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Aaryn - Week 9 - Evicted (Aug. 29) - Juror #4


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elissa new best friend outside of andy


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Aaryn's one goal is to win the 500K. As it should be. In my opinion, she doesn't like any of them and they don't like her. She is there because of Judd's HOH. Judd will forgive aaryn anything. That's the way it goes when you crush. Aaryn won comps to keep herself there and will win comps again; given the chance. That jury will not be voting about anything that aaryn has said. I suspect that elissa worries about aaryn/comps as much as her feelings for aaryn so aaryn might be on the block as marty predicted. Given the pov chance, her odds are good to come down. Maybe it is a really good thing for aaryn that judd is back in the game.

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Aaryn didn't put up Elissa for eviction the past two times, correct? How soon Elissa forgets. It's okay, because Elissa will follow Aaryn out the door, unless she gets off the self-righteous pedestal that she put herself on.


Aaryn DID put up Elissa during her last HOH.

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Aaryn DID put up Elissa during her last HOH.

she sure did..she seems to forget Elissa did not put her up once with her mvp and didn't vote her out if Aaryn or mccranda or andy go out this week ..all is well..airhead should have played her own game ...DUMMY ... :sadwalk:

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ITA. She was always too scared and had to vote this way, had to put that person up, etc. She never really made her own decisions. Elissa is not budging and not letting the others tell her what to do even though she may go next week.

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I haven't been glued to the feeds but I have NOT seen the McBullies in full HOH bedroom occupation mode unlike so many other HOH occupations of late.

I DID see Elissa tell Andy that she & GM were having a 'talk' leaving him to retreat. Now that hasn't been the hallmark of other HOH terms.

Although I don't think putting up Aaryn was a bit of good strategy, I am impressed with Elissa's determination to think it through for herself and reject the puppet trap that comes from the fear of the power couple like so many have in the past. She's come up her own decisions and she's willing to lose on the merits of her own decisions... A first in the BB15 house. Courage, whodda thunkit.... Good going Elissa.


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I think that elissa would love to see aaryn in sequester house - as would I, aaryn is a mess of a woman in my opinion; she who has much is sinfully stingy with those less fortunate - but she is open to the eviction of amanda, mccrae or aaryn. It's a win-win HOH for elissa. To hell with next week.

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You can only think about this week in the house. Too much future strategizing usually just means you spent a lot of time for nothing because people, alliances, etc. change from week to week. I hope that Aaryn does not put up Elissa next week if she gets HOH (of course that is if she is still in the house).

Wonder if she will spill the beans on 3am alliance? Probably not until after the veto comp just in case Amanda wins and she needs their votes to stay.

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Elissa and Aaryn seem to be the only ones that play week to week. Both know, wait for noms, who wins POV and then see who replaces who if its used. Both also know if their not HOH they are the target to someone. Seems they both will need to be back doored but after next week everyone plays for POV. I believe both will always have to win POV if their not HOH.

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aaryn just sold out gm with the worst throw under the bus jobs ever

if elissa buys it she is an idiot all time one at that :animated_bouncy:

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Looks like Amanda has concocted a big plan get Aaryon out but making it a blindside.

who knows with these idiots.

Even if Amanda is F2, I really can't see anyone voting for her. I think they will all take it personal. The funny thing is I don't think Amanda even cares. I think she wanted to be a TV "star" and just show her tits to the world.

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