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About Wednesday's "Live" Show


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Sources are saying that Wednesday's "live" show will actually be done and taped on Tuesday, which may mean we won't have feeds Tuesday and Wednesday so we don't get any spoilers.



CONFIRMED thanks to @suzanneb1123 who has tix: the Wednesday eviction show will be taped Tuesday (that means feeds blackout boo) #bb12


that also means it's very likely we won't see Part 1 on the feeds, which has always been endurance.. double boo #bb12


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Sadly the feeds have been so lousy this year I probably won't notice they aren't on. Total waste of money this year!

LOL me too, but this still pisses me off another reason this BB season has been just so so for me!!!

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Sadly the feeds have been so lousy this year I probably won't notice they aren't on. Total waste of money this year!

yup, this was my first year buying the feeds and I dont know if I would do it again. It will totally depend on the group next year.

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Sadly the feeds have been so lousy this year I probably won't notice they aren't on. Total waste of money this year!

For once I made a good financial decision. Didn't purchase the feeds this season, although I was planning on doing it for the final month. But since it's gone down hill, decided not to.

so it this wednesday show going to be a two hour thing?

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Guest 6Borders

Dang they must really be hurting in production to get enough good footage. They probably think they have something so wonderful planned that we'll be happy to sit on the edge of our chairs waiting with baited fingers poised over keyboards. Well it will be the good start to our BB withdrawal if nothing else - LOL!!

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After waiting a year this season has been a total disappointment. I only hope all the negative feelings get back to who owns the show and AG is replaced. New blood is long overdue. :disappointed:

I ordered the feeds late so only paid for one month. It was the first time I ordered the live feeds and after this season if changes aren't made I won't order again. It's sad as I ordered through Morty's to support him as I am sure many others did and to think people are so disappointed in the season that they feel they are a waste of money especially since I don't download music. :disgust:

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Ratings are strong, relatively speaking, it's easy to have decent ratings when a show is on during summer and there's nothing else on but reruns. So Grodner's job is pretty safe, unfortunately. I think CBS could get wise after the finale leads in to Survivor and next summer the viewership is strong for the BB13 premiere but nosedives in the weeks to follow after new viewers quickly tire of Grodner's stupid antics.

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Ratings are strong, relatively speaking, it's easy to have decent ratings when a show is on during summer and there's nothing else on but reruns. So Grodner's job is pretty safe, unfortunately. I think CBS could get wise after the finale leads in to Survivor and next summer the viewership is strong for the BB13 premiere but nosedives in the weeks to follow after new viewers quickly tire of Grodner's stupid antics.

I agree. So does this mean feeds and BBAD for will taped until after Thursdays show? If feeds and BBAD come on after tomorrow nights show we will all know who won the first part of HOH. I don't understand the theory behind blocking feeds and BBAD. We want to be spoiled and if we didn't we wouldn't be watching. I think its the wrong thing to do on such a mediocre season to begin with. I am really down on BB this season.

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Ratings are strong, relatively speaking, it's easy to have decent ratings when a show is on during summer and there's nothing else on but reruns. So Grodner's job is pretty safe, unfortunately. I think CBS could get wise after the finale leads in to Survivor and next summer the viewership is strong for the BB13 premiere but nosedives in the weeks to follow after new viewers quickly tire of Grodner's stupid antics.

FYI...Survivor is on FIRST, 8-9 and then the 2 hour finale of BB12!

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After waiting a year this season has been a total disappointment. I only hope all the negative feelings get back to who owns the show and AG is replaced. New blood is long overdue. :disappointed:

I think when it gets so predictable, that the HG know what all of the competitions are and when to expect them and the DE and everything, it is time to change things up. I think that contributes to the boredome of most of this season. I also think every year there has been more and more interaction between the HG and the production crew which very much decreases the isolation effect, that is supposed to be a part of the challenge of the game.

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Something needs to change that's for sure. I know, let's have a winter Big Brother :animated_bouncy: Maybe it'll make up for this summers train wreck :animated_shocking:

So there won't be any BBAD tonight? I'm confused now :animated_scratchchin: If this is true it totally BLOWS :furious:

Winter BB sounds good in theory. However the last Winter BB was arguably the worst season ever.

I too hope they don't cut out BBAD tonight - but I'm sure they will if the feeds are off.

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It would help tremendously if a winter BB doesn't go up against American Idol.

OK, they won't show live feeds/BBAD...can't they slip in some Jury House antics?

Reruns of this year's show are unacceptable. But I have watched very little of BBAD the last couple of weeks. They all sound like Charlie Brown's teacher to me..."Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa.."

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Thanks for info, Lala!!! I can't see Lane or Enzo winning this one! Now Britt can return to all the folks she hates, w/possible exception of Ragan (isn't that marvelous? I had to think a moment to recall Ragan's name...anonymonity seeping in already!!!)

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Just think Wicked Witch. That was funny what you said about Ragan in another post.

Ragan could go to any Speech Therpist to learn to talk in a deeper voice.

BTW...BBAD is stuff that happened early this morning, which explains why Brit looks like PigPen...also on other sites Brit photo is officially in JH with a big, fat J over her photo...

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