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Ragan - Week 8 Nominee


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what an overdramatic lil EDIT, he has 20 grand in the bank, enjoy the next couple of days... did he really think "they" were going to let him advance to final 4? and by "they" I mean production.. there is nothing else to figure out Ragan, you're done, its over.. stop counting things on your fingers.

That would be the absolute stupidest thing for him to do. It's not over until Julie says "Ragan you have been evicted from the big brother house..." Not that I think Ragan has much chance at this point, nor do I want him to. But he's there to win half a million dollars so 20k doesn't look that good by comparison. In previous seasons I've seen some pretty impressive flip the script things happen, where someone who was suppose to go home didn't ..

Those people didn't give up.

Ragan shouldn't give up either. He has to at least try. He still has a chance of staying by pointing out how much better Brit is at comps, how Brit is in Lane's back pocket, etc etc etc. He still has points to play, if he can get in Enzo or Hayden's ear.

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That would be the absolute stupidest thing for him to do. It's not over until Julie says "Ragan you have been evicted from the big brother house..." Not that I think Ragan has much chance at this point, nor do I want him to. But he's there to win half a million dollars so 20k doesn't look that good by comparison. In previous seasons I've seen some pretty impressive flip the script things happen, where someone who was suppose to go home didn't ..

Those people didn't give up.

Ragan shouldn't give up either. He has to at least try. He still has a chance of staying by pointing out how much better Brit is at comps, how Brit is in Lane's back pocket, etc etc etc. He still has points to play, if he can get in Enzo or Hayden's ear.

Enzo has been wanting Brit out since Lane got the hoh, so he'd NEVER vote to evict Ragan. Hayden and Lane are so close Hayden might vote to evict Ragan...now the vote is split...will the bg do that to the bg?

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I think Ragan has a chance if he:

Goes to Brittany and Lane and tells them he was the sabatore and won 20K. Then tell them he has no shot of winning because of this and they should take him to the final two.

I am sure he is unable to tell about the sab twist... BB probably gave him a gag order not to tell or he forfeits the money ... Just like with Matt and the DPOV ... So he can't tell that and even if he could I still wouldn't do it ... LOL its a sure fire way to get u evicted ... And neither Brit or Lane would take Ragan to F2 if they had their pick ... They would take each other ... Why give Ragan an extra $50K on top of the $20k he already won ...

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I think Ragan has a chance if he:

Goes to Brittany and Lane and tells them he was the sabatore and won 20K. Then tell them he has no shot of winning because of this and they should take him to the final two.

I don't think it will matter other than it will give them something else to talk about for a week. They were still talking about Monet the couture models $5000.00 and Enzo and Twitney were crying they got nothing from the last comp. I'm not sure why they choose to keep Hayden knowing he got those prizes because if you ask me they're an envious group and if each one of them can't win prizes they don't want anyone else to.

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The stooges are so stupid, they would think Ragan was lying to try and say. Haven't you heard? Rachel Kathy Brendon Matty is the sabby.

Ragan should pull himself out of that fetal position and try and enjoy his last few days.

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He put it all together too late and now he's done. I bet had he spent less time hating on Brend and Rach and more on paying attention to the alliance that was right in front of him, he wouldn't be in this predictament.

Karma indeed.

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Since he didn't POV, is there any chance he'll stay?

I am going to assume Enzo takes himself off the block, thus Britney or Hayden goes up. The only chance that I see that he has is if the three couch patotoes decide to backdoor Britney, and that seems less than 50% chance they'd do that. It would be smarter for lane to let his patners backdoor Britney since it can't vote.

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What seems pretty clear to me is that Lane and Britney are a pair, and intend to be the F2. Lane can hide his intention of sending both Enzo and Haydum home this time, by putting Britney up against Ragan. He knows Hayden will vote as he, Lane, wants and will vote to evict Ragan. Enzo will probably do the same, but even if he insists on voting out Brit, it would be a tie, and Lane would break the tie by sending RAgan out.

Lane will betray both Enzo and Haydyn, and keep Britney and him as Final 2, if he possibly can. Enzo is suspicious of that already, but Haydyn won't realize it until it's too late.

Brit goes up; Ragan goes home. Lane looks golden to the others.

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I think Lane's plan is for Britney to make it to the end and pick him for finals.

He could do it easily. Ideally that Hayden wins last endurance, then Lane throws the round two competition against Britney. Britney destroys Hayden in round three and takes Lane to final two. Worst case scenario that Hayden wins and probably takes him anyway (even though taking Britney would probably give Hayden a clean sweep in votes, even after it being revealed he took all the prizes in the last aired POV).

Lane's pretty much guaranteed a spot in finals.

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Unfortunately Lane isn't the smartest tool in the shed, but he's not that dumb. He isn't going to trade two people's vote in the jury house (Enzo and Hayden) for Britney's. In fact, he is in a sweet spot if he's not turned on next week. If Britney wins PoV next week, she'll send one of the other boys home. If Hayden or Enzo win and keep their word, they'll send Britney home and the blood will be on their hands (thus letting Lane keep the jury vote of Britney).

But yeah, Ragan is gone. I wanted to count for him in the beginning, I really did. Then he became a bigger hypocrite than the people he hated. I tried to like him this last week because he was the only hope at trying to get The Brigade out, but again, he took no action. So good riddance. I'm sorry, if it takes an entire season to spot an alliance of three/four and you STILL do nothing, then you have no one to blame for your stupidity and eviction but yourself. And those people deserve to win based on your non-actions too.

At least Brendon and Rachel never once through a competition like Ragan and Matt. They fought his behind off to stay there. Ragan, Matt, and the Brigade were nothing but leeches on this season's fun factor.

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Looks like the bow tie baby is finally going home, or at least to Jury house. Good riddance.

I can only imagine the cat fights once he and Rachel are reunited. Who's cattier?

Unfortunately Lane isn't the smartest tool in the shed, but he's not that dumb. He isn't going to trade two people's vote in the jury house (Enzo and Hayden) for Britney's. In fact, he is in a sweet spot if he's not turned on next week. If Britney wins PoV next week, she'll send one of the other boys home. If Hayden or Enzo win and keep their word, they'll send Britney home and the blood will be on their hands (thus letting Lane keep the jury vote of Britney).

But yeah, Ragan is gone. I wanted to count for him in the beginning, I really did. Then he became a bigger hypocrite than the people he hated. I tried to like him this last week because he was the only hope at trying to get The Brigade out, but again, he took no action. So good riddance. I'm sorry, if it takes an entire season to spot an alliance of three/four and you STILL do nothing, then you have no one to blame for your stupidity and eviction but yourself. And those people deserve to win based on your non-actions too.

At least Brendon and Rachel never once through a competition like Ragan and Matt. They fought his behind off to stay there. Ragan, Matt, and the Brigade were nothing but leeches on this season's fun factor.

The Brigade game was actually just a block vote thing. Otherwise, they really were not much of a force at all. They are winning some comps lately because... who's left?

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Looks like the bow tie baby is finally going home, or at least to Jury house. Good riddance.

I can only imagine the cat fights once he and Rachel are reunited. Who's cattier?

The Brigade game was actually just a block vote thing. Otherwise, they really were not much of a force at all. They are winning some comps lately because... who's left?

Social force baby :animated_rotfl:

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fascis ATTENTION :animated_rotfl:

I could picture him inviting all his gay friends over one night to view the show and he saying to his crowd "Wasn't I brilliant and cute to boot too?" :animated_rotfl:

You changed your reply from "bundle of fun" to fasic whatever while I was typing my reply. No fair Arrowhead.

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I could picture him inviting all his gay friends over one night to view the show and he saying to his crowd "Wasn't I brilliant and cute to boot too?" :animated_rotfl:

You changed your reply from "bundle of fun" to fasic whatever while I was typing my reply. No fair Arrowhead.

Ragan Fox: America's Next Top Bottom , It is Latin for bundle ;)

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Ragan Fox: America's Next Top Bottom , It is Latin for bundle ;)


I like him more when he's in his room staring up at the ceiling. When this guy opens his mouth I turn the feeds to a different stream. He was in the kitchen the other day talking to the other hg and I thought to myself what female hg is that talking. It was Ragan.

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I like him more when he's in his room staring up at the ceiling. When this guy opens his mouth I turn the feeds to a different stream. He was in the kitchen the other day talking to the other hg and I thought to myself what female hg is that talking. It was Ragan.

Ragan in the hammock still, talking about how much he misses his dog. "Misses talking to his mom (in Houston), sister (in New York) on the phone. He misses his friends Jason, Mike, and Peter, and going out to bars and getting so drunk...like blackout drunk, and getting a hangover.

Ragan is an alcoholic .

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Guest 6Borders

Ragan needs to get out there and keep playing the game. There is still a good chance he will stay if Brit goes on the block. After Brendon's eviction Ragan was talking on BBAD how nice it was that now they were just all going to play the game as friends, etc. ad nauseum....how quickly these people forget!

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