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the argument about the 4 from season 6 is getting old. if there are 10 other ppl in that house and only the same 4 keep winning then it isn't because it's unfair or stacked in there favor it is since they walked in there a 10 to 4 alliance. they just came in prepared because they knew they would be the target.they study and try to keep there head in the game. that is all much like the nfl teams they start the season fresh and play hard to get those touch downs.

i'm from cincy and will always be a bengal's fan and until last year the team sucked but they kept on playing

they have an awesome coach they listen they played they almost won.

this is a new year for the sov and they came to play. so maybe if the other 8 quit complaining they might start to turn the game there way.

i hope not though!!!!!!!

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it's kind of like the argument that the twins on season.... (ok, whichever season that was) had an unfair advantage because there were two of them.......i felt that way too at first (and remember Marvin always complaining about it)....but one day one of the twins said that they were given both an advantage and a double disadvantage at the same time, which proved correct as the target on their backs got them evicted

but anyway, im a season six fan so i dont give a sh....:)

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Thanks uvp for sharing my view - the Sov dominence is awesome, and truly a delight to behold. That is what you meant, isn't it? After all, when you say 'isn't not good', that is a double negative, meaning the opposite - or that it is good!!!!

Thanks for agreeing with all of us on that Sovvy goodness! Welcome to the club - your Janelle membership pin is in the mail... :lol:

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bb6 keep winning accomplish one thing which i am glad about now all the non sov knows that sov must be taken out or their game is toast. if a non sov would have won bb6 may not have beeen an automatic nom. but here on out everyone not in the original sov would put their ass up in a heart beat. if they dont we will start to discover the secret alliances . no one in the house will feel bad about putting up to sov even a leech like ericka

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Let's be honest about it. The Sovs have had a big fat target on their backs from day one. If they lose ONE SINGLE HOH a Sov will go. So winning every HOH is just taking care of business. If they had lost each one and all 'sixers' were gone the rest of you would be here cacklin' that the Sov suck, and watch them all go HAHAHAHA...

So forgive me if I don;t have a lot of sympathy - sorry you don't like the Sovs but if they win a few more the numbers will tip in their favor...then you'll be really crying..

Oh well, WAHHHHH friggin' WAHHHHH! :lol::lol::lol:

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sup cappy. you know i have a mutual respect for you. with that said i have had my say in this thread and i leave the thread to you and the sov.

uvp defeated another week :angry:

sov :D

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yup.. even though i was sad to see uvp fall to such depths... i gotta give it to him for at least admitting his defeat and moving on.

well.. the moving on part will come later. :D

::::::::passes another tissue to uvp and gives him a beer:::::::::

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I am so glad that James won HOH. Would have been happy to see Danielle win also but James is better.

What I found astonishing is that most of the SOVs have been on slop for the whole week. If it would have been a physical competition, it really would have been unfair in their weakened condition. I think the memory comp was a good choice. Even if your memory isn't great, you have a 50/50 chance of being right with a guess.

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*peeks around corner*-----is it safe to come in yet? :lol:

If BB6 has any advantage, it's that they had a grueling season last year, had a vacation, and came back in game mode. It's like the rest of them haven't even found their footing in these competitions. They're kind of easing into them and the BB6ers just came back and kept playing the game they just finished.

As for people saying this is the worst season ever, they've said that every single season since the beginning.I browsed this forum last year, and trhere were a lot of posts about how boring the houseguests were, how they were all beautiful people, how they were going to stop watching, on and on ad nauseum.

As for this being the last season, I doubt it-----I haven't seen any solid numbers this year, but BB has usually done pretty well for CBS in the summer. They don't have to compete with the big blockbuster shows. They're up mostly against reruns.

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ya know... bb6 had a some negatives going into this comp... howie, janelle, and james all have been on the slop diet.. even though it wasnt physical... they had mushy brains. haha

and howie's ear has been bothering him.. not that it would matter... he sucks at comps.

ohh and ATTENTION::: Dr Will needs a tissue too!!! he is boohooing. complaining about the comp

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I personally agree that it is not as interesting to watch the sixers in power every week. It doesn't make the show that interesting in my opinion.

This week has the slight potential to be interesting assuming James chooses NOT to target CT. To see what his alliance does in response.

James has too many alliances to too many people to make this an easy choice for him, if he does anything other than the totally expected (and thus boring).

I am hoping that he does something interesting.

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Come on quit complaining, all last season all we heard from all across the internet was how badlly we wanted ALL STARS! Number 2 SOV 6 was voted in by who exactly??? That's right us the viewers. CBS gave us exactly what we asked for!!!

AS far as unfair comps well how can they be unfair they all were present for all the comps, they all got to view the same footage before the HOH comp so they all had the same chance. And if you ask for a physical

comp in case you have forgotten both Janie and James are good at those as well.

I am glad James won now the house will FINALLY get stirred up a bit!

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First, in case you do not realize it, ALL CAPS is considered yelling over the internet. And while I understand we are not all going to agree, the yelling is really uncalled for.

Second, using proper English, i.e.: saying "he/she needs to be fired" instead of "his/her needs to be fired", will convey your point much better.

Third, as others have said, if the groups other than BB6 would bother to even try and be aware of their surroundings rather than all the BB6 bashing, maybe they could do better in the comps.

And last but not least if it bothers you so much and the show sucks so bad, why are you even bothering to watch?


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my personal opinion is that there is a lot more wrong with BB allstars than they "sov" winning HOH comps.

in the words of chandler bing....could this season beeeeeeeeeeany less interesting?

i was all pumped up at the beginning of the season for a HUGE entertainment summer and i have been nothing but disappointed in this show! i mean really.......all will does is complain, all booger does is go to the "shack", howie is freakier than last year, diane is still trashy(but with nicer teeth), jase is weirding me out a bit, and ali......my hope for some good b*tchiness, got booted in the first week! wtf is up with this season!!!???

there is nothing bigger or better about all stars, aside from the fact that they are bigger babies this year! all they do is whine, whine, and then whine some more! c'mon guys, get over yourselves!

and BB........seriously, could you give them something to do so that they shut up and make things more interesting for the viewers? after all, its all about the viewers, right?

not that i'll stop watching at all. i'm a glutton for punishment, so i will suffer thru the entire season, whining like a HG the entire time.......but still hoping that each new day will bring a new shread of hope for a more interesting season!!

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Here we go again. Why do you watch if you think it's rigged?

It's not rigged. CBS would lost the whole network it it ever came out that it was rigged. It a game show and there are VERY strict laws in place to prevent rigging. Every year there are people who can't get over the "CBS rigged the game so this person/team would win" theory. you would think by season 7 this theory would be dead. GET OVER IT!!!

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all last season all we heard from all across the internet was how badlly we wanted ALL STARS! ~ quote Tweetygal

ummm i think only 5 people were saying how they wanted an all stars. lol :D

last year all we heard from across the internet was how badly we wanted an SOV to win.

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Not many people AT ALL wanted an All Star season. I know I sure didn't, I wanted new fresh people. This season has been a complete disappointment to me. It's not all star worthy. The competitions aren't all star worthy, and neither are the "twists". It's just like any old season, just we get the displeasure of seeing people come back, who've already played the game.

The only reason Will complains so much, is because the producers promised him that there would be All Star worthy competitions, etc. He wouldn't have agreed to do it, had he known the competitions and everything were going to be so lame. And so far, they haven't came through on their promise, so he complains about it to them.

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I am not trying to start an argument, but yes there were TONS of posts last year and the year before wanting an All Stars season. ON many different web sites . I personally would have opted not to have one, but...There were many rumours even started last year about this year being an A/S season and look here it is. I agree it would have been better to get a new group of people. But can everyone always be pleased all of the time?

Yes I also agree that there should be some twists and turns to keep us guessing but so far CBS is not giving us much. It would be great to see some exciting comp's and some twists to stir the whole pot up. Who knows maybe it is still coming~!

AS for Will, I think he is just trying to get as much notice as he can :rolleyes: and looks like it is working 'cause all over the web everyone is talking about him. :lol:

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