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Beau said James went off on everybody and said he's going to fight till the end. He tried to Save Ivette but decided to save his girlfriend.

yvette saying that James has not approached her.

"How many more signals do you need" he bellows to Yvette.

If you get HOH you need "to but the both up" (sarah and James)

Now they are talking how their plan was "executed perfectly" Now their doing their monday morning quarterbacking saying "what if" shoulda coulda woulda. Talking about the POV competetion. "what surprised me is that before the comp was April came up to me do I get to be the announcer now"... insinuating that April knew..she wants to confirm because "it reallly threw me off" whined Maggie.

Eric .."the fix was in" no matter who you picked!!! they would have won

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I'm sick of hearing them whine switching cameras

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Oh great we have April talking to James and Sarah, Howie and Kaysar in the Gold room.

"If beau and Yvette don't know each other" than they are doing a not so great job of not hiding the "commonality"~Howie

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Jenny is popping zits on Howie's back. fish

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Howie is telling April that they have slipped up to make themselves obvious because they (april and Jenny) have called each other "whores" and that Howie said people who hardly know each other would do that.

Kaysar now telling them "he can't trust" those two because everything they say is rushed to other people.

Kaysar has made the offer of protection of two weeks if they get on board. Jenny is a little hesitant because evryone backstabs and they hear thing that are "said about me".

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Kaysar telling April and Jenny "you two need to make decisions" "its up to you to "save your own asses" "times have changed" letting them know are you here to make friends or do you want to say longer.

Kaysar to April and Jenny "you are definitely on a sinking ship" "you are hanging around people who are targets"

April "what if they win next week" basically telling them that's a decision they need to make implying they may not be.

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Telling April in a very nice tone that it's a game.

Telling April "you had a group and I went afetr your leader" it's as simple as that.

Now warning if those two blab he will have little tolerence.

April seems a little defiant trying to justify with prior conversations.

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Telling Jenny "I don't know where you stand" and she telling Kaysar she doesn't know if she can trust him.

She said she felt comfortable after their conversation yeasterday until James came back and told her that Kaysar assure him that he would not be put up and she got worried.

Kaysar said that was because James lied to his face.

Jenny said she couldn't wait til one of them one HOH. Promise if they go after the rest he can promise her the jury and at least a chance for the sequester house.

He wants an answer "teell me now". Jenny still is not sure

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"it's up to you" "eric is going home" Kaysar says..

Jenny says that April would rather team up with Yvette and Beau.

Kaysar said "fine" it's up to you. Again tell her "Eric is going home" we have the votes "we don't need you" "i don't have an agenda"

Still Jenny is hesitant. "do you think they are all voting for Maggie" "I don't trust Eric at all..he promised James and he broke it"

Still no answer

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Janeele comes in showing her newly dyed roots!

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Back outdoors Beau and Maggie and April and eric.

Erics says he can't "Kiss ass" and grovel.

Tlaking a true test of a man's character is when he's under pressure [ like the 100th time he said that]

Now they are talking the money is not worth comprimising and about James "you saw him fold like a cheap suit" "like a rat".

"telling April "I said I would take you as far as I could " and after tjhat you would be on your own.

Jenny is now outside. Jennys is saying that they need to keep denying April wants to tell and Jenny says if we tell them we need to tell them today.

Now she's telling Aprilabout her conversation with Kaysar. April said we need to tell them. About the sorority thing she tells april "you should have kept you fucken mouth shut"

April wants to tell yvette and Beau first. Jenny wants to tell the truth tonight.

They're story is "they met at an audition a year ago"

Jenny tells April she does not trust Yvette "and I don't give a shit what you say"

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April is saying we need to tell Kaysar's group first. Jenny agrees than we can pretend we can tell the whole house.

April disagrees.

"we need to get in a group" tells April to pick one.... she doesn't know..

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They are going in to tell them!!!!!

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April and Jenny are outside talking.

April: I don't think we can keep this up much longer

Jenny: Who are you planning on telling

April: Everyone

Jenny: After you left, Kaysar tried to get me to spill the beans

April: So what are we going to tell them

J: Just tell them we met at an audition, we don't need to tell them at what

J: I told kaysar that i think beau and ivette are a couple, even if they didn't come in as pairs they are now since they are becoming such good friends

A: lets tell beau and ivette first, no let thell the others first, then the rest

J: we have to get on someones group

April: Lets just go in the gold room, tell them yes, we know each other, but we don't know each other

A: Do we walk in there together?

J: I don't know

April: we'll say we have a plan, yes we are here together , but we don't know each other well, we auditioned for...(jenny interupted)

J: Lets just go now... i have to pee first

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They are in the GR April says "we have a plan" "we know each other but we really don't know each other" Jenny .."we met on another reality show audition a year ago" saying that they are learning about each other in the house. Jenny says "she's on the show because of me"

James sarcastically "they must of put two people in the house who don't know each other"

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Kaysar is questioning the timing and ask if they have told the other side. James wants the to hold off.

Kaysar says they have earned their trust and that they are not going home next week.

April brings up Micheal saying that it was not true that they made it up. kaysar said it was the exploitation.

"Now that you are in the open we can all trust you' a decision that will prolong your stay here."

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Kaysar is telling them that the time to come clean with this, was when we were all sitting on the couch .. that the time has come and gone ..

Kaysar says that he appreciates them telling him .. that they are not going home this week.

What Michael said .. is not true says April.

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April: we have a plan, the deal is we know each other but we don't know each other

Jenny: Shut up bitch, we met a year ago on another reality show audition

can't say its another network

J:we are not lying we really don't know each other, she's on the show because of me, i put other friends on first but they are backed out

A:the only reason we have not said anything cause we have talked together

James: the sad part is you have shitty friends

April: she never met matt till all this started, the deal is she has done things i haven't agreed with and i've probably done things she hasn't agreed with

Kaysar: so why now, why have you come in right now

James: don't tell them yet

April: i think its fair for everyone to know, so its an even playing field

April: we held out cause we haven't talked

April: if you all put us up next week cause we are the last

Kaysar: its not an issue of coming out right now, you could have done this when we were all sitting on the couch for an hour, i know you are concerned about going home next week, both of you are not going home next week

April: I know that michael, thought it was mine and her strategy to say those things but that is not true

Kaysar: people exploited things you guys said

Jenny: i went to the dr and said michael is not a sexual predator

Kaysar: its not about friendships, its about making decisions to prolong your stay here, if you tell me where you stand then you won't be a target for two weeks.

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Jenny: why should we wait to tell the other people

James: cause they haven't come clean

(howie turns out the lights)


Ivette walks in tells the to stop making noises with the door ( it was howie)

Kaysar: here's the rule, howie you are not aloud to be funny after one o'clock

it one oclock Happy Birthday Sarah

K: give her a kiss

April : I was crying cause...

Sarah: how was Ivette crying, i said find someone you can trust and be honest with someone

Kaysar: she kept trying to tell me how can you play this game based on lies and deception, she was calling me out

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Kaysar giving trust speech to April and Jenny and letting them know he does not like the way the other side was protraying themselves . They need to start making smart decisions and "Happy Birthday Sarah"

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Telling the if they get HOH again you can bet they will come knocking out the door and they will sell you out.

Let's April and jenny know that Eric will go up tomorrow.

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Kaysar let's them know that Maggie will go next if they get HOH because they have strong players. April admits that they are weak players and then Kaysar tell them that's a reason to join them to be protected for this week and the next two weeks.

After that they will be left with the rest of the couples and they are free to do what they want to do.

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April and Jennifer brought Cappy and Ivette out to tell them they are partners. Ivette sort of fesses up. Says she doesn't really know Beau, that they were put together in there.

Eric doesn't trust anyone but Maggie, he is paranoid that everyone was in on the fix today.

He even questions Ivette about it, who truthfully denies it.

Ivette cannot be in the same room with those "dishonest players".

Ivette playing like Beau is like her fourth choice, Jenn and April saying the same thing.

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April and jenny have now let Eric and Yvette know about their secret and Eric is pissed and says he trusts no one except Maggie.

April say that "they knew" and Yvette is claiming that the show put them together.

Eric warning that "they'll cut your throat"

Eric is saying him and Maggie knew that BB would not through in 4 "wild cards"

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