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Julie Chen


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First off, let me say .. Go Janie Go!

I am a huge fan of BB .. and I also worked as a News Producer for CBS for over 2 years .. so, when this link was sent to our newsroom, we almost died of laughter! Of course, our news desk had it confirmed .. it is amazing what plastic surgery (and a romantic relationship with CBS head honcho Les Moonves) can do for your career!!!


This is so hysterical .. now every time I see Julie Chen I see this image in my head .. ewww. :lol:

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I have seen this before .. but to me, it doesn't look like she had any real work done. It looks like maybe she lost some weight, and changed her makeup.

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Oh my gosh. Her nose is totally different now. Before it was wide, a little flat and puffy at the tip. Now the entire bridge of her nose is narrow and the tip is totally different. Her eyelids are also less puffy.

Way to go, Julie. That is a woman with a plan. She was not unattrative at all before, too bad she had to do even better to get on network television.

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Yes Thanks GoJanie... I wasn't trying to be mean... This photo has been posted every year I have been here at Morty's... People do forget though... Thanks again :)

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Guest StarBaby

Wow, I can't believe anyone would think that was all done with losing weight and some clever makeup. We are talking some serious plastic, people! She looks 100% better, and if I had that kind of money, and felt like I wanted to improve my looks, I would go for it too! You go Julie! (I too look forward to seeing this every year, and it NEVER ceases to amaze me!)

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Hey, a couple different entertainment websites are reporting that Julie Chen may be pregnant. I noticed she is wearing less form fitting clothes, but didn't really notice anything? I have heard this rumor before and just want to know if there is any truth to it!

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how old is she?

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i always thought she was in her 40's. look like she about 45 thou

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  • 2 weeks later...

Remember when Julie called Alison out on the live show for saying she was gonna "grab Janelle by her fake boobs and her polyester hair and throw her into the pool"? Well, I sure hope she also calls Jase out for calling Janelle a "Bar Whore" among other things!

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Didn't Janelle call Maggie a transvestite? Maybe Julie should call her out on that.

Hell, while she's at it, she should just call EVERYBODY out on EVERYTHING they've ever said in the house, might as well, right?

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