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Tuesday, 9/8 Live Show


Eviction #10  

113 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be evicted tonight?

    • Jordan
    • Michele
  2. 2. Who will win tonight's endurance competition?

    • Jordan (if not evicted)
    • Kevin
    • Michele (if not evicted)
    • Natalie
  3. 3. Will you watch the Kevin/Natalie special episode next Sunday?

    • Yes
    • No

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It is different... I have several medical conditions that won't allow me to exercise and lose weight like others, so I am facing having to have weight loss surgery... Yes I am admitting I am morbidly obise... I am 130 pounds over weight, but gained over 125 of that in the last 6 years since having these medical issues araise... I will be going to a seminar about it on Saturday the 19th... After that I have to decide if I want to have an consult with the Doctor or not, then which surgery I want to have, if it's gastric bypass or lapband... All of it sucks, but I think the first part in any kind of healing is admitting you have a problem in the first place, and I know there are others that are going to take this information to another site and use it to make fun at me and ridicule me, but I don't care what they think of me anymore... I don't know them, I will never know them, and I am happy with who I am, just need a little paint job is all LOL... So if all they have to do in life is make fun of people they don't know, to make themselves feel better, then have at it... I won't ever see it anyways, cause I have that site blocked on my computer LOL...

As far as the game, I guess I really don't care who wins if it's not Nat...

Hugs Yana, I had the same issue this for the last 4 1/2 yrs, after I had abby(when she turned 6 mos old) I had to drive to San Antonio(2 1/2 hrs away) and get the gastric bypass..it was that or get my thyroid cut out...so far (surgery was on July 31, 2008)I have lost a total of 119 lbs...it was the best decision I have ever made in my life and I hope that when you do decide, it will be the best thing for you as well..pt's to you, the first few days was the hardest for me, after that it was a breeze..I still have about 30 lbs to go(to my target weight) but I am happy if I stay the weight I am now...GL and hugs again ;)

i do have to say though, being that i was more 145 lbs overweight myself, the best one for me was the gastric..you lose at a faster speed and you do not have to worry about going b ack to the docs all the time for fills..the only crappy part is the dumping syndrome, but your body does get used to it (or at least it has for me lol), the e rcising gets easy and its the best feeling in the world

Ugh I cant believe jordan fell :( oh well, here's hoping she kicks azz in round 2!!

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Kevin and Nat will be final two most likely. I just wish they could be gracious winners. I don't like that Kevin keeps calling Jordan a "bitch" behind her back. When has she ever been a bitch to him? How many times did she not put his sorry but up and out and she had power.

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Hi, SugarB! It seems since forever since we've been parted. So I hope that sock hop on Strom's grave is still on!!! Guess we'll have to elope to Vancouver...it has the least amount of snow!!! And no fireants!!!! BTW, Lydia of Burbanks will be designing all my sister-wives wedding dresses.

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Very interesting, Fatcat. I imagine there are quite a few BB watchers who are upset with this final 3 this season. Who is JP, MB and DR?

not sure, will have to go back and look at some names, funny how everyone uses initials all the time,lol, like we know who is is when we see it.

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Marty is DR for Drew? Oh no wait his name was Drew Daniel huh.

Maybe he means Danielle Reyes from season 3 and All stars.

Sure plenty have said as I know many did last night but I am still rather ticked that BB allowed them to eat. I think they all should have been DQ and had a do over of a different endurance comp.

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You could be right Marty, but I know he and Boogie weren't seeing eye to eye on a deal they were trying to work out, he felt Boogie was being excessive, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't want him in the house... DR???

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Allowing Kevin to stand sideways just unfair but since they let it go too late now. Gnat letting go of key and only holding rope not once but at least on two occassions should be called. WE REVIEWED THE TAPES AND HAVE DISQUALIFIED NATALIE TO THIRD PLACE. Just the joy of watching her meltdown would salvage the season for me. Kevin at this point is most deserving. Just wished he was not so small minded with all the snide personal comments. And to be totally non PC he did well on two comps (this last one and hot chocolate) by being ahem, um, er, light on his feet.

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I went back and watched and Julie did infact say hold onto your keys for dear life, you MUST have at least one hand on the key at all times, if you let go, you are out of this part of the last HoH comp...

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Exactly, Marty! Why can't they have more gay HGs like Stephen BB10 instead of bad seeds like Kevin, Joshua (BB9), that creepy gay dude from BB8.

I loved Steven and still am a big fan of his.

I want my twisty tie to be the prettiest one. Just so ya know. I will take Sunday afternoon's as my time. :P

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Yes Natalie had her hands off the key a lot last night.

also they were all told to face forward and face the pool. Keven spent most his time on the log facing sideways and watched the gear operation so he would know when it was starting/stopping and the direction. Also at times the snow was mostly on the girls and not on Kevin who was on the end.

I don't usually call foul on comps but I really think this one was not fair. They did NOT want Jordan to win and it appeared that they wanted Kevin to win.


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Allowing Kevin to stand sideways just unfair but since they let it go too late now. Gnat letting go of key and only holding rope not once but at least on two occassions should be called. WE REVIEWED THE TAPES AND HAVE DISQUALIFIED NATALIE TO THIRD PLACE. Just the joy of watching her meltdown would salvage the season for me. Kevin at this point is most deserving. Just wished he was not so small minded with all the snide personal comments. And to be totally non PC he did well on two comps (this last one and hot chocolate) by being ahem, um, er, light on his feet.

He's light on his feet because he has no BALLS.

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Kevin and Nat will be final two most likely. I just wish they could be gracious winners. I don't like that Kevin keeps calling Jordan a "bitch" behind her back. When has she ever been a bitch to him? How many times did she not put his sorry but up and out and she had power.

I am sure Nat will not be a gracious winner....she will yell and say she did it for Jesse and Chima! How seriously deranged is that? :animated_shocking:

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Ok, now that I've seen the picture and see what everyone is talking about I need to say this.. "WTF??? Are you serious???" Jordan and Kevin both "let go of their key" and held on that very same way throughout the course of the comp. I don't have pictures but was in chat for most of the comp and while all this shifting back and forth from hand to hand was going on, no one thought it was odd at all. I remember distinctly Jordan held on the top of the rope like that with one hand, with the other on the key, then letting go of the key part to stretch her arm etc.. They all were doing this. Don't get me wrong, I want Nat gone also, but ya.. she was only doing what the others were doing.. Kevin actually started the trend.

ETA: forgive me if my grammar is off. I'm so tired.

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I watched until the end and I never saw Kevin or Jordan take their hand off the key. They switched back and forth a lot with their hands but they always had one hand on the key.

If you can show me a picture of Kevin or Jordan without a hand on the key then I will say I was proved wrong. ;) Natalie was the only one I ever saw that did not have either hand on the key but was holding the rope.

But like everyone said it is over and BB doesn't care. They want Kevin for the win and nuttin we can do about it. :wacko:

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