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James Huling (Week 6) - HoH, PoV winner

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You know what would be a great HOH perk maybe not every HOH but maybe one per season like on a very important week,  for the HOH to have live footage and audio of every room in the house.  I want James to be hearing all these different conversations right now.  If Shelli somehow pulls herself off the block by winning POV I would love for Vanessa to be her replacement.

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It seems like James is really there to play BB. He has watched the power play with the three that have been in control for the last four weeks and knows his only option is try to break up that threesome. Hope he wins the POV. It would be so nice to see the aging cheerleader and her son on the block all week with one of them doomed to hit the door.

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I kinda want James to win the veto comp because I'd love to see Shelli, Vanessa & Clay pitch their "backdoor Becky" plan because she's been disloyal and playing both sides.

James does not appear to be an emotional player with his feelings running hot & cold like some of the HGs. And since James was never aligned with Becky, her alleged "betrayal" won't mean that much to him. He might even excuse it as bad game play on her part.

Becky's 1 HOH comp win was back in week 2, and she's on a 3 comp losing streak, she has no power and only one trusted friend in Johnny Mac.

I just hope that James doesn't fall for it, and that he tells Jackie & Meg that Becky is playing both sides and isn't really with them.

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I hope somebody wins POV who will leave the nominations unchanged. Would love to see how everyone will vote between Shelli and Clay. Hope they are smart enough to get rid of Shelli first.

I think it would be Shelli to go home....6-3 or more...  fingers crossed no jinx! 

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I am starting to wonder a little about his mindset.  As a prison guard he stated that the inmates at penal institutions are NEVER raped. He feels that naive inmates sexually submit themselves to other inmates voluntarily for protection or are tricked or beaten into submission. What??  Is this how all prison guards view what is happening under their watch??   If you are beaten into submission, is that not rape?? IS THIS THE TYPE OF PROFESSIONAL TRAINING THAT PRISON GUARDS GET IN THIS COUNTRY? They should simply ignore the muffled moans or cries for help because this is something the victimized inmates choose? 


I guess they need to tell themselves something in order to sleep at night.

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Since Clay is telling everyone to send him home James is going to take him down with the Veto


We will see if he follows through.

If James does use the veto to take Clay off the block, the only HG that could rally 5 votes against Shelli is Vanessa. Austin, Steve, Julia & Liz would definitely vote to evict Shelli over Vanessa. Jackie & Meg would as well. Clay, Becky & Johnny Mac's 3 votes is not enough. Bye Bye Shelli.

Besides Vanessa already made her crew take a loyalty oath in the event she is the replacement nominee. So she's covered.

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I don't know if putting Vanessa up is a good idea. Right now he is a big target for Clay and Shelli, but I get the feeling Austin and the twins are okay with the power couple being taken out. If he replaces Clay with Vanessa, he runs the risk of both Shelli and Clay being in the house at the end of the week and having Austin and the twins really gunning for him.

I think his better play is to make a deal with Austin and the twins. In exchange for their vote to evict Shelli, he won't put one of the up as a replacement nom.

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I don't know if putting Vanessa up is a good idea. Right now he is a big target for Clay and Shelli, but I get the feeling Austin and the twins are okay with the power couple being taken out. If he replaces Clay with Vanessa, he runs the risk of both Shelli and Clay being in the house at the end of the week and having Austin and the twins really gunning for him.

I think his better play is to make a deal with Austin and the twins. In exchange for their vote to evict Shelli, he won't put one of the up as a replacement nom.

The only problem with making a deal with Austin & the twins is that once the veto ceremony is over James has no more power. He would have to trust that Austin & the twins would keep their word and vote out Shelli. But if Austin & the twins are not on the block, they can vote how they want, they don't owe James their loyalty. Their loyalty is to Vanessa first.

When Shelli was HOH she paired DaVonne with Meg because Davonne didn't have the votes over Meg to stay in the house. Vanessa did the same thing when she put James & Jeff together.

Vanessa has the votes to stay over Shelli and I would hope that James knows this. And besides Vanessa has never been nominated, but she nominated James in week three. She would be pissed & upset with James, but I think that he could explain to her that she was never the target because Vanessa already knows that James wants Shelli out over Clay because Shelli is a comp beast. And the upside for Vanessa is that Shelli's eviction was not by her hand.

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If he keeps noms the same it will be fine, but if he wants Vanessa to lose ALL of her cookies put her up in a "fake" backdoor move.  Tell her it's to insure Shelli goes.  I just want to see Vanessa scramble harder than she has been ever in the house.  I'm a bit sadistic, sue me.

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OK, I just read LFUs from end of BBAD until now. James's main problem right now is having to get marching orders from Meg and Jackie. He should man up and do what he wants to do, not what they think he should do.

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Provided there is no stupid BB takeover this week I think that James has accomplished what he set out to do. Break up one of the pairs in the house.

Mission Accomplished

I don't think that Clay was really into playing the game. He was much too comfortable letting Shelli do all the heavy lifting.

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He stuck to his guns and got one of them out, I think that was the main point of his HOH reign. The stronger of the two not really, but we shall see on Thursday if he actually got the person he wanted out.  He did this all by himself, his alliance was total crap and was of zero use to him this week.  I just hope he survives next week to go further in this game.

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If James does manage to survive next week I sure hope he does not continue to drag Meg along because she is totally useless to him in the game.

Yesterday, Meg told Steve that she would give him a kiss if he won the next HOH. I don't recall if James got an offer of a kiss for his HOH win. I really want James to wake up and stop crushing on Meg - it's not gonna happen. James should pair up with Jackie because she's a much better competitor than Meg will ever be.

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