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An Open Letter to Allison Grodner : BB Producer


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Dear Allison,

I Know you read the Boards and since @mortystv is one of the top boards I know you will see this .. First off I would Love it if Hundreds of you (My Fellow Board and LFU Followers) express your opinions as I am about to do here on mortystv.com boards... cause this is the only way that Allison will know what true fans want to say to Her personally .

Allison, In my personal opinion this has been the Greatest season ever . I have watched the LFU's ( Live Feed Updates on MortysTV ) since Season One and of course watched and reported since Season One . Previously My 2 Favorite seasons where Season 8 then season 5 , in that order but this season just blows away them by miles ..

The competitions where actual competitive, each and every one .. I didn't feel , as I have in the past, that a Comp was directed at a specific contestant to Win. Each Comp felt like a "Dog Fight" and let the Best person Win ... and that in itself was so very Welcome in my Lil BB World

There is only One Major Change I would make to the format of the show and that is .... Go by the Bio's and Video's submitted ... Forget about recruiting those you see on Facebook or whatever else (site) ... Go with all Newbies for a Season 15 ... We need New Hero's and New Villiain's to root for and to root against. It might take an extra few days to fill the required "Looks" and "Personalities" BUT Trust me it will be worth it ... cause from it, Is where you will find the New Stars of Big Brother..... I Know, I Know .. It's Tremendous pressure being in charge of an American institution.. like Big Brother has become but I now feel very, very, confident in the Future of the Show by what you have produced this season.and I want to say Thank You and look forward too many more years of BB to come.



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Great post! I agree that this season has been fantastic. I have my qualms but the end result has been fantastic. The final 4 are all competitive and each has a real argument to win.

I also agree that next season should be all new players that know the game. If veterans are brought back, it shouldn't be "All Star" caliber people ... instead, bringing back people who were voted out early like Keith, Cassi, Dominic, and Kara. It would be a nice twist to get people to tune in early but they wouldn't immediately be viewed as threats like the All Stars are and their presence wouldn't define the vast majority of the season.

If you were to bring back All Star vets again, I thought the coaches idea was a good one. However, I would change the team aspect. It might work to give all the house guests a week or two in the house on their own and let alliances form then unleash the coaches onto the house. Then let the coaches draft immediately without any knowledge of who is in an alliance with who. That way, players are more likely to play their own game rather than have the game be dictated by the coaches.

Another spin to the coaches concept would be to play it similarly to how it went this year but when a coaches player is evicted, their other players cannot be nominated the following week. That way, the coaches stay in the game longer because Brit and Dan were both on their way out the door very early and were only saved by the reset.

Another change would be to make the type of comps less predictable. It's almost comical how often the house guests are correct when they speculate about what the HOH comps will be (quiz, physical, endurance, etc)!

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After reading your Letter LoneTWolf I feel compelled to say that I feel much the same way except I would love to see the HG's have it harder for punishments ... Like sleeping in the BY for awhile or maybe everyone on Slop for a week or how about a Double POV ,,like to shock everyone ... I guess I'm just saying I really like the unexpected. I do like the idea of all New HG's, thats for sure. OK Peace out unless I think of something even more devious. Ha ha !!!

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OOO YEA Big Mack .. I really dig the idea of.... if BB thinks they have to bring back previous Players.... that they should be players who where evicted in the first few weeks..... cause they really never got to show whether they had Game or not

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AMEN Kansas I threw up in my Mouth a bit when Santa Jessie came back into the the House ... I know they do it to irratate us true Fans but enough is enough ... at this point there are at least a Hundred other Former HG's I'd rather see ..... Ya know while I'm thinking about it ... wouldn't it be Great if someone did an Update on ALL former HG's ... no mater how daunting a Task that would be .. It would be so cool to know "Whats Up"??

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Having a Minute to think ... How GREAT would it have been to have say a Santa Danielle Reyes to come in the House and Her presents would have included a small piece (Hint) of Game Play to each HG's ???

Love it , Please keep telling Allison how you really feel about how this Season of BB Went !!

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I do not agree that it's been the best season ever. In my opinion there has been very clear manipulation of the game. That is sad really because it would be much more compelling to see real people, real emotions and real results. It's not really a social experiment if it is so manipulated. I look forward to new season with new contestants and a few truly unique surprises. I love the premise of the show...just let it be real and you'll have this fan for a long time to come.

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Allison time to lose Jesse's number.

Agreed!! He is so annoying. So is Rachel. They need to please stop "bringing back" these (or any) players even for PBs. It's quite irritating and just makes the game feel cheesy and old. (And while we're on that subject, can we only have one PB per season? It's an interesting idea but entirely too played out).

In general, I think this has been one of the most boring seasons for me. I've liked Dan's gameplay, but a lot of the game has been lackluster and predictable. For one thing, it really, really didn't work to bring in the coaches b/c it kept the "newbies" from really developing natural alliances at the beginning, and once the coaches were let into the game, it was like the previous few weeks didn't even happen. This really lost what little momentum the season had going for it, which was unfortunate. Give us a REAL season of Big Brother please, with all new players. I think it's been several years since that happened. Bringing in veterans should be a treat every few years, not a standard to be repeated every year.

For another thing, the competitions themselves have been so predictable that even the HGs knew which ones are coming next. It would make things a lot more interesting to have new competitions every year and to shake up the order that certain types of comps are played. "Expect the unexpected" has come to mean that they just rearrange eviction schedules, it seems, because the rest of the game is quite predictable.

Personally I would love it to go back to a more organic version of the game (think seasons 2 and 3) where complete strangers are put in a house to let the game unfold. It felt much less manipulated back then and like the gameplay was allowed to happen more naturally... which is what I loved about the game. It's unfortunately become far too staged for my taste and is losing much of what made it great in the beginning seasons.

One other thing, it would be awesome if the live feeds wouldn't cut out so much. That really makes it feel like we're not seeing the whole story, and lends a lot of credence to the rumors that AG is manipulating things. Everything should be much more open and uncensored (including allowing the HGs to talk about their DRs). Right now it's starting to feel like we're only seeing what they want us to see. While I can understand not wanting to air copyrighted music, they could simply cut away to another part of the house or something. The cutting of the feeds seemed entirely too much this season. I would even love to see the competitions which they never seem to want us to see for some reason. We're paying for the feeds, so why they are restricting us from seeing these until the free airing on network tv makes no sense to me. We'll know the outcome of the comp anyway once the HGs talk about it, so I'm not really sure what they're hiding.

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Didnt like this season, only really liked IAN, hope he wins.

AG if you read this and sincerely give a crap, the next 2-3 seasons need to be original format, a full cast of fresh faces and personalities.. please no more returning HGs. I have had my fill of it.

I wanted so badly for the last 2 seasons to be Allstars 2, but I can seriously wait a few years for another allstars. No more Coaches, No more Jesse in tight underoos.


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I almost fell out of my chair when I found out this wasn't just another AG hate thread. Thanks for showing some appreciation for once LW! After all, we're all here posting on the message board because we love BB enough to go post at a BB message board.

And I may be alone here, but I don't mind Jessie coming in to punish people every year. That's why it is a punishment... because he is so annoying. I like running jokes in the show like Jessie and Zingbot and I thought it was funny that he came in and threw all the junk food away. That's a way better punishment than Joe's stupid hula hoop party thing.

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a Desert Rose by any other name would still be a Rose and you bring a Great point of View and if Super Pass and CBS would follow what you had to say ... not only would it be more interesting but I'd get a Hell'uva a lot less sleep cause I'd be watching the feeds for every nuance and movement ... Ha ha .. I Kill Me .. <Smile>

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One of the best seasons, not really. Dan is completely manipulating Danielle. Has been since the beginning. If she were smart, she'd back-door him NOW!

As for losing Jesse's #, I totally agree. That large-necked, over-bloated ego of a jerk is a pain in the ears, head & elsewhere.

Also, tonight's (Sept 12) "luxury" item has to be the worst ever on the show. I could think of better gifts to give the guests. Danielle & Shane looked so unimpressed, like they were faking interest & smiles, I'm surprised they even told the other HG's what Shane had won. I understand Americans loving their "heroes", but come on, as luxury prize. It could have been much, much better.

The idea of bringing back early exits is a good idea for a season. Might be interesting to see what they could've done. But then, you might also end up with a house full of floaters.

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This season to me is right there with Season 8 in my opinion. I thought it has been extremely fun to watch and I couldn't wait to find out what happened. I was actually thinking next years Big Brother and thought it would be fun to see an All Stars but with the people who have been early evictees this time. Jodi, JoJo, Kara, Annie, etc. They could bring 14 players into the house to play for it and then we will be sure that someone who has never won it before wins it. I would also like to see how these people would play the game. The only thing that sucks about this season though is that the same people won all the competitions and that sucks, I kind of like it when more people win them, this season we could have almost guess who will win the be HOH every week.

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I wonder if anyone else realizes that if you look at the name "BB Jag" That Jag is a Lawyer or a Judge Advocate or a representitive of a Military person on Trial ... Which explains why There Post is sooo convincing <Grin> I Know I bought into it ... Hook , Line, and Sinker

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OK Something I just remembered .. that I wanted to say and I don't know if we would even get that better of contestants and that is ... Why the Hell hasn't Big Brother raised it's Prize Money from 1/2 a Million to 1 million ... I mean Survivor is a Million and Amazing race is going to 2 Million Dollars ... Isn't Big Brother a game that is at least as intense and longer than those two ?

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TY LemonDrops ... Love me some Wil and am gratefull for you posting the link to Part 2 of the BB 14 HG's .. Sweet Momma , I watched Wil's interview today and he said a total of 19 hours of editing for 3 minutes of video ... all I can say is WOW !!!

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Stop giving people goo edits! Show them how they really are on the feeds and let the viewers decide! Unless im on the show and u can just put make me sweet as humble pie! Only the people on marty know the truth!

Ps as an african american, i would like to see more of a variety of people playing! 1 or 2 minorities is not going to cut it!

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