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Everything posted by WickedOne

  1. Drops a bag full of kittens down for your dogs... cackles evilly

  2. Stuffs reindeer poo in your mailbox & dashes off cackling!

  3. .. lice? Chin scratch. Hmm... nah. Gives you crabs instead.

  4. Does a fly over sprinkling fleas over your abode.

  5. *burps and blows deer breath in your face*

  6. Snags can o poop up and a spade... runs off to shovel it into peoples mailboxes with a 'love fizzle' note.

  7. Pick another day. I can't. duh

  8. The poo was her idea. Holds up a fork.

  9. Santa will be... um, detained this year. You'll be getting a gift from me instead *cackle*

  10. Snickers at critters up shell, smoked out ploy. Drags in three dozen brooms needing grooming. Gee! You're swell! Let's go!

  11. Picks fangs. Wut deer?


  13. Hands u an empty coffee can marked [poo here] on the front. Then offers u some special cookies.

  14. So that's what you're calling it nowadays? Your 'mini'?

  15. thbbbttttttttttttt

  16. Define mini coop. *evil snicker*

  17. Places a smoke bomb up slow's shell.

  18. Sets a smoke bomb off in oven & flies off cackling>>>

  19. pfffttt... > Ultimate Stalker

  20. Tackles u and smooches your whole face whilst wearing black lipstick...BAH HAHAHA *runs*

  21. Sets a cherry bomb off in your toilet.

  22. Hides a bag of poo in your microwave...

  23. Blows up your oven... evil grin...

  24. dumb told me to blow your toilet up. *BooM* My work here is done...

  25. I'll bring explosives and hide the extinguishers.. heads to fizzles to blow her toilet up...



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