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America's Choice: Favorite Houseguest


America's Choice: Favorite Houseguest  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. Which houseguest do you want to win $25,000? Select one houseguest below and submit your vote

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Sorry, would love to join in but I'm voting for Brendon.

Given that all the houseguests hated him I think that will be a slap in the face to them plus Brendon was the only one I liked this year.

Brendon!!! yes they all hated him, and I have yet to figure out why?? He was rude only when he was trying to take the heat off Rachel, but other than that he never had an evil (unlike Britney, Ragan, Kathy, Monet) thing to say.

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I like the idea of having everyone vote for Annie. But, I like Brendon and respect how he stuck around for so long despite the giant target on his back. And so, I'll be voting for Brendon.

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My idea of sending a "clear message" is to not vote at all. Why feed into this bs anyway? No one really knows who really wins and CBS/BB can designate the money to anyone they want. I always thought any America's choice is rigged. I've never voted and will continue to do the same.

I still say they should cut out these little prizes here and there and make the game a little more difficult and give the extras to the F1.

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I hope Britney wins just to see Rachel's reaction.

-raises hand-

second that motion

I dunno maybe people legitimately do like a certain HG. I think Annie was a sad sack and doesn't deserve it. I can't stand Rachel but some people truly like her. I don't know what sort of message this would really send if you did succeed


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I will vote for Brendon because despite his oftime offbeat behaviour and falling for that wacko woman, I think he is one of the nicer people ever on Big Brother. Brendon was mistreated when it wasnt necessary at all to do that. I hope karma kicks their ass for it because he IS nice and I hope he wises up about Rachel. Good luck, kiddo.

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My vote will go to Brendon or Rachel, haven't decided yet..... Ragan might cry if Rachel gets it... so that right there makes me want to do it

hehe...I think what I might do since your allowed (I think 10) seperate votes, is I will give have to rachel and half to brendon. this way when either of them wins I will still be estatic. My only hope and dream is that bitchney is in the JH hoping for it and then see's it go to one of them. It will be such sweet satisfaction considering all she ever talks about is how much america MUST hate them just bc she does. It will be priceless!

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brendon or britney will win ac :animated_bouncy:

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BBmegaFan2 :

"My only hope and dream is that bitchney is in the JH hoping for it and then see's it go to one of them. It will be such sweet satisfaction considering all she ever talks about is how much america MUST hate them just bc she does."

If either one wins... Ragan and all the other HGs will be amazed too...

Hope it will make them stop and think. (but I doubt it)

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Wow-Brendon and Rachel fan club--How soon we forget. She is nasty ! ! He is just as mean as any of them. He ragged on Ragan, Britney, Monet. I guess all that is forgotten since he turned into a person that was tolerable after the witch left. Neither one of them deserve AC. IMO I can't even say who does, but def not them. They are all dillusional. None of them deserving, but I guess that makes it a level playing field and probably gonna be a very even call. Personally, right now, my vote is Hayden, but that could change as it has all season.

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This show really needs to get rid of America's Player. Because, let's face it, the majority of Americans are dumber than a bag of hammers. They also need to get change the eviction process. Let the viewers see how everyone voted but deny the houseguests the vote count, so everybody can vote how they see fit instead of voting out of fear. That alone would change the game dramatically and get it out of the rut it has been in since Shapiro left the reins of the show in the hands of Pizza The Hutt.

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Wow-Brendon and Rachel fan club--How soon we forget. She is nasty ! ! He is just as mean as any of them. He ragged on Ragan, Britney, Monet. I guess all that is forgotten since he turned into a person that was tolerable after the witch left. Neither one of them deserve AC. IMO I can't even say who does, but def not them. They are all dillusional. None of them deserving, but I guess that makes it a level playing field and probably gonna be a very even call. Personally, right now, my vote is Hayden, but that could change as it has all season.

How soon we forget? I didn't forget anything, I've seen Brendon be more respectful than anyone in that house, I've no idea what show you've been watching to say he's as mean as any of them. So not true. I was rooting for him pretty much since day one. Now that's he's gone he for sure has my vote for the 25K.

Hayden? YUP, he deserves it, he's fought so hard and won so many challenges. NOT LOL!

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What would really be funny is if Julie announced it was a tie between Brendon and Rachel so they were both getting 25K...LMAO. That would really freak out the HG.

Yeah - that would be best case scenario. otherwise, I'm voting for Brenden. I think he could use the money and he certainly played the game.

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Umm isn't that little vote for jurors only? Hate to break it to you, but Annie is not in the running. I always thought that was just jurors maybe I am wrong who knows.

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I'm sorry but I do not agree to voting for Annie as AC...She caused her own early eviction by being overbearing. She was playing too many sides and telling a lot of lies. I was elated with her being evicted early. This is the first year since BB started having a AC that I will not vote. Not one HG who has been evicted was I sad to see go. Which will be the way I will still feel when BB ends...I have read a lot of post and many of the regular ppl here did not like Brendon or Rachael when they were both in the house together..Brendon was whinny and too sappy and up Rachel's behind the whole time she was in the house..It was not until she left that he tried to play the game....Yes I agree that he does have a very nice nature but he ruined his chance of winning by letting Eve pull him down...

By what I've been reading this year on the boards and chat rooms, that it has been a consensous that many were and still are disappointed with the selected HG's..We saw very little game play or stragizing as in previous years..Even when June and Alison joined together , although no one liked them, they did play a very good game..And Maggie and her brood also played a good game, But Janelle, Howie, and Kaysar made some bad plays...Haydon and Brendon messed their game up by their showmances...Even last season Jeff and Jordan did not let their friendship ruin their game play.

No matter how we vote Alison will not change the way she runs the show...so giving it to someone who could not keep her mouth shut for maybe 2 weeks doesn't deserve to have anymore money..I do have to commit on Andrew's departure speech that he told it like it was, so if I did vote he would be my choice..He still should have tried to make a power move before he was sitting in the hot seat..

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ANYBODY, who was on the show is eligible for AC. The only reason I mentioned Annie was the fact that this years batch of lab rats was so lame. I know somw of you have favorites and for a good reason. If your like me and hate them all (separately but equally) then give Annie your vote to send a message to them saying they all suck. Even the ones that deserve a vote look good because the others were soooooooo bad. Vote as you wish I say. But overall, if your as disappointed as I am with this years cast then vote for Annie. I hated her as much as the rest of them. No one in BB history was the first one voted out and won AC. It simply sends a message to the rest of them (good and bad ) that there performance was less than stellar.

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Umm isn't that little vote for jurors only? Hate to break it to you, but Annie is not in the running. I always thought that was just jurors maybe I am wrong who knows.

You're right. In the past, the vote is for jury members only.

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I could be wrong (it's been known to happen) but I thought AC was open to anyone who was in the house.

You may be right, lol. I just looked at last year's poll here at Morty's and ALL the houseguests were listed!

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I could be wrong (it's been known to happen) but I thought AC was open to anyone who was in the house.

OK, now you got me worried. Could one of the mods (CeCeMom) or somebody check this for me.

If it's true I got some serious splainin to do!!!

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I think everyone is having a hard time choosing someone (anyone) to vote for.

I'll probably vote for Brendon or Hayden

Maybe CBS will see by the message boards and vote tally

that we were VERY disappointed with their choice of HG this season.

It was a Snooze Fest most of the time.

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Guest 6Borders

I agree not voting is fine but that will not send any message because too many ppl WILL vote.

BB needs to add an "I don't think any HG deserves it" option and see how many votes they get. The HG's all sit around and discuss who America will vote for and I say again I would love to see the announcement to them all on finale night that there will be no AC because the fans don't think any of you are deserving...of course, Grodner won't do that because that would be admitting her show sucks.

If we don't have the option of voting "nobody" then it's just a moot issue!

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