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CBS walk through with Julie


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Didn't know about the waterfall behind the hoh bed or the third bedroom. LOL love that it only has blankets and carts for storage....oh and the cold shower LMAO

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None of the bedrooms are all that great this year. The "comfy" beds are very short so that will be uncomfortable. I didn't realize the "floats" were actually going to be the blanket for the bed. That's very strange. That third bedroom is going to be torture. I love that the lights never turn off and it's hard, cold and stark! I'm sure we'll hear a whole lotta bitchin' coming from that room. :hahohi:

The only nice bed in the joint is HOH and I think that's the way it should be. Create uncomfortable scenarios throughout the game so they are playing their arse off to win HOH.

This could turn out to be a very interesting season. ;)

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The only nice bed in the joint is HOH and I think that's the way it should be. Create uncomfortable scenarios throughout the game so they are playing their arse off to win HOH.

You know...I never really thought about that club style room as being all that uncomfortable...but it really does make sense! So far I'm impressed, we'll just have to see how the HGs react once they're inside.

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Just some of my thoughts . . . I agree that the rooms should be more uncomfortable than the HOH - make 'em work for comfort. I hope they really focus on the "have" and "have not" theme so that we do see some suffering and fighting for HOH - and a rule that HOH cannot have "guests" spending the night - they earned the room, they shouldn't share to help others out.

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remember the cement room in BB5? That was rough.

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Rusty: "and a rule that HOH cannot have "guests" spending the night - they earned the room, they shouldn't share to help others out. "

I agree....

I hated those 'Sleep-overs' :angry:

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