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Live Feed and BBAD 7/14

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The only problem keeping Annie this week is the next time she's on the block we will have another week like this maybe even worse.

I think the girls on this season are the worst ones to date. What were they thinking when they picked them.

The saboteur twist is a flop so far.

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Enzo just heard a cricket chirp and was like "what the eff was that"? He had just heard a different noise a minute before. He's going to go crazy tonight.

It does two noises. The first one is a twang, followed by a cricket. When Enzo was waiting for the cricket it didn't do it until him and Britney started talking so BB doesn't want them finding it. I'm guessing they will add other noises either tonight or tomorrow.

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I wonder if Britney and Monet ever really think about their situation. Ask yourself a simple question ... Why would Hayden want to all of a sudden change the plan to backdooring Annie instead of voting out Rachel? The answer I would think would be that he's made a deal with someone and guess what that person is not Brit or Monet! So should Brendon or Rachel become HoH next week who do you think is safe and are you in that group? If the answer is "No" then you need to find a way to get rid of Rachel NOT Annie. Annie would be on your side and likely still a target at some point the house will divide it always does.

I often wonder why people are so bent on doing what the HoH wants. In some cases it's more of a way out for people but once the noms are done he has 0 power infact he has the least amount of power because he can't even play next week!

Now of course if you don't have the votes from the group your in then yes you should vote with the house but to not even consider this is a bad play IMO.

I do like what Lane said yesterday in that you need to break the game up into sections. The first section is getting people out that you absolutely do not want in the jury house. Oddly enough both Britney & Lane do not want Brendon or Rachel in the jury house. Lane should want Annie there but maybe he feels this is a lost cause.

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Guest 6Borders

After Dark seems to be incredibly boring and "game talk" seems to happen before and just about the last half hour of BBAD. I'm still try trying to decide if these are just the most boring 13 people on planet earth or if the producers are telling them to deliberately be boring during BBAD so those of us hold-outs will buy the feeds no matter how bad they are!!!

Personally, I don't think I will buy the feeds until Annie is gone...can't take much more of her!

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At this point, I wish they all would go home. I'm sick of these boring slugs.

I don't think we'll see much of anything from these people this season. They're all so polite to each other face to face and talk a lot behind each other's backs. Then when someone tells the other person what was said about them, they get angry but don't retaliate. It's like they are fighting mentally in their heads that only they can hear or see. As if most of them are just too intelligent to battle it out.

I'm tired of mental BB. I want physical and verbal BB!!!

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At this point, I wish they all would go home. I'm sick of these boring slugs.

I don't think we'll see much of anything from these people this season. They're all so polite to each other face to face and talk a lot behind each other's backs. Then when someone tells the other person what was said about them, they get angry but don't retaliate. It's like they are fighting mentally in their heads that only they can hear or see. As if most of them are just too intelligent to battle it out.

I'm tired of mental BB. I want physical and verbal BB!!!

Yep, it's been a snooze fest, for sure. :sleep1:

Makes me miss the days of evil dick.

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I don't like any of these people this season.. there boring and uninteresting.. I don't even have a favorite to follow. I don't even watch the feeds much this season.. They put me to sleep..

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Oh...shoot! They finally took all the dishes off the dining table...and I missed it! Dang it...I leave for a few hours.... :angry:

They were there for past 2 weeks...wonder what finally caused them to put them away?


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You know it's bad when we look forward to seeing the dishes removed from the table. :shocked2:

I have a feeling we could all not watch the feeds or visit this board for 5 days and everything would be the same as we left it. I'm sure Grodner is scrambling to try and come up with something exciting to keep our attention. Unfortunately, she picked this lot of people and I don't think anything will make them exciting. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

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You know it's bad when we look forward to seeing the dishes removed from the table. :shocked2:

well...hopefully we'll still be able to watch Kathy get some laundry done tonight...

chips and wine are ready and waiting to be opened.... ;)

...I'm sure Grodner is scrambling...

scrambling eggs maybe...


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Say it ain't so!!! I'd be very disappointed if my favorite REALITY show was full of actors. I know there have been actor-wannabes on before, or people looking for 15 minutes of fame...but I'd be extremely disappointed if these were all actors.

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Something seems fake about every person in the house. Almost everyone seems to be trying to hard to put on a facade.

I do think that most of the hg every year have some acting background, so I guess that would shine through. I also think this group is more interested in getting 15 minutes of fame then actually playing to win so that may be the phoniness we're seeing.

Say it ain't so!!! I'd be very disappointed if my favorite REALITY show was full of actors. I know there have been actor-wannabes on before, or people looking for 15 minutes of fame...but I'd be extremely disappointed if these were all actors.

Sort of like that Spike show years ago I think it was called Joe Schmoe or something but in this case the joke would be on the viewers and not on the hg. I wouldn't put it past Grodner to sink that low.

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