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Early Bird Offer Available for Live Feeds

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So, question about subscribing early. I thought I recently saw mention about being able to subscribe at the beginning of June to get access to some stuff to keep us entertained before the season starts. Stuff like exclusive interviews with former house guests, some kind of talk show that a past guest is doing, etc.

I'm not much interested in that, but I AM interested in subscribing early IF we can see the live feeds from last season via the flash back feature. In past seasons we WERE able to flash back to the season before.. but last year we were not. Does anyone know if live feed season 15 is available on the feeds right now? I'd sign up early for that- it'll tide me over until June 25th.

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Guest 6Borders

I got the email too, I think they're trying to bypass paying the fan sites the commission. You can get the same deal here, and support my site at the same time: http://m1h.us/bb16

Oh wow...a "CBS conspiracy theory"???? Seems when I was "therorizing" that Grodner was rigging the show for her favs I was shot down all over the place, but I guess this one MUST be legit!!!!

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I signed up using the link here so I hope you get credit for it. I had a few problems but it finally went through. I did notice it said on June 4th we would be able to log on and get extra features. I think its about 3.00 more than last year not sure I really don't remember what I paid.

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New Live Feed Viewer Powers [May 30, 2014] This year the Big Brother live feed subscribers extra power over the fans who only watch on TV. As before, you'll get desktop, tablet, and mobile device, and 24/7 access, which comes with with an asterisk that says, "To preserve the integrity of Big Brother, the feeds may be edited, delayed and/or blacked out on occasion at CBS' sole discretion. But in return, we'll now get bonus features including online votes that will effect the houseguests and possibly the game.

Of course CBS is hoping that this will increase subscriptions to the live feeds, but it's also long overdue reward for us hardcore fans, because we are the ones that really know what's going on in the house.

Subscribers will also be able to "Flashback" it's like a live feed DVR that allows you to rewind to any day, hour, minute, and camera view to see what happened and watch as many times as you want. Click Here to Order the Live Feeds and Get an Early Bird Discount. Give out this link to your friends: http://m1h.us/bb16

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  • 2 weeks later...

Does anyone know if live feed season 15 is available on the feeds right now? I'd sign up early for that- it'll tide me over until June 25th.

I'm still hoping someone who has already signed up for early bird can be kind enough to answer my question. :)

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I signed up tonight through Morty's link. I hope it worked. They didn't take me to the second page where you actually buy the feeds and had to end up doing some back tracking. Oh well. I hope others don't have that problem.

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I had the same thing as you, Moxie. I clicked on Morty's link again and then waited for it to do its redirection and it went to the subscribe page. But there is nothing in that page that shows a connection to Morty's, no add on to the address or anything. Its exactly the same as if I clicked on the CBS BB page without going thru Morty's link. How do we know Morty is getting the credit?

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Guest 6Borders

Going to wait and see who the cast is and what the "big (flop) twist" of the season

will be first. I don't mind paying a little more for feeds later than wasting my money

on the early special just to see MCTrashCanda or Brenchel again or a Hantz in

any way, shape or form!

Seems we are destined to have Rachel & Jeff shoved down our throats in some capacity!

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Guest 6Borders

Got mine (Morty better get credit)!!

The chat sucks as far as censorship (thank you Aaryn, GinaMarie, Spencer...BB15).

Don't even bother saying Evel 'Dick' (gotta make that Evel 'Richard' or ED); don't refer to anyone as "gay" (they have to be "cheerful"), "sex" in any way, shape or form is banned as a word, ditto just about any other un-politically-correct word you never thought you would hear or type thinking it wasn't! Don't bother to even mention a link, or forbid post one! I was discussing computers and monitors and got a warning (I think for saying "phone jack"). Of course the so-called help dept. will just defend the mods and refer you to the "terms of use" but never tell you what you said so you won't do it again. So thank you BB15 (sarcasm) for the BB16 season for the upcoming memories you have already provided...and thanks to Morty's TV Fan Forums where I can say the BLEEP what I want, on the forum (and in updates if that is ok).

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