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Jeff - Part 2


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Russell would have been good in Jeffs corner for a bit longer. Russell only said getting rid of him is good for Jeff to save some face if it happens. After the show Jeffs going to have much smarter and better balanced women throwing themselves his way. Jordan will be gone.

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Jeff has to do what he feels is best for him in the game and he'll live with what comes of it.

As for Jeff and Jordan - I see them as remaining good friends. Both will have many offers after BB and this will get Jeff's career really going.

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When you're down to the F6, you need to get out the strong competitors unless if you KNOW that the strongest are on your side. Russell let it be known that HIS final 2 decision would be Michelle. If Jeff thought Russ would reward Jeff with picking Jeff for F2 instead of Michelle, Russ would be safe. Russ showed his cards way too early and because of that... Russ is going home.

Jeff has been rebuilding his "alliance" with the F3 J/J/M. Granted, neither Jeff or Jordan intend to take Michelle to F3. They plan on taking Natalie. J/J plans to get rid of either Kev or Michelle in the next two eliminations. Jeff does stand a better chance of winning POV next week.

Listening to Jeff and Jordan in the HOH leads me to believe that power has definitely gotten to their heads. "If she doesn't want to play by our f'n rules, she can go next" (regarding Michelle). It happens to everyone who has power for more than one week.

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I definitely think that power has gone to jeff's head a bit but that is kind of normal in that place and I think stress causes some of it for the nicer people. Power trips are REALLY bad when you dislike the person already but Jeff is okay IMO. Besides, as we all know, things can change in a moment and someone else can be on the same trip. I am sure that Jeff knows that since he has been on both sides and could be again.

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Jeff doesn't have any concept how the jury works in BB

You have to make it to the final 2 first to care about the jury votes. I would just work on getting there...they have to vote for somebody.

I definitely think that power has gone to jeff's head a bit but that is kind of normal in that place and I think stress causes some of it for the nicer people.

ITA slim. I think having the power for two weeks straight has gone to his head a little, but that is normal. I just hope it doesn't come crashing down if Nat or Kevin win HOH next week.

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I definitely think that power has gone to jeff's head a bit but that is kind of normal in that place and I think stress causes some of it for the nicer people. Power trips are REALLY bad when you dislike the person already but Jeff is okay IMO. Besides, as we all know, things can change in a moment and someone else can be on the same trip. I am sure that Jeff knows that since he has been on both sides and could be again.

I agree. I do think he's a nice person outside of BB. After spending with same people in almost 2 months, it can get you nuts sometimes. I don't know what would I do if I were inside of BB. I'll probably be paranoid and distrust of other HGs.

IMO, getting Russ evicted is best thing for Jeff right now. Russ is his strongest competitor. Jeff can win POV without Russ next week depending on what type of comp.

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I agree that he's better off getting Russell out of the house. Even Allison Grodner in a recent interview said that in her opinion, Russell would definitely put Jeff on the block. The game now is not necessarily about the numbers. Its about the ability to win the competitions. Michelle's only chance is to win HOH next week or to turn to Natalie and Kevin to evict Jeff or Jordan if one of those two get HOH.

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Exactly Misha, and who knows what Russell has shared in his DR sessions. We're only seeing some of it. Maybe he's mentioned a few times about getting Jeff out. Even if he doesn't verbalize he, he himself yesterday said he's been thinking about it. So obviously Jeff is smart to not trust him. Frig, he voted to keep Jessie after Jeff took him down using the Coup. Talk about a slap in the face! I like Russell, but even I see this as a good time to get him out.

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Jordan and Michele talked at the pool yesterday. They both said getting Russell out was a good idea. I don't think Michele will become Jeff's enemy if he BD's Russell and gets him voted out.

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For Jeff's sake he better not make an enemy out of Michelle - she's the only one that can win a comp (meaning HOH on Thursday). Jordon can't win, she just isn't that quick of a thinker. She has honestly gotten on my last nerve lately. I know everyone will hate me for saying that, but there's only so much one person can take.

I really hope that this doesn't come back to bite him, but I have a sinking feeling that it will. I would have waited to get Russel out next week. then this week you still would've had 3 players against 1 playing for HOH that was on your side. But i'm not in the house and maybe Jeff is smarter than I think - I sure hope so!

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he needs to put on the block the person that keeps archiving the jury sequester thread

uvp: i vote to evict that person

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jeff has michelle under his wizard spell

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lol Jeff made the stupidest move ever. Natalie just won the game.

whoever is against him will win

jordan and him would be close

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I will LMAO if Kevin wins HOH now . Little Chica ain't gonna win shit :)

I read on another site Jeff just told Russ that he was beneath him and would never be better than him. :animated_shocking:

What would be funny as hell would be if Michelle can persuade Kevin to keep Russell . :animated_rotfl:

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