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Live Feed and BBAD 7/24


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Since B&R are playing for veto does that mean if Kathy wins it and pulls herself off the block that Matt cannot put up B&R?

If that's true Matt is screwed big time.

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Since B&R are playing for veto does that mean if Kathy wins it and pulls herself off the block that Matt cannot put up B&R?

If that's true Matt is screwed big time.

Why wouldn't he be able to put one of them up if Kathy wins it? I don't understand. :dontgetit:


Since B&R are playing for veto does that mean if Kathy wins it and pulls herself off the block that Matt cannot put up B&R?

If that's true Matt is screwed big time.

No, if Kathy wins Veto(yeah right) he can put up Brendon in her place. Playing in the Veto comp doesn't mean you can't be a replacement.


That's what I thought! I was about to say! So Andrew will or won't be competing. (Sorry for asking ?s that were probably addressed earlier. Doing many things at once. :juggle: )


I can't believe this seasons ratings would be going up. Maybe there are a lot of new viewers who haven't seen other seasons to see how some of the hg's can get. James, Chelsea, Evil Dick, Libra, Jeff and Russell were all entertaining to watch.

I want to see more game talk and alliances being made. We have the Brigade, then the lame alliances like Hayden and Kristen, Matt and Ragan and Brendon and Rachel. They all hang out more in the house like they're on vacation then planning on getting to the end.


I think one of the reasons for the big ratings is more men are watching each season. This season there are what 3 or 4 swimsuit models? There is more silicone in the BB house this year than ever before.


Not surprised at the noms.

I imagine they will play after sundown so that Andrew can participate because I did hear the hg say today is the comp.

MENSA is being blamed for Matt's decision but I think it's more like MENSES.

The only satisfaction I can get out of this nom is for Kathy or Andrew to win POV and see Brendon go up. I will be happy seeing the shmoopies sweat if for a few days even if one of them doesn't go home.

I think it's time for the brigade and Matt to part their ways. It's evident that Matt wants to be on Ragan the BB genius' side and the Brigade should start planning Ragan's exit. He's the ultimate floater and will just keep giving his "supreme" advice to anyone who has HOH for the week.

Turned on BBAD about 2:30 am and turned if off 2:31...enough said.


I didn't watch feeds last night...doesn't seem like anything of importance happened (as if it ever does...)

Anyway...yesterday before the noms, Ragan and Matt were talking in Hoh about strategy and how it might not be good for Matt to get Brendon out of the house this week. Ragan was suggesting he keeps the target in the house so the target will continue to be Brendon and not shift elsewhere...ensuring his and Matt's safety that much longer. If B & R win next Hoh...the targets won't be either Matt or Ragan. If anyone else in the house wins Hoh...the target will still be B & R. Keeping the target in the house keeps the target off of them. Matt's plan to try and backdoor Brendon still looks to the Brigade as if Matt tried...saves him some face (just a bit of egg on it.) Idk...but I think Matt is ok with how things have played out so far and will be happy to see one of B & R's allies/voters be evicted (preferably Andrew over Kathy.) ...he's just playing that he's upset about it.

I think Ragan and Matt's "alliance" is stronger than Matt's alliance with the Brigade. Those 2 seem to share a lot of info...each is well situated on opposite sides of the house and each are friendly/on good terms with the other side too. These 2 could be a power house team.


I think the ratings are up because BB has obviously focused on the teen crowd. Britney and Monet acting like catty teenage girls and Brendon and Rachel behaving like two 15 yr olds in heat. Teenagers are loving this crap. I wouldn't care about the slurping and slobbering if I didn't have to mute the sound so much.

To me though, the season is getting better with time. Matt's got alliances with everyone. All seem to be almost totally trusting him now. He's covering all his bases but if ppl start talking, and they will, he's gonna get busted. If B or R win pov, he'll act thrilled for them and they'll protect him because he didn't put them on the block. I'm kinda rooting for Brenchal to win pov since they've become the house underdogs after so many acted like B&R weren't even "on their radars." It's exciting when the entire house gangs up on an alliance and they pull out a win and save themselves.

I don't want Andrew to go but wouldn't care one way or the other if Kathy went. I'd hate to see someone like her float to the end. I don't want to see Lame float to the end either.

Every one of them have faults that bug me, making me not have a real favorite this season. I thought Kristen, Andrew or Matt would be up their on my list after Brenchal got on my last nerve, but they've all grated on my nerves too. I'm kind of enjoying not having a fave and going week to week.


Kathy said she bonded with the bathroom today. She said she's nervous and she looks like she aged a few years overnight.

Kristen is telling her it will be okay. Kristen said I hope those two don't win it. Kathy said she is surprised they didn't end up on the block which would have been the safest move for Matt. Kristen is telling Kathy that Matt's intention was to get one of them backdoored so his hands are clean--this makes no sense because in order to backdoor them he has to replace nom them, so how are his hands clean?

Matt didn't care who out of the 4 went and it's that plain and simple.


we are getting trivia so maybe its pov time


I was thinking as I was laying in bed last night trying to sleep. This is the most boring set of HG EVER..so far.

I miss the Ronnie's, Chima, Jerry, Renny, Amber and all with weirdos. There is no fighting or drama or people with mental issues this year. We are having Rachel and Brendon shoved down our throats. If that is the worst we have to harp on then what a BORING season.


Marty, you're preaching to the choir. I think most of us here agree with you and have been saying the same thing sprinkled throughout the boards.

I am so disappointed in the hgs this season. I personally don't see it getting any better either. They are not confrontational and when someone does confront them, they cry. What's up with that?? They all are saying, "I don't want to start any drama." They don't want to step on anyone's toes. It's disgusting!

Edited to add: And you know it's bad when we wish Ronnie and Chima was back! :animated_shocking:


yeah this season has been boring so far

even the board is boring :animated_rotfl:

but eventually the drama will happen

this group just unlike years past are just taking longer to get into it

i am sure future nominations will stir up conflict and get ball moving

when the brigade fall i am sure there will be plenty of drama


Someone just proclaimed Rachel the winner on another board I was reading. Was that you?

That post was deleted.

No, we were reading the same post I guess. :animated_rotfl:


Someone just proclaimed Rachel the winner on another board I was reading. Was that you?

That post was deleted.

Someone's reading Jokers also I see.


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