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Wil, Week 4 (Nominee/Saved by PoV)


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Him not liking Janelle actually made me like him. I loved the part where he was on to her crocodile tears.

But his and Jani's dynamic is kind of like her and that beau guy I think. Too much alike, so best frenmies or something.

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no janelle to save him this week from the block :animated_bouncy:

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I think she has lied to too many people that no one trusts her except maybe Ashley. Who knows the only way to get her out would probably be to back door her. She is telling the coaches that they need to stick together but that's not happening. Should be a good week.

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So you want Danielle to backdoor Dan? Whaaa?

It would be the smart move--Dan was dangerous in his own season--nevermind when he has had immunity/inside info for weeks! They almost screwed up with Will in allstars and Booger ended up winning!

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It would be the smart move--Dan was dangerous in his own season--nevermind when he has had immunity/inside info for weeks! They almost screwed up with Will in allstars and Booger ended up winning!

she is hero worshipping! After all dan is her coach! Who can blame her! U trust ur coach!

Boogie already told Frank that information I'm pretty sure.

he did and why hasnt frank spilled the beans yet? Crazy!

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I personally don't think that Wil knows his ass from a hole in the ground. He is always upset about something or miffed with this one or that one. When he enters one of his high phases they practically have to tether him to the ground to keep him from blasting off to space. Then, like a thermodynamic system gone haywire; he loses heat and is flat as a fritter. Gone, the dancing, hair-swinging, joyful sun; hello mistral wind.

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Will and Jen said that Danielle did a really good job. They are all promising Janelle her vote but but reality Janie doesn't even have one. Will, Jen and Ashley in the backyard happy the way the noms went.

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Wil is an idiot! Like they can take on boogie and frank! It is clear that frank is loyal to boogie and dani is loyal to dan! I dont understand his logic! 3 against against 8! U do the math!

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