediately threw up the second April appeared on screen (although I was dealing with the stomach flu at the time, I still blame April...call it a grudge).

I was skeptical of being a Sov fan this year, because, to be honest, I got tired of all of the "Janie this and Janie that and KayKay this and KayKay that..." posts, emails and comments. My stomach turned like it did after eating my entire Easter basket of candy in an hour. Too much of a good thing is always a sign of intestinal discomfort. But, I quietly cheered them on...and then they started changing. Maybe, just like me, they have grown weary of their former selves (Howie being possible the exception).

I watched Season 2 and have always hated ChillTown. Just the name brings a coppery vomit taste to my mouth. I LOATHED Shannon and Booger Will just came along for the ride. M/W are just mean.

Both groups are bullies. They both have their collective heads so far up the other's woohoo I can't tell where one starts and where one ends. All of this talk about throwing comps sickens me. It isn't fun to watch them as much as it was in their respective seasons.


I don't like people who use the excuse "it's just a game" as to why they are blatantly lying to people. That shows your true character right there. There are plenty of people who would not lie and scheme as much as Will has if they were to play in Big Brother. It's a personal choice how you try to play the game and how much your integrity and character mean to you.


if you dont lie you wont win bb


But it IS just a game. Seriously. You have to lie or backstab people to play the game. Honest people just don't cut it. It's just a game and if someone's going to be offended so much that they can't get over a lie, they weren't mature enough to play a game anyways.


I've become a fan of Will... the last two posts about lying in the game... my feeling is the lying doesn't bother me, it's part of the strategy of the game... what bugs me regardless of whether the HG is someone I like/dislike, is when they start bashing people(and their families) as individuals... one of the reasons I like Will is that I have seen very little of that from him... to me at least, he takes himself and the others very lightheartedly... seems like he does see it as a game


There are things in life called extremes. You can mislead people and play the game. You can be less than forthright and scheme. Then there is people like Will who are a walking, talking lie generator.

Look, I understand that a large portion of society nowadays doesn't have a shred of personal integrity whatsoever and thinks it's perfectly ok to stab everyone in the back to get what they want. Then there are people like me who simply would not do it.

I would rather be someone like Kaysar or Chicken George and play reasonably honest only getting into sequester than being a complete lying, backstabbing jerkwad like Will and win it all. Some people are just like that and those are the people I would want to know and be friends with.


I like Will, Janelle & Kaysar.

I really like James, he's a great guy. I have been pretty disappointed in his gameplay since he won HOH though. Especially with his recent treatment of this janelle situation. He hugged her & told her she had his support no matter what she did...blah blah blah....talked about how they would always be friends. I understand his anger but he doesnt' need to be so disrespectful.


I love the SOVs and love CT. Howie and Jan were my favs last year, Will was from season 2. This is the best year for me to have them all in the same house.


I kind of like everybody but get irritated by them all at the same time . . . he he :huh:

Like I like Kaysar, but am not even sure he's playing the game half the time . . . I like Janelle's loyalty and ability to win comps but find her out of touch much of the time . . . think Howie's too loud and repetitive but find it touching that he's been so nice to Chicken George even when it wasn't cool . . . James' is just a complete emotional wreck in the house but he seems really nice outside the house when he's posting on his boards . . .

As for Chilltown, Will makes me nervous with his mind control stuff just because I can't really pinpoint all the techniques he uses to sway peoples' minds . . . some of the stuff is obvious, but I'm not really understanding the psychology of all of it - like the constant complaining to demoralize people. So he freaks me out but I have to respect his game because based on the way Survivor All-Stars went down he should have been the first person out the door . . . and I actually kind of find Booger entertaining - a little icky but entertaining lol

I guess we all have good points and bad points, eh?


I loved CT and SOVs in their respective seasons. This year I'm with Janelle and Will.

Kasar is not doing it for me this year.

Howie is too dumb to win (I'm convinced that there is something medically wrong with him)

James is a whiney ass bit*h.

Boogie, I could take or leave.

I can't stand any of the floaters


I was a major SOV fan last year (Janelle, Kay, Howie). I was not a fan of James because he seemed too unstable to effectively compete.

Now, just like in S2, I found myself initially disliking Will. He is slowly starting to grow on me. I like his style of game-play and hope he lies his way to the final two. This is a game and the lying doesn't bother me at all. He is basically playing the same game he played in his season and these people are falling for it!

If Will happens to have turned into an honorable player, the SOV is in pretty good shape. If he's playing his usual game, they can chalk it. Either is fine with me. It's a game.

The game is on and the doctor is in!


i like the sov's (i dont count james as part of that) and the only time i liked Dr.Will was AFTER his season when he would be here or there on some reality show... and i dont care for boobie at all. specially after hearing him rant on and on about janelle.. and then pissing in howies apple juice bottle. YACK

PS at first i did not mean to type boobie...but then i thougth about it.. and he is a boob, so i left it as is.


Oh, I forgot about Boogie. I don't like him, he makes my skin crawl. However, I do think Will needed to have Boogie (IGOR) in the house initially to interact with the other HGs on his behalf because of his reputation. Now that he's helped bridge that gap he can go now. Will was way more entertaining in his season AFTER he loss his alliance mates. Now that IGOR has outlived his usefulness, I hope they send him home so they can awaken the good doctor.

The real game starts tonight with the new HOH.


I am a HUGE Sov Fan (minus James)...at first i detested Will and Boogie but they are kind of like herpes, it may be fun in the process but it sucks afterward... (btw; i DONT have the herps)... So anyway... I was thinking that even though Will is known for his LYING he hasn't really went back on his word this season... He tells people he will do "such and such" if they do "such and such" but then the person doesn't go for the deal so we don't know if he would actually stick to it... who knows!! But yeah, they are growing on me! And I only like Boogie because he is a gator fan!! (Go gators!!)

I'd actually like to have someone in the house that when I heard them talk that i knew their words were honest and they would keep their word... But i guess that's asking too much!!!


i still like janelle, i kinda like howie a little more this year even though his jokes are at least two seasons old now.......i hated CT on BB2 (i only watched the show back then, no feeds nor online updates) and that segment on shannon's memoirs really made my skin crawl......but i do find myself liking will this time around, i wish he would have agreed to come on this season without his lil buddy though


I'm loving Chill Town. I loved the SOV's last year. I like them this year. I hated James last year. I hate James this year. I hated Will the 1st 2 weeks, now I'm totally enamoured with him. I can do without Boogie.


Still love all the SOVs, even if they turn on each other. What the hey - they have to some time. And I love Will this time around. But that booger? Well, someone needs to flick him on outta there!! :P


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