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Sam Smith discussion thread


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155c3be5eff445c7_samsmith.jpgSam Smith

Age: 31
Hometown: West Nanticoke, Pennsylvania
Current city: Mountain Top, Pennsylvania
Occupation: Truck Driver

Three adjectives that describe you: Outgoing, bold, and comical.

Favorite activities: Riding my R1, playing basketball, and having friends over for pool parties.

What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the Big Brother house?
Missing my family.

Which past Big Brother cast member did you like most?
Derrick Levasseur, his gameplay was amazing.

Do you have a strategy for winning the game?
Be true and be a little bit of a rat for my alliance.

My life's motto is...
"If you're not living on the edge, you're taking up too much space."

What would you take into the house and why?
- Twisted Tea. Needs no explanation.
- A picture of my family, for love and my wife would want me to.
- My Yeti to keep my things cold.

Fun facts about yourself:
- I've been used in a recruiting commercial for one of my driving jobs.
- I was once interviewed by our local radio station.
- I was a model of the week in the Weekender Magazine.


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  • 3 weeks later...

He just made himself a big target in the house.  Will he be able to put the pieces together or will DR help him out?  He should know that the couples are Jack/Sis, Jackson/Holly/Kat, Nick/Bella and Christie/Tommy.  I feel that he trust Cliff because they both are dads.  He should make a deal with Kemi and take her off the block.  By Jess picking Jackson, he should know that he can't depend on her.  Also, you should always have a bigger target in the house.

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17 minutes ago, CrazyBBFan said:

He just made himself a big target in the house.  Will he be able to put the pieces together or will DR help him out?  He should know that the couples are Jack/Sis, Jackson/Holly/Kat, Nick/Bella and Christie/Tommy.  I feel that he trust Cliff because they both are dads.  He should make a deal with Kemi and take her off the block.  By Jess picking Jackson, he should know that he can't depend on her.  Also, you should always have a bigger target in the house.


Great assessment!

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9 hours ago, Keepittogether said:

I like Sam.  He just seems like a good guy.

I also like Sam and hope that either he or Cliff win the game.  They both seem real where the other guys are sneaky.

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A day later and a dollar short.  After Bella tells him about Gr8ful, he knows he is an outsider.  She told him that he's number nine. Everyone in the house can tell that there is something wrong with him.  Now he want to work with Kemi and the others.  i glad that he's planting those seeds of distrust among the Gr8ful.

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On 7/10/2019 at 10:57 PM, WOC said:

His constant over the top yelling is annoying as sh*t! (In the DR that is)

Took the words right out of my mouth... 


Hey WOC, another year gone by.  Not so many people here anymore.  Guess they all moved to Facebook but I like this forum better.

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4 minutes ago, HeleneL said:

Took the words right out of my mouth... 


Hey WOC, another year gone by.  Not so many people here anymore.  Guess they all moved to Facebook but I like this forum better.


Hey Helen! What can I say, we're hold outs. FB kinda sucks too. Glad to see ya though!


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On 7/12/2019 at 4:36 PM, AirGumby said:

Like him too, so far.  Reminds me of the guy from an early season.. he was a weatherman  I think? 


Howie? I know there is usually at least one DR yeller in every season :lol:. I like him. He seems like a good guy. But there is the same problem with him as with the other outcasts. Is he trying to get in with the power alliance and will he continue to vote with them just to stay on the fringe of the group? The only way to shift power away from them is to break them. Getting either Jack or Christie out will fracture the group and new alliances would form.

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1 hour ago, straykat said:


Howie? I know there is usually at least one DR yeller in every season :lol:. I like him. He seems like a good guy. But there is the same problem with him as with the other outcasts. Is he trying to get in with the power alliance and will he continue to vote with them just to stay on the fringe of the group? The only way to shift power away from them is to break them. Getting either Jack or Christie out will fracture the group and new alliances would form.

Great idea if the outcast can ever get a person in HOH.  Nothing I would love more than to see Jack and Christie on the block together and as a special twist they send both home the same night.

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4 minutes ago, Newby said:

Great idea if the outcast can ever get a person in HOH.  Nothing I would love more than to see Jack and Christie on the block together and as a special twist they send both home the same night.


He's not smart enough to do what needs to be done.  After being told about the group of eight, he feels hurt about not being one of them.  He should be mad and want to get even with them.  He's going to be either first or second to the jury house.

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He tried to talk Holly into putting Jess on the block instead of himself.  His pitch was no one would really miss Jess If she was voted out of the game.  I can't recall if Jess ever said something bad about him.  He also threw Cliff and Nicole under the bus.  After those comments, he earn his place on the block this week.

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On 8/1/2019 at 1:45 PM, BBLurkerPlus said:

The reddit thread from 6 years ago that seems like it's from Sam's account says he was busted for selling drugs and weapons when working for the university.  If it's true, that's gonna be major if he's still in the house...

I like him more and more....

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