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Double Elimination 2 - Live Show, Thursday 9/6


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Well, we won't be sure who's gone during the DE tonight but, until there is a new HoH for week 9 we can discuss what happened on the live show here or anything else you have on your mind.

Me? I'm thinking the best thing for the QP is that either Shane or Dan wins DE-HoH. Shane should put up Jenn/Joe and Dan should put up Joe/Dani.

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I hope it is not that stupid Cornhole game that Joe has been practicing and is good at. He will put up Dan and someone and .... you never know they might do what they should do and get Dan out.

It will be exciting tonight for sure.

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Going to be interesting. If Shane, Dani or Ian win HOH, I think they will all stay loyal to the QP. If Jenn wins HOH, she will go after Shane and Ian. If Joe wins, I think he will go after Dan and either Jenn or Ian. If Dan wins HOH, stuff will get crazy because he is already really focusing on who he can beat in the final 2 and getting rid of his two biggest threats (Ian and Shane).

Whatever the HOH comp is it has to be quick. I can see the cornhole game for the POV. I would think with Frank (maybe going) tonight, production would latch on to Dan as what will keep the fans watching.

If they want Dan to be safe, they won't do a cornhole POV because Joe and Shane are both pretty darn good.

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Whatever the HOH comp is it has to be quick.

One way they could have more time for actual play is to stop wasting 6 - 10 minutes at the beginning of every show with a long drawn out recap of what happened on the last show or two. Everyone who watches BB knows what happened. Why waste all that time showing a detailed summary. and then, after they show the recap, they show parts of it again in B&W. Complete waste of time.

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One way they could have more time for actual play is to stop wasting 6 - 10 minutes at the beginning of every show with a long drawn out recap of what happened on the last show or two. Everyone who watches BB knows what happened. Why waste all that time showing a detailed summary. and then, after they show the recap, they show parts of it again in B&W. Complete waste of time.

Totally agree!!! A minute or two recap would be OK, but to go over the same thing show after show is just nuts!!

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This is so lame... but I have lost so much interest the last few days. It really sucks when you know the person you are cheering for is going home. However I'm very much looking forward to Frank's exit interview and to see how he reacts as he is walking out of the house.

I really hope Joe wins HOH now, cause that is the one person who messes up all the people I can't stand plans. With Frank gone, I really think the only person that deserves to win is Dan. I have said all along, all the house guest are dumb and naive and Dan has been playing them like a fiddle. I really dislike all the remaining house guest but the one person I really do not want to see win is Danielle. I can not stand her, she is a poor excuse for a woman, and of everyone remaining she probably is in the best position. Everytime I see her I think, she is so full of shit... how come the other house guest can't see through her???

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pretty much the only time i post now is the live show :animated_bouncy:

show time :animated_bouncy:

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joe epic fail thinking dan was shane :animated_bouncy:

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triple eviction frank ted and a mystery hg :animated_bouncy:

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how did jenn missed frank question

that was the easiest one of them all :animated_bouncy:

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Man I hope Jenn somehow wins this.

how did she not know frank with the bully quote :animated_bouncy:

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ian knows he screwed up :animated_bouncy:

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