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Matt 1st HOH Letter


Do you think it was fair  

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  1. 1. Do you think Matt

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I must have been watching something different than others. IMO, no way did the letter confirm that she has an "illness." I remember hearing they lived in a house with a bunch of other people and in the letter she said she was getting help and that can mean so many things. They could be helping her get over her loneliness because he is away, they could be helping her throw out the garbage, they could be helping her do the grocery shopping because she doesn't drive. I don't agree with the lie because I believe you should win on your own and not with any outside help (HEAR THAT GRODNER)but I do not think the letter confirmed the lie.

The wife did say she knew about the lie.

If you watch(ed) the episode where they put his wife on Live television, she admits right on it that she made it seem like she was helping his lie. Considering the way the DR's went and opinions of the HGs after that he did get an outside influence to support his lie. With that and his wife admitting why she said what she said the way she said it is the only proof I need that her words were very intentional and served no other purpose other than to help him in the game. I came to this conclusion by her own words.

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She never came out and said she was sick or that was the reason why friends and family were helping her, in the letter. If the other house guests had never heard about the lie...they'd never have thought twice about her comments or thought she was sick, but, since they knew about it, they just assumed she was getting help/support due to the disease...especially when Matt expounded on it. BB couldn't edit anything out because nothing in the letter itself was necessarily a lie...it was very carefully worded.

I say "Bravo" to Matty and Stacey...:hurray:

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New Rule..... No lying in Big Brother. :cookie:

We are not talking about lying in the big brother house, at least I'm not anyways. I'm talking about how low it was of Matt to lie and say that his wife has a rare disease. This is not usual lies that go on in the house, yes lying and backstabbing are part of the game BUT this lie is beyond low and did not need to be told.

People in the BB house lie about their age, occupation, which alliance they are on, whether they have your back etc... not a fake illness on a loved one. Karma! :cheeseburger:

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To be honest I really don't get why anyone cares. If anything -- Matt has brought a lot of awareness to the disease (how many people even knew what it was before Matt mentioned it? I certainly didn't!) and plans on donating some of his winnings if any to a foundation or a charity for them.

Yeah it's wrong to con people into believing something which isn't true for the purpose of selfish gain in the real world. But this isn't the real world, it's a game, in which everyone is trying to con everyone else, through shady deals, backstabbing, gossiping, and sabotage of another person's game play. I think that it's sorta impossible to really impose morals which exist in the real world on the game of BB.

I have never understood the "bible thumping" by certain HG's on the show -- or how the slightest "sin" or flaw of a house guests will make people turn on them. People aren't perfect. I don't know why people seem to want to have BB contestants on a pedestal which demands perfection. And if they don't live up to someone's idea of a perfect human being -- the fans all turn on them. I just don't get it. Everyone is entitled to think what they want of course. I just find it sort of silly.

It's why I laugh every time Ragan talks about playing the game "in a noble" way. It's like give me a break. This game forces the house guests often to live in very hypocritical circumstances. There is no nobility in that.

That being said, I think the lie itself wasn't really all that smart -- people aren't going to want the sympathy card to even be an issue in how the final votes stack up, so no one is going to take Matt to final two. His wife didn't really lie so much as tell the truth, in such a way it made his lie seem truthful. Which is why I believe BB let it in.

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I can't answer that question Pinkie -- because I don't know the circumstances.

If Matt were a con artist in the real world, conning little old ladies out of their pin money by lying about his wife's fake disease -- I'd think he was a bastard.

But he's playing a game against 11 other people all trying to win, and lying, scheming, conning (in their own ways) too. It's apples to oranges. You can't really compare the two I don't think. He's not conning anyone who -owns- the money out of it. It's up for grabs for whoever gets to the end and winds up with the votes.

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Yes, I realize the difference, but generalizing it by saying.. oh well he brought awareness to the disease..... is kind of a slippery slope.... and really what difference does it make that he brought awareness to the BB viewers... I don't honestly remember what it was called and I doubt a bunch of people who watch are going to go donate money to it or anything

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Yes, I realize the difference, but generalizing it by saying.. oh well he brought awareness to the disease..... is kind of a slippery slope.... and really what difference does it make that he brought awareness to the BB viewers... I don't honestly remember what it was called and I doubt a bunch of people who watch are going to go donate money to it or anything

Very good point. Yes I dont even rem the name of the illness either. Also, my OP wasnt about whether I questioned his lie it was whether his 1st HOH letter was crossing the line or not. I still feel that is does. It is an outside influence that has been brought into the game that shouldnt be there....

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The letter to me was made to confirm Matt's lie without actually spelling it out. Stacy said things like people helping her, checking on her, and bringing her food. If I thought someone was really sick I would think hearing the letter it was true even Andrew thought it was true after the letter. So I think they should have removed that part of the letter or had her write a new one.

As far as Evil Dick I did not see his letter so I don't now if he said it had a code after the fact or if BB knew the code was in there and let it go anyway. If they didn't know ok but if they knew then it was wrong.

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To believe the lie just coming from Matt, you could say gullible.... a letter from his wife that Big Brother allowed, that practically confirms it...... different story

How did it confirm it :animated_rotfl: It was general that just said I am doing well like anyone would say and people are coming to see me bringing me food :animated_rotfl:

You do not have to be sick to have people bring you food .

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seems like many reality contestants, and people in most aspects of american life seem to rely on the sympathy of others. Criminals blame their rotten childhood/parents, spouses blame spouses, people take advantage of bleeding hearts where ever they can in order to benefit. In my reality, everyone has a story, but to take full advantage one must have a good delivery. I encounter indigents daily in the big city trying to tell me and anyone who will listen how hard they've had it just to get a handout. It is part of the American culture for the generation.

Why do you think Kathy made such a big deal out of 'beating' cancer? Coz it makes her look like a victim. I'm not discounting people's stories, but come on.

The worse thing about this is that those same people who hand over cash and other benefits on the silver platter to these sharks is that they don't give the same benefit to those who have endured storms and bettered themselves by honest and noble undertakings (e.g. pulling themselves up on their own).

Makes one wonder what values the bleeding hearts are promoting.

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ITA, her letter was very vague I thought.. it didn't say she had a illness.. just said that no need to worry she was being taken care of.. Anyone who's not sick could write that same thing also. They didn't break any rules or BB wouldn't have allowed it.. lol ok maybe they would, but still.

I agree with what you are saying and had actually thought along the same lines UNTIL she, Matts wife, admitted on her segment that she did it purposly.

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How did it confirm it :animated_rotfl: It was general that just said I am doing well like anyone would say and people are coming to see me bringing me food :animated_rotfl:

You do not have to be sick to have people bring you food .

The letter only confirmed the illess to the HG's, and the confirmation that the viewing public got as to the sole purpose of confirmation of the lie was when Stacy said on TV that SHE wasn't proud of the lie he told BUT that she wrote the letter intentionally to support him. I could care less about the lie. I just think that since the purpose of the game is no direct, outside influence is allowed than this letter should not have been allowed....

You can see her interview on youtube.

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It is part of the game. Honestly and I may not be popular for saying this but Johnny Fairplay cracked me up with his lie. He was good entertainment.

This is a game and it can be argued until the cows come home but never lose sight of the word GAME. I don't think we will agree on the merits if it is slimy or part of the game but I would hope that we can agree to disagree.

(I think I am getting Kathy's migraine) :skellington:

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She admitted being a part of it. I think the whole basis of the game is jeopardized if they allow that. Otherwise, why not allow each of them letters from home or whatever. To my way of thinking it is wrong and I dont like it. Actually, I dont like the direction Big Brother seems to be increasingly headed. If they allow new rules then say so but make it new rules for all. I dont like it and can do something about not liking it. Not watch.

It goes beyond Matt's letter. There are other signs of breaking the rules. Why have rules at all.

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She admitted being a part of it. I think the whole basis of the game is jeopardized if they allow that. Otherwise, why not allow each of them letters from home or whatever. To my way of thinking it is wrong and I dont like it. Actually, I dont like the direction Big Brother seems to be increasingly headed. If they allow new rules then say so but make it new rules for all. I dont like it and can do something about not liking it. Not watch.

It goes beyond Matt's letter. There are other signs of breaking the rules. Why have rules at all.

Well put! I can't stop watching though.... I am however getting addicted to BBUK... I've watched a few seasons and it is so much better than ours!!!

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This is kinda off topic a bit BUT how do you guys handle pan handlers? I went on a trip once to CA and I hand A bunch of people asking me for money for different reasons on the streets in LA. It was SO strange to me cause it doesn't happen where I live. I would think if I lived where it did happen constantly I would get SO sick of it. It's like you can't go anywhere without someone giving you some sob story. Also it was also strange that I could be in a bad part of LA and then just drive a 4 or 5 blocks and be in a nice area like Beverly Hills. It was weird how just driving a few blocks made a huge difference. How do you guys in those areas deal with that constant begging?

PS However I get it ALL the time via the internet via all those crazy emails.

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This is kinda off topic a bit BUT how do you guys handle pan handlers? I went on a trip once to CA and I hand A bunch of people asking me for money for different reasons on the streets in LA. It was SO strange to me cause it doesn't happen where I live. I would think if I lived where it did happen constantly I would get SO sick of it. It's like you can't go anywhere without someone giving you some sob story. Also it was also strange that I could be in a bad part of LA and then just drive a 4 or 5 blocks and be in a nice area like Beverly Hills. It was weird how just driving a few blocks made a huge difference. How do you guys in those areas deal with that constant begging?

PS However I get it ALL the time via the internet via all those crazy emails.

Living in So. Ca. and having spent a good amount of time downtown LA - that is nothing... I have seen homeless pull down their pants and poop on the sidewalk. That was in front of the Federal Court House. :dontgetit: California is the land of gimmie gimmie for free. I love the part of Ca. where I live but I have to pay mega taxes to take care of the people that don't want to work.

Anyway..... I haven't seen much of Matt today. I have had the feeds on a few times and didn't see him.

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Living in So. Ca. and having spent a good amount of time downtown LA - that is nothing... I have seen homeless pull down their pants and poop on the sidewalk. That was in front of the Federal Court House.

Anyway..... I haven't seen much of Matt today. I have had the feeds on a few times and didn't see him.

:animated_shocking: GROSS!

Matt is on now bashing Brendon. (along with Britney, Ragen, and Enzo)

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