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Double eviction next Thursday!


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Don't know if it was that far back but I do remember it. We were so pissed...even more pissed than yesterday with them taping the show and locking us out for practically a whole day.

I think it was all stars the last time we had a dbl evction in one nite.

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Don't know if it was that far back but I do remember it. We were so pissed...even more pissed than yesterday with them taping the show and locking us out for practically a whole day.

If I remember correctly... they did HOH sitting on the couches with chaulk boards... commercial break, Winner stood up and made Noms. Commecial Break and then The House guest did not go to diary room for voting, they did it live.

This is the way I remember it... but then again... I am old...

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A Double eviction occurs in one of two ways in Big Brother USA, a "double elimination week" or a "fast forward." In both cases, the result is two evicted HouseGuests within one week of gameplay.



In a 'double eviction week,' the normal process of gameplay is accelerated by a few days. After a normal eviction and Head of Household competition, the HoH is warned that their nominees would have to be named immediately (or within the next few hours). Shortly afterward, the Power of Veto competition and ceremony is held, and then the next day or day after that, the next eviction is held. The first occurrence of this was during Big Brother 5, though the second eviction was pre-taped to air during the regularly scheduled time.

Two double eviction weeks were held during Big Brother 6.



To avoid a pre-taped eviction, the 'fast forward' concept was brought to fruition. In a fast forward, first used in Big Brother All-Stars, the entire week's gameplay--regular eviction, HoH, Veto, vote, and second eviction--all took place within one hourlong episode.

Retrieved from "http://bigbrotherusa.wikia.com/wiki/Double_eviction"


(I guess I have good memory on this kind of stuff..like knowing it was bb5)

(Ok.. Now I will look up the 2nd competition now... )

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good post i get confused about this ff/de crap now i know

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Evictions on DE week

Adria/Day 63 Marvin/ day 64

-Nakomis was 2nd HOH during Marvins Eviction...

HOH: Ready, Set, Gone Q&A



Evictions on DE week

Kaysar/ Day 47 Jennifer/Day 49

-Jannell was 2nd HOH during Jennifer's Eviction...

HOH: Face the Facts". Q&A (Remeber, this is the competiton, in which Janelle showed her answer, then changed it making her HOH, with alot of controversy)

[side note.. the 1st HOH in which Jennifer won and evicted Kaysar.. that WAS a Endurance... it was holding a buttonin a glass box]

Evictions on DE week

James/ day 61 Beau/ day63

-Howie was 2nd HOH during Beau's Eviction...

HOH:Playing it Straight Crap-Shot game.. (throwing Bowling balls down a lane getting closest to a ring..)



Evictions on DE week

Marcellus/ Day 46 Howie/ Day 47

-George was 2nd HOH during Howie's Eviction...

HOH: Prom Night Guessing what America thought about the HG [Remember, who is most like a couch? ERIKA... though they didnt air that question]



Evictions on FF week

Danielle/ Day 60 George/ Day 60

-Janelle was the 2nd HOH During George's Eviction..


HoH: "Battle of the Sexes"; On Day 60, Janelle answered 8 out of 8 questions correctly, becoming Head of Household.




HoH: "Before or After";

HouseGuests stood on a multiple staircase and were asked a series of questions to see if an event occurred before or after another event. The player with the most points in the end, would win the HoH title for the hour. Dick had the most in the end and became the new Head of Household



I dont count this as a real season..



Keesha was 2nd HOH, Ollie was evicted..

HoH: "Big Brother Headlines";

HouseGuests had to choose which HouseGuest was chosen by online voters to be most likely to be the subject of an imaginary news headline. The HouseGuest with the most correct answers would be the new Head of Household. Keesha won after beating Jerry in a double tiebreaker.




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i think next week if non popular side wins hoh the noms will be jeff and michelle

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So after the second eviction Thursday, the next HOH will not be an endurance? Why? Since HGs are so rattled and freaked out. I do remember first HOH winner never gets to see HOH room, with his/her family pictures...Jordan will freak if she wins first HOH but doesn't get to see her Mama, etc....better jordan than lydia, nat or even kevin (Kevin is such a putz)

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Correct, all the HOH gets to do is put 2 poeple on the block. No room, no basket, no nothing but being safe for the night.

I remember before the 2nd HOH gets the room, the HG's go up and the "temp HOH" got a basket of goodies, but never moves into the room. Could have been a dream.

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I've only seen BB since BB8 but don't recall them getting anything. They should at least get letters/stuff...that temporary HOH also has a huge target on his/her back usually. I just want Chima/Nat gone Thursday and then Lydiot next week and kevin next week....useless excuses for human beings...

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They can complain all they want about it being unfair they never get their HOH room, but the important thing is... they got HOH and was able to put up a couple noms while remaining safe for at least one round in the DE.

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Correct, all the HOH gets to do is put 2 poeple on the block. No room, no basket, no nothing but being safe for the night.

They do get a basket but that's it.

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