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BB17 Houseguests: Overall First Impressions

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In case you haven't seen the HGs yet on CBS, here's a link to ET with an overview of them:


So far, I'm excited by the Rafi looking guy (if you watch The League, you'll know who I'm talking about! Lol) there's also a new Hayden 2.0 from last year, long-hair surfer looking guy. I am confused if they did recruiting at casinos this year with 2 poker dealers. I also looked up 2 of the prettier girls (Liz and Meg) and immediately found their modeling/aspiring actress head shots online. Kinda disappointed that most of the HGs are wannabe actors this year, but I guess what else can you expect and I should know better after watching since Season 2. I suppose with the "transparency" theme this year it might be kind of interesting.

What are your impressions? Anyone actually watch the Frankie Grande behind the scenes?

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This has got to be the youngest cast ever and as usual not much diversity. I hope there is some substance. I think the hippi self taught wrestler with a Master's degree is my 1st blush fav. Love his wrestling name, Judas...wonder if that is a portent of things to come. The professional poker player is my front runner for house villian.

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There's only 14 HGs with rumored to be 2 returning HGs (one male & one female) as coaches of each team by gender for a battle of the sexes theme. This is all heresay but I kinda believe it, although I don't care for it really.

And yeah, a much younger group this year. I wonder if any are parents or married, or will it be another season of casual hook-ups?

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I am thinking there has to be 2 secret houseguests and normally when they do secret Houseguests they are returning players I think we are going to see two returning players.  I don't see why they would do a coaches season again when they did that a few years ago and doing that would be stupid anyways. 


Most likely two returning Houseguests are coming in one girl and one guy and I actually hope it is someone that hasn't won and only done the show once.  In fact I would like to maybe see two first evictees come in.


As for the Houseguests:


Audrey seems like someone that will play extremely hard from day one which I think will ultimately be her downside.  There is always one person who plays the game way too hard too fast and this year I think Audrey does that.  I am predicting an early exit for her.


Austin is interesting to me.  He sounds like he will play too different people and could be a big threat because of it. He will probably try to play more of a social game. If he is successful in his social game and can win some comps I think he gets far.  Not sold he will win though.


Becky seems like someone that will play dumb to win the game but I seriously don't think she will.  I say out in the middle of the game.


I am still reviewing the HG's and will make opinions as I learn about them.  Right now though I am intriqued by Audrey but think she will end up making the mistake of playing too hard too fast and could also be another Amanda.  Right now I think James or Jason are my favorites to win the show.

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Just tuned into The Talk just as Julie announced the one of the female HG's is transgender. This should be a hoot.

 It's Audrey and she is very pretty she was born Adam they said. I have not watched the interviews yet between work and my sick dad. I am going to try tonight to see a few.
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audrey will make it far she is this year production person they would want to hang around awhile



if she goes first .................



guys dont seems like the typical bros before..... type of cast



even with that said i would have a tough time picking a girl to win the game



guys just win bb more often :animated_bouncy:

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I watched all the intro videos and am not super impressed either, though I've found intro videos aren't all that informative when it comes to how these people will interact and play. I'm not too happy with the lack of diversity in ages. I really enjoy them throwing at least a couple older people into the mix as I can't think of many instances where this didn't add to the overall appeal of a cast. This narrow age range and inclusion of mostly "single and ready to mingle" people means they are obviously pushing really hard for showmances this year. I'm not anti-showmance or anything but it really narrows the options for strategic play, which I don't like. And they also chose really cocky people. I don't see any super likeable people that I'm rooting for right off the bat yet except maybe Austin, who is a likely early boot. At least half of the women seem to have the exact same personality. Here are my first impressions of everyone:


Audrey- Can't knock her for not being an interesting choice. She could be the star of the season if she kept her cool but I detect a very volatile temper and predict she will bring serious drama.


Austin- Most interesting male personality IMO and my first impression person I will root for. He seems to have a good sense of humor and is pretty humble despite an interesting past. I sure hope he plays more subtley than putting on a hat to lie though...


Becky, Da'Vonne, Liz, Shelli, Meg- I seriously have to combine all these women because their personalities were so similar I can barelly even remember what was different about them. They were all attractive, loud, seemed fairly self-centered, and appear to be aspiring actress types with a pretty high likelyhood for a short-term shomance that goes no where.


Clay- Ugh, the stereotypical brainless pretty boy! He reminds me of Colby Donaldson from Survivor without the charisma. Don't care for him at all. He'll probably end up in a showmance and do whatever the woman says.


Jace- Cocky and full of himself to the extreme and can't even sit still he is so addicted to stimulation! Everything I hate about the new generation of young people.


James- I have never seen an Asian redneck in my life so I can't say he's not something unique but he seems like just a nice guy that is completey clueless about what he's getting into. It might be another Lawon.


Jason- Holy Moly this dude is all kinds of creepy and it has nothing to do with him being gay. He seems like a spazzy mess who can't sit still and looks at you with serial killer eyes. Dunno quite what to make of him but interested to see more.


John- Seems like almost as much of a personality black hole as Clay and James but hopefully capable of a little more stragically than them. He seems kind of awkward socially though, which is a running theme for the guys.


Steve- I'm reasonably intrigued by this guy, mostly due to lack of other options. He's obviously got some smarts and I do enjoy a player who acts like a helpless puppydog while stabbing people in the back left and right behind the scenes. He is possibly cabable of the most interesting gameplay this season on the men's side.


Vanessa- This girl has villain written all over her and that sounds good to me. She does have a fairly impressive history on the pro poker tour and lots of poker skills are transferrable to this game such as lying with a straight face. I hope she really embraces the role of the villian and orchestrates some interesting moves this season as there are so few true female power players in BB's history compared to males.

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Honestly I'm looking forward to this cast more some of the previous casts.  I'm not entirely certain why...I just feel like there's a bit more of an upbeat feel based upon the interviews I've seen.  I could absolutely be wrong though.  I like most of the HGs so I'll list my problems with the few that I don't feel too thrilled with.


Clay:  Too much of a pretty boy.  Claimed to be a fan for 4 months?


Da'Vonne:  There's just something about her that rubs me the wrong way.  I can't really put a finger on it though.


James: Casting tried way too hard to replace Donny this year with someone even more unique.  Don't get me wrong...I was not expecting that voice to come out of that face...but wow...Donny was one of a kind.  We'll just have to wait and see.


Liz:  That voice.  Too much.  Annoys me almost as much as Rachel's.


Obviously it's way too hard to judge off the interviews.  Right now Johnny Mac is my favorite but I can see how his personality may grate on other people's nerves as well.


Again, we'll just have to wait and see!

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I don't see much potential for showmances other than one or more women trying to hook up with the Ken doll (he reminds me of the Toy Story Ken) and maybe Jace. Most of the women seem to think they are really hot and I just don't see them wanting to get into a showmance with any of those other guys. Not that they wouldn't be flirty with the guys but I don't see there being any cuddling and giggling in the beds with guys like James, Steve or John.

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