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Andy Herren (Pre-season)

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Guest 6Borders



Name: Andy Herren
Age: 26
Hometown: Aurora, Ill.
Lives: Chicago, Ill.
Occupation: Professor
Marital Status: Single
Three adjectives that describe you:
Friendly, funny and red.
Favorite Activities: Improv, eating candy, watching TV, running, laughing with friends, playing with puppies as they walk down the street, teaching, making lists, ranking things, teaching my family’s cockatiel to call my dad “gurl,” messing with people, eating ice-cream too fast and being adorable.
What do you think will be the most difficult part about living inside the “Big Brother” house? Not having any privacy. I would be lying if I said I don’t find this intimidating. Also, the prospect of slop is something I have regular nightmares about. I just…can’t.
Strategy for winning “Big Brother”: I would start by playing a covertly aggressive game. I would lay low on the surface and be friendly to everyone (if this is possible) while secretly establishing a concrete alliance with people I have deemed the most trustworthy. I would scope out the house very quickly for these people, as I know you need to act soon to solidify trust and bonds. I’m quite good at reading people, so I would choose people I felt comfortable with, as well as people others would not expect me to align with. I also think my background in communications improv would be great strengths. Through communication and public speaking, I know how to say what people want to hear and through improv I am able to lie without batting an eye. I’m a smiley, friendly person, so nobody will see it coming when I stab them in the back.
Which past “Big Brother” cast member did you like most or least? My two favorites of all time are Britney and Ragan from season 12. I think I would have been BFFs with each of them, and I think I would have given Ragan the kick in the pants he needed to go far in the game. I thought he played a good social game (as he seemed to be genuinely well-liked by everyone), but I thought he wasn’t aggressive enough. He never made the big moves that I know he is capable of. Britney was similar. I would have smacked some sense into her and gotten her away from Lane. Her Diary Room confessions were like windows to my soul. She always said what I was thinking. They both made it far, but with me in the house during their season I think one of them (or me) could have won.
What are you afraid of? I am slightly afraid of heights, but it is not crippling or anything. I am terrified of bees, though. And people who enjoy Tyler Perry movies.
What is the accomplishment you are most proud of? There is a wall of graffiti on the first floor girls bathroom of the English Building at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign that is solely dedicated to me. Quips include, “I AM IN LOVE WITH ANDY HERREN,” “Ha ha! I know that ginger bastard!” and “Andy Herren for President!” Pretty incredible right?!
Finish this sentence: My life’s motto is… “From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!” “Dr. Seuss, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.”
What would you take into the house and why? 1. My baby blanket. I’ve had it my entire life and it would give me a sense of security and comfort while in the house. 2. a notepad and pen to take notes after competitions/while observing others in the house. DUH. 3. Skittles. Just because, why not? What am I supposed to do if there are no Skittles in the house?
What would you do if “Big Brother” made you famous? If Big Brother made me famous, I would definitely embrace it, but to a certain extent. I would love seeing people smile in my presence (and let’s be real – having the spotlight would feel nice), but I also love my life and my friends and family, and don’t want fame to come in the way of my already-established personal relationships. Thus, I would be sad if horrible tabloid stories were written about me or my loved ones, but I understand that this comes with the territory. Long story short, being famous would be totally cool, but as long as it is on my terms. ME ME ME.


Thank you so much, 6Borders.

surprised the mods were slow to create them

guess they were busy

maybe borders can be promoted to mod-ship

thanks for the threads


Guest 6Borders

I'm definitely rooting for him!!! (I know him thru a mutual friend in IL.)


He plays with puppies as they walk down the street!!!

Is afraid of people who like Tyler Perry movies!

Love him. Can't wait to see his diary room sessions.


seems knowledgeable about the game

the gay guy / or black hg's never wins bb

so he is not on my short list of potential winners

i hope he isnt overly emotional



I heard that you're wrong, there was a gay that won BB.

bbusa who???

i am referring to bbusa



I like this guy. Considering he teaches communication and speech those talents could come in very handy. I look forward to his diary room sessions. lol

i am referring to bbusa

Yes BB USA. Does it count that he didn't come out until after his season? Oh shoot, I just thought of another that's either gay or bi.


Yes BB USA. Does it count that he didn't come out until after his season? Oh shoot, I just thought of another that's either gay or bi.

i dont think coming out as a gay later counts

but that is my opinion i am sure we probably differ

for me what count is your status once you were in the house when you won the game

i know drew came out later and boogie there are rumors :animated_bouncy:

Guest 6Borders

Yes BB USA. Does it count that he didn't come out until after his season? Oh shoot, I just thought of another that's either gay or bi.

That would be Drew if my memory serves correctly...and Lisa!


Drew seemed very opportunistic to me. Hungry to be more. One of those people in conversation that find it impossible to maintain eye contact once you've lost their only interest of self-aggrandisement. Handsome. I don't see him being gay or anything except in tune with the moment.

Adam. I like him. I might not like him later but I agree with Adam that Ragan and Britney wasted an opportunity so we think alike somewhat. I am interested to see how adam comes across on the show.


Yes I was referring to Drew and Boogie. Drew came out, and in court documents that alleged the Boogie was using company funds to hire older men for sexual role playing. Since those allegations were made, Boogie became a father, and Ashton Kutcher has brought another high profile Hollywood investor into the group, so the allegations could have be BS. Don't remember if I heard anything about Lisa, I'm old and forgetful.

So we're way off topic. :offtopic: (My fault)

He's more on Andy:

This is from Andrea Reiher at Zap2It. She's a Big Brother fan you might want to follow.

Andy Herren was one of our favorite interviews for "Big Brother 15." He's smart, he's super excited to be on the show and he's very funny, so keep your eye on this one -- he knows his "Big Brother" history.

"From what I've observed, the people that get voted out at the beginning of the show are either the people that try to play five or six weeks worth of the game in one to two weeks and boom, they're out, or they're the people the HOH nominates them and is like, 'Well, I'm nominating you because you never took the time to get to know me' and I'm just like, 'What are you thinking, person?! They're the HOH, get to know them!'" Andy tells Zap2it.

So, his strategy is to make connections right away, which will hopefully keep him from being seen as a threat.

"I really do genuinely love people, so I want to know people's backstories, I want to know more about them. I'm going to establish that connection, hopefully with everyone, and they won't see me as a super-huge threat right at the beginning," says Andy. "I want to be slightly aggressive at the beginning, but I want it to be totally covert."

We always like to ask the hamsters about potential showmances. Andy, as a gay man, probably won't have much of an opportunity for one, but he loved getting asked the question anyway.

"I feel like the pickin's are probably gonna be pretty slim [laughs], but let's say there is another gay guy in the house -- I'm not like going into the 'Big Brother' house all, 'This is going to be my summer of love.' [laughs] But if my soulmate, for some reason, has been put in the 'Big Brother' house, it might happen. But I'm not, like, on the show to find love. [laughs] Oh my god, I almost want to start lying for the rest of my interviews today, like, 'I don't care about the money, I'm here to find love,'" he sighs, laughing really hard.

We would have loved that, too, Andy.

But on the topic of being gay, Andy tells us that while he hopes someone who is super homophobic is not in the house, he also would love to be "the person that changes their mind."

"I want them to see that this guy's gay, but he's also a really good, genuine person," says Andy.

As far as game play goes, Andy says he's not going to create drama for drama's sake, but he's definitely here to win.

"I want to play the cleanest game that I possibly can. I am totally willing to stir the pot if it needs to be stirred, but I'm not going to stir it just to stir it. ... I know that I'm gonna have to lie at some point, it is part of the game," says Andy.

"Anybody who's like, 'He swore! And then he went back on it, he's a terrible person.' It's like -- you know what you signed up for, shut up. You're on 'Big Brother,' cool it."

Here's video that won't embed:



He seems nicer than Ragan. I can't remember what I said about Ragan but I hope it wasn't good. I did not like that guy. I think that it would be difficult, however, to be the only openly gay person in a house of heterosexuals; unless you did fabulous hair and makeup and used that talent generously to stay around until you could finish them off. Being set apart, for whatever reason, takes a toll.



I think that Andy will be voted the Power Player a few times. I think America will give him the vote. Gay acceptance is at an all time high right now. :mbabe:

Guest 6Borders

Thanks Morty for the Zap2It Interview.

Andy is definitely my fav for the season!!! Who knows, if he's a big fan fav he may even get some

"production assistance" :nono:


I think that Andy will be voted the Power Player a few times. I think America will give him the vote. Gay acceptance is at an all time high right now. :mbabe:

yeah ragan was popular for whatever reason

even won the saboteur thingy during his season

last year he was pretty high on the online cbs mentor vote too :animated_bouncy:

Guest 6Borders

I think Andy is going to be a lot less emotional than Ragan.

Interesting that they are both professors. I'll have to ask my friend in Chicago who is friends with Andy if he's related to Ragan in any way!

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