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House Calls / Town Hall / Marcellas and Gretchen


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This is unbelieveable where this post has been taken!! One persons' opinion about something that she took offense to and page 6 writes about gay penguins!! TOO FUNNY!!

I still stand by my opinion - Hearing Marcellas say I would "DO" him - is uncalled for by a host.

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So I would say to those that had a problem with my post about being a "reality star"... It was meant to be tongue and cheek. As everything I do is! But let's face the facts the reason I got House Calls is I'm a "reality star". The reason that I'm here and this thread is now @ 7 pages is because I "lost" a fan. Is there such a thing as "reality stardom"? Mmmm... I don't know. I know people watch me, discuss me, love me or hate me. People I have never met. I know that everyday I live with the fact that I was a person who did a reality show. We all know the term is valid. It's tossed around like "porn star". You only have to do one adult movie and you are a porn star. You only have to do one reality show and...

As far as the reasons for the start of this thread, I don't go on & on about who I would "do" on House Calls. Simply because there is no one in the house I would do. The guys are simply not as hot as last year. I think it is a part of Big Brother and House Calls who G & I, as well as the fans, find attractive. Big Brother is a funny, sexy, campy summer show. Everyone cares about Eric the hunky firefighter from season 3, or Hardy the hot actor from season 2, or the many other hot guys that the series has given us. And let's not even speak of the girls. The show is about the hook-up! We want to see that! Why on this very site there are Scott's Playgirl pics and video of Amanda & David having sex! BB is not a show for kids. The feeds are not for kids & House Calls is not for kids though I think we are tamer than the feeds and sometimes the show! Anyone with kids will tell you the internet is not the place for children to surf without supervision. But is House Calls really as bad as the porn sites or even the iTunes music store where you can go & watch music videos by eminem, 50 Cent and others?

I also find it curious (as my fans have pointed out) that Gretchen spoke of "doing" me, her fiance and later in the season spoke of getting serviced by Ivette but that all seemed to go over everyone's heads! The gay guy says he would do someone and lo and behold the threat of a letterwriting campaign! As well as public admonishment.

I am busy. For 3 months out of the year I am paid by CBS to eat, drink, sleep and live BB. I lead a blessed life. I enjoy what I do. I have a team of people who believe in me. Believe that I can be more than a reality footnote. The guy who didn't use the veto. Or the gay guy on The Surreal Life or grouped with other ex-reality stars. I spent 6 hours watching the feeds yesterday. I left my house to go to the doctor, have lunch with Lisa and back home to the feeds, the updates @ 4 sites and to chat with fans. I work hard on House Calls. I'm not just the host, I'm a producer. I'm passionate about that show. So yes I will defend it! It's good and G & I and the producers, cameramen, lighting technicians, grips,

the whole team work hard to make it entertaining.

So back on topic if you don't like me or House Calls don't watch either. You have that right. But I wish you would. Because "The H.C." is about the hosts, the series BB and also about the callers. The fans. It's a light-hearted, irreverent look @ BB, the strategies and the personalities that make it a great show.

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couldn't have said it better marcellas! you and gretchen are great. housecalls is a highlight in my day. when you acheive something that hits the mark as well as house calls does, there's always going to be haters. rock on!

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I agree with you and I'm glad you won't always be thought of as the guy who didn't use the veto to save himself.

Your gratitude for your blessed life is refreshing and down-to-earth and greatly appreciated.

It serves as a good reminder to us all.

Thank you.

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Anyone who has a problem with Marcellas saying he would do someone from this years season must not have watched last years House Calls. Hello! As I remember, Marcellas switched from liking Jase for one day to Will for a few weeks to Scott for a few month, I think Drew may have come up a time or two. (I appogize to the prudes for the use of the word "come"...)

In fact, Marcellas, didn't you even say you liked Cowboy one day??? If not him, it was something equally bizzare.

This gay Republican from Texas says Marcellas should continue to talk about who he would "do". In fact, I think it would be a riot for G & M to come up with the perfect BB threesome and orgy combinations on Mondays. Tuesdays show could discuss how Ivette would be the perfect evil dominatrix, and Thursdays could be ejaculation predictions.

Marcellas, if people will go off the deep end for you saying the word "do", then you should get graphic on their asses one day. I bet they would have a heart attack if they ever heard about rimming and golden showers. Problem solved.

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OK Now 12th I can't see what I am writing here cause I just spit my breakfast all over the screen... That is too funny, but also too true...

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House Calls is probably my favourite summer show! There is never anything funny on in the summer, so House Calls does it for me. It's my five-day a week fix for comedy and hilarity. Thank God too, we all need some comedy in our lives.

I just adore Marcellas and Gretchen. I think they're both fantastic people. It makes me happy that Marcellas is happy and that Gretchen is engaged. They both deserve it!

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Marcellas, if people will go off the deep end for you saying the word "do", then you should get graphic on their asses one day.

EXACTLY! I have two brothers, one gay, one straight. When they were single, the gay bro. said things like, "He's hot, I'd do him" while the straight one said things like "Look at those t*ts - I'd f**k her."

Thank goodness both are married now and keep their thoughts like that to themselves, but I remember being grossed out by what the straight bro. said and think things like "What makes you think she'd want your sorry ass?" yet find myself checking out the guy my gay bro. was checking out and think things like, "Only if I don't get there first."

I had my own double standard going back then! Speaking of double, has anyone here ever heard the song Double My Wardrobe? It was up for OutMusic song of the year in 2004 and has a line about him liking the same guys as his high school girlfriend. It's by a guy named Steven Franz who is a Florida boy. He does a lot of concerts and performances in FLA so there's a good chance Beau or Evilette have been to one of them. I've included the link to his website if anyone wants to hear a clip of the song.

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I totally disagree with you! He's half the reason I watch the show (Gretchen being the other half) House Calls. And I like hearing about those kinds of things. It makes him seem more approachable.

Besides, if people knew how much my friend and I talk about how we'd have sex with Kaysar and how kinky in bed he'd probably be, well, people would absolutely hate us if they were like you. Because we talk about that, a lot.

And you know what? Marcellas, I think you're just adorable! You should look into stand-up comedy. Well I'd pay to see you at least, and so would your doting fans.

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Guest Shockalot

Im at a disadvantage here because I have never watched HouseCalls.

Im sure its great.

I thought Marcellus answer the original poster by stating the show is given a Ratings system and clarified it is not for children.

What concerned me was that it was 13 and under.

I would be very comfortable if BB made clear that everything related to this show is a lot closer to NC-17.

At the very least a simply 'PG' warning and some co-operation with 'Parenting Software' would be a credit to CBS.

Im not just talking about whatever this 'Doing guys' incident - but overall if you just think of some of the things on this show - its as close to 'Adult' as you can get!

Although Ive never seen Housecalls I would like to point out Marcellus scene with Dr. Will on 'Yes Dear' might have been one of the funniest things I have ever seen on TV.

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Thank you Marcellas for banning me from your Webiste. I guess you can't take constructive critisim. Again I will say it. Just because I thought the show House calls should have a rating on it. Big Friggin deal. You and your so-called fans have accused me of being hateful towards Gays, being an internet Stalker and being unstable. IF you knew me personally you'd know none of it is true. I don't understand why we can't have an intelligent debate on the ratings issue without personally attacking someone for their views. I will state once again I had never witnessed Gretchen go on about her personal sex life or who she wanted to have sex with in the house. I don't watch House Calls everyday of the week. It's unfortunate that I heard Marcellas say these things and not Gretchen, I wished I had now. She wouldn't of had the backing of the Gay Community after me, and I say that because it's a fact. Marcellas has made this into a Gay issue when it never was to begin with. He allowed his Fans to accuse me of these horrible things and that's when I realized Marcellas has his own agenda. This really stinks.

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Since the Marcellas lost a fan thread was closed, I decided to start one saying "YOU ROCK, Big M!" 

I've never watched HouseCalls, but after that lady's rant the other day, I decided to log on today - and wow was it ever great! 

I loved how he doesn't think the house should be censored because the HGs convos reflect the type of discussions going on behind closed doors in America.  I agree not only because it puts out there what's going on, but it also shows how much a lot of the rest of us don't like it. 

Kaysar probably feels the kind of hatred Evilette spews, but how often does he get to hear how pissed off the rest of us are that it happens?  Shows like HC, this board and the BB chatrooms are filled with people who don't share Evilette's view of the world.  Hopefully, Kaysar's family has seen or heard us since they seem to have the live feeds.

I loved too how Marcellas gave it to Evilette bigtime - not only made fun of her for needing Cappy to come up with a type of food, but also ripped into her and Maggot for thanking Cappy for winning HOH. 

Anyway, you totally rock, Marcellas and I will be logging on every day from now on.  Thanks for your insights and entertainment.  Makes me wish I could slap a few high fives thru the screen.  You and Gretchen are too funny together!  Between this board and your show, you're going to make this lousy season of BB bearable.

I second that, the whole thing lol. Marcellas is pretty much always spot-on with his comments, during BB3 and now with House Calls. He tells it like it is (I hate that phrase, but it's true) and is totally hilarious while doing so.
I love him!!
I have to agree with you. I watched it the first time when eric was getting interviewed by Marcellas and it was awesome. I will be watching from now on....Keep up the good work Marcellas!
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Hey there

On Mondays show, you said people couldn;t give "shout outs" to the boards they are part of. I know I am not the only one curious as to why? I am sure there is a reason, but could you explain? I would think that shout outs would be a good thing? Was it something that CBS requested or does it count as advertising or just takes up time? Just curious, cuz you know everyone wants to give a shoout so that the people on their boards know you actually got through.

Just curious


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Guest mikemiami

on house calls today they were talking with the set designer today and they said there is another secret room they havent found yet!!!

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Guest mikemiami

he also said there was some kind of flower pot that if you take out the flowers there is something under it..said that the dining table can light up in different ways, and said the couches can recline or something like that

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could someone PLEASE tell me what season Gretchen was on? I've watched every season but for the life of me I can't figure out who she was, which season she was on, etc. Someone fill me in. Did she change her hair? Gain/lose weight? Because she doesn't look familiar to me.

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