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Everything posted by spr1ngtime

  1. The news of this kindof suprised me cause I just finished watching her show's finale on Bravo a couple weeks ago. They seemed to be getting along really well and she always said such nice things about him. But then again we all know reality tv ain't actual reality. The timing of this makes me think they wanted her show to finish before the announcement was made.
  2. Beau's knee has touch the ground he has been eliminated. He won the martini bar
  3. Howie brought out some food to tempt them April got cucumber to remind her of matt he gave Ivette bananas jen rasberries maggie hot dogs and beer jannie ice cream rachel mac and cheese the tiredness of all of this is starting to show many are now yawning and staring into space, yet no one is giving up yet For the most part howie is staying and hanging out outside with all of them and just walks around the box talking to each of them
  4. 6hr mark, the pb&j has been lifted and the storage room is filled with food. April is asking him to bring some food out and prove it to her. April is wondering if anyone would put her up, jennifer says yes.
  5. Howie has opened the green box. April keeps saying over and over that its a mudcat, its a dead fish and it is stinkin up the room/box. They at first thought so what but now the smell is stinking up the place. No one is giving up yet.
  6. 10:57 Howie House Guests you have now reached the 5 hour mark. As a reminder you can not sit or kneel. That means no knee or but can touch the ground, you can only squat. Here's a sneak peak of what is in the boxes, one contains a martini bar, another a 42 in plasma screen. If a box is not open in 30 min I will open the green box myself.
  7. April is talking to everyone(pretty much all day) about rachel and is starting to confuse her story about whether or not rachel tried to get ivette out and save sarah Howie feels that the competition for HOH will be physical since the one coming in won't be able to answer questions about what is going on in the house. Rachel is out is the backyard talking to howie, saying she's depressed and wants to go to sleep early. Rachel: well james wont move and I won't move if its endurance. They are supposed to make the competitions equally fair. Howie: yeah but they know the whole house is gunning for him Howie: cant believe janelle drinking and getting drunk the night before power of veto, all she cares about is that boy coming back, 'oh michael', these f**kin peoples brains are so clouded Rachel: well shes only 25, maybe we can use it to our advantage that she is not focussed on the game
  8. maggie and ivette talking in backyard. Ivette telling maggie how she is starting to believe in what james and sarah said about the possibility of rachel and howie being married rachel and janelle talking about how rachel met howie, they met in Indiana and she thought howie was very cute, Ivette;If the guy gets HOH and doesnt put you up, you have to believe him somewhat, he kept part of his word Ivette: I would love cappy to come back, but if its kaysar, I'm worried M: why Iv: cause one of us will be pawns with james Iv: james said, "I have to have respect for you beau and maggie. you guys don't budge"
  9. apr: i can't wait for this week to be over rach: you?, huh, we just put our asses on the line for you guys april : we all did inside sarah: its the fact that we thought we might have 2 extra votes james: here's what happened, janell walked in looking depressed, and i said you? we are the ones going home, maybe not she said, and that apr and jen might vote to evict you (ivette), now i know this is all kaysars plan since we kicked out michael, sarah: we didn't do anything, we didn't campaign against you, then they told us apr and jen are going back on their words, then they said well have you talked to them, so i was like i guess james: janelle came up with the story that we had a pack, i told jen that we don't have a pack Ivette: i won't know the truth till the votes, we need to see 6-1 to know, i'm not gonna doubt jen and april James: you can guarantee your buddies that they are safe this week, the reason i was thinking maggie was bad is because of howie rachel and janelle, i'm mad and howie and rachel cause they could have let her go peacefully, but for her and janelle to come in here and gives us hope, took this from strategic to personal, now i'm after them, sarah: have a conversation with jen and april after i am gone, you can trust them ivette: they (h,r, jan) think that april and jen are bendable james: i don't understand maggie at all, but i think you do ivette: people do set ups here HOH Room Rachel: her communication style is going to get her kicked out of here, what did she say i was starting, i mean i need to know howie: that we came up with the idea and ran with it, and ran to james rach: we didn't go to him, he's trying to save sarah howie: its cause you apologized rach: i did do that, and i told april, they kicked us out of the gold room, obviously i need to talk to jennifer downstairs now rach: if shes outside grab her Howie: i don't want to start looking like a liar, i want to give you information but not look like james rachel alone near kitchen planning/mumbling what to say howie gets jennifer rachel: you guys kicked me out of the gold room, and i saw them on the couch crying about it, so i told them i was sorry all this was happening jen: i'm avoiding you cause i'm mad and i don't want to blow up, and i don't like how you talk to april in the gym rach: i apologized to april for that, it wasnt' how i wanted it to go jen: you were being a bitch yesterday and i did't appreciate that rach: well everyone has their days howie: well i'm just here for both of you rach: well this is a stressful situation jen: i couldn't get over it cause it was late at night rach: and the alarm kept going off jen: i haven't been mad at you in this game, til yesterday jen: i hate complaining about this, cause people in america will be like well why did you sign up for it, this is hell
  10. jen: we need to get ivette away, maggie said janelle, rachel and howie are drilling ivette (switched to the other camera) Looks like ivette and beau are just casually talking to maggie and rachel gold room april is now speculating that they are out side talking crap about her. april: just cause i say james is a motherf**ker to rachel and howie, doesn't mean that i mean it, howie told me that he kisses your ass because he doesn't want to go home janelle has entered, april has stopped to tie the back of her bathing suit, janelle says that she has exposed her breasts twice now outside ivette: so all votes are in Rach: yeah Iv: he's gonna have game face tomorrow, like howie said if he can out do 9 people tomorrow, we should all just go home maggie: but luckily he can only be it that one week and not the next Iv: he's like a bad stomach virus that you cant get rid of, evertime you think you have maggie: you vomit again Kitchen Jen: i feel like we are in prison, and constantly monitored outside Rachel and april Rach: so i'm really curious as to what he is saying april: same o'l crap, we agreed not to talk bad about each other
  11. james:even if one of you two are hoh, or ivette or maggie, i don't care if i'm up, cause atleast i know now april: lets promise that i won't say anything bad about you, and you not say anything bad about me,lets be adults (ed.um, wasn't she saying he is evil every day this week) James: kaysar was trying to convince me that eric was backstabbing me, and he kept me up in that HOH room so that it would put doubt in your guys' minds apr: why are all of them willing to sale your asses out james: cause we had a bond, and i was the easiest one to go after sarah: howie and rachel have always tried to play both sides, if I have an extra vote, we know its janelle april: rachel is already prepping everybody that if there are 2 extra votes then it is not rachel or janelle
  12. James: Its one thing if they just came to us and apologized Apri: they said they didn't make a mistake, that he has to go James: Maggie has called you guys weak James: when you guys are at home watching this you will see that I didn't try and back stab, i was just playing a game Sarah: he's not trying to make himself a saint James: I have a mission next week April: they say who'd they put up next week if they win James: they are now saying maggie, and that they will go with the original plan James: april, you don't have to make any apologies April: our group has an understanding, but the other group look at rachel this morning cussing up a storm about janelle Sarah: when a deal is made because of a lie, it is void JameS: the 3 most scared people are rachel, janelle and howie april: he thinks you'll go after me and maggie, they maybe jennifer, and that he said that you(james) said i was the most annoying person in this house
  13. James:We got so played by kaysar and his group, probably got played more than anyone in the big brother in this game Jen: we never thought you played dirty, but what got us is when you swared on the bible James: I respect the bible, I think the story of adam and eve is crap and isn't to be believed word for word. the story is crap but not the bible. i was talking to ivette, and beau came in a gave me the bible, and she said she wanted me to give her something Sarah: they threw their balls down the ramp (saying ivette and beau threw an HOH competition) James: I assumed what I was telling ivette, was not between friends but as the game, especially when maggie turned the tv off. I let ivette know that when i swore on the bible i was raging as i talked to her, if they handed me a sandwhich i would have sworn on that. i haven't had an ally in this house since eric turned on me. James: She said she didn't trust either one of you, and she wanted jen to sign in blood. The two women kept pushing at us, and saying they are sorry, and wanted to try and keep sarah, so thats why we came to you guys, but they sunk to an unfare level by giving me and her hope april: she came in the gym and was raging, he i need to ask you a question, did you tell sarah that you were sorry, 'tell me what your gut says" s: she didn't know what was going through howies head, if she won she said things would be different James: i thought i had one side and they turned on us s: they said they were going to put up ivette and maggie A: she told me in the gym that she didn't talk to you, i told her we made a promise to evict sarah and we have to stick to it, and she said thank you thats what i wanted to hear, we are on the same page James: i told eric day one, that howie and rachel were dangerous Sarah: when have i not tried to be your friend James: they used sarah as a tool for their aggression James: you guys(jen&apr) could be my only friends in here Jen: you have to understand that we cant vote one from our side out Sarah: Janelle came in here smiling from ear to ear and said she didn't want to get my hopes up, so we had to ask Apri: who do you think started this James: kaysar A: no who said that we would vote for you They did Jen: we never said we would (which is a lie, since this all started as their idea to get ivette out) Apr: when howie got HOH we went up there, they said if we do this we want safety for 3 weeks, thats when they tried to play both sides, cause they don't want you to nominate him if james gets HOH.
  14. They are currently all outside taking the HOH pictures for the week. Janelle is talking to Ivette by the pool, but Ivette doesn't have her mic on, they are talking about james, janelle is saying he is cocky, sounded like ivette was saying she heard people were throwing competitions.
  15. janelle, howie, and april outside in back yard Jan: Ok , sarah is out, f*ck it , she keeps following us around, going up to you 'april you have james protection' april: sarah said it would be maggie and beau then you (howie) and rachel, thats their plan, they have lied multiple times and unfortunately for them they got caught Jan: I'm staying out here til voting tomorrow april: i went in to seriously play chess, i ended up only making three moves howie: why do you think the chessboard is in there april: send me home next week, so i can see my husband Howie: we started to feel sorry for them and thats what they wanted Janelle: I know I did H: we felt sorry then all hell broke loose A: kaysar said put them both up, make sure you get rid of sarah cause they need to go back to back, if you make a promise to maggie dont back out H: i didn't plan this, you and jen came to us
  16. James: we took you out first because other than maggie you are the best player on that team. Jen: I thought i was flying under the radar James: weeks are getting smaller, you have to look at who you have on your team. Jen: I don't see how this benifits anyone but yourself. James: If michael comes back into this house he's going after you and april James: I don't know what I can offer you. They realized they fucked up. (April walks in, with new hair cut) Jen : I haven't talked to you all day, so you have no idea what i'm talking about April: I like being out of the loop April: do you wanna talk? Jen: lets go to the gym April: Sarah, apparently Jen steps out of the gym to see if they can be heard April: sarah asked how safe do you a jen feel, i feel safe for next week, i can promise you that james or i won't put you up, we'd put up maggie and beau, then rachel and howie, since they don't trust them anymore, i asked janelle about it, all they need is one vote, if we vote to evict ivette, they will keep us safe for awhile, jen: james, said after ivette they'd go after maggie, they think they that we are stupid, and that i'm just slightly better april: they come after us cause we never established a group Jen: they know you and ivette are fighting april: we made a promise and we all need to stick to it jen: it was my dream to get ivette out, never thought this day would come, but i don't trust that side
  17. Rachel: don't wory what sarah tells the group Janelle: so we just deny it R: yeah, especially if eric comes back J: who'd be a pawn, me. so why don't i vote how i want R: cause we will loose all credibility R: bright side, if one of us goes home next week at least we wont be stuck in the sequester house with all of them
  18. Grocery List from maggie (she's starving and getting a head ache) Olive Oil, Balsamic and Tums. She noticed BB has given them 3 new boxes of cereal also. She's really getting tired of PB&J. Maggie is trying to make a bread dip it looks like out of oil and vinegar. Rachel has gone upstairs to the HOH room to listen to a cd. April (To Maggie): If I'm not coming over its not cause of you or Beau, I just wanted you to know that switched to rachel and janelle Rachel: I told maggie that we have not switched our votes, and if there are two votes against sarah that its not us. Janelle: If sarah wasn't so obvious about it, we'd be able to keep her, now they are trying to offer april a deal, like we can protect you. R: they are going back and forth like they always do J: if sarah just kept her mouth shut R: I told sarah not to talk to april cause april can't keep her mouth shut J: to stay on james good side we should vote to keep sarah R: we are on his good side, we don't need to vote to keep her, we will just tell him how they screwed us and went back and forth like they did with eric. He knows we have a deal with the house. Sarah is going to go home, and we cant trust april or jennifer, she just sits and watches us, we are done with her. We are not breaking our deal, the votes need to be 6 to 1
  19. Ivette: start watching her, every chance she gets she up in james and sarahs ass, she's just as obnoxious as sarah Jennifer: rachel's strategy is to stay right in the middle, she is playing both sides Ivette: outside of this house she is the person that comes to the restaraunt and says "uh, i didn't order this, this doesn't have enough ice. aha ah Ivette: they have james by the balls right now, its not smart for them to put him up because he is a number for them jenifer: not really, he's not on their side ivette: i'm gonna call rachel out if she is gonna say something about me hanging out with james, she thinks she's playing me April: if i'm a pawn and i go out, then promise me that you will go after rachel Ivette: i'm so sick of rachel April: can you believe she is trying to work that 3 week deal Beau: she tried to attack my partner Ivette: she was in the gold room with james and sarah alone, she is one shady bitch, that f'ing walk dah -ta- dah, its all about her, another person who doesn't have anyone in her life and only cares about herself april: did you see that they made janelle go on our team so that if we one janelle could give her the pass bb: april please do not obstruct you microphone april: tell me what i'm doing you f'ing rats april: she has no life, she was straight up talking to us like it was maggie who messed it up last week and that maggie should have put up james and sarah april: if i go home put her ass up beau: i say put up sarah and rachel next week april: janelle is all about the f'in pawn deal too jen: they are flipping that eric might come back next week, cause we are "sheep" ivette: they need to start acting like adults Ivette: at the end of it all she seemed to respect kaysar more that cappy april : I think she is bipolar, she's such a bitch, if things don't go her way, go up there and find out whats going on ivette beau: we can't do that april: i need to know if i'm a pawn (seems they all need a new enemy each week) Rachel has joined them April: do you know what he's doing, i want to know if i'm a pawn rachel: i don't think you'll be a pawn, i think he wants to hear everyone's opinion howie has now come outside, they are teasing him about wearing his underwear, but he's in swim shorts right now
  20. Janelle: what do we tell him after the nominations Howie:when he comes asking why, we'll just tell him he needs to figure it out himself
  21. Janelle: god i am getting so sick of her, she tried to threaten me, saying if we take out here or james they are coming after us april: if you do the pawn thing and it falls through, don't you think who evers partner will come after you, i'm not saying i will come after you, but if i'm a pawn and i go home my partner will come after you janelle: there's rachel can you leave the room howie: so far the underdog has won, if eric comes back, we need to put up eric and beau, who do you think ivette would vote to keep, cappy or the million dollars, she's gonna vote for her beloved cappy howie: if i do this, i'd rather have james come after me rather than the whole house rachel: i don't want them to think i just want to play to get to the sequester house, but i want to atleast be safe howie: they eventually have to vote some of their side off Janelle: I don't appreciate april threatening us Howie: i nominate you james and you sarah, because you are my stongest competitors in this house janelle: you should tell them that its because he went behind your back howie:Lets just let the house tell them, I feel safer in this house if you two were not in this house, and ask if anyone has anything else to say Janelle: you two have lied and deceived to everyone in this house rachel:no he should say that, but you could add that howie: he screwed up our alliance Rachel: he overplayed this games
  22. Food Competition Cream Puffs are going down a conveyory belt, they are trying to eat everything and keep it from going off the side into the bucket, they are divided into two teams (red & blue) Ivette: I need milk bitches Now a cake is coming, Janelle is shoving it into her face and grabing any food she can Fish Howie: Blue team you have a bucket of used bakery goods of 35 pounds, uh point five-oh CLAP CLAP All Right Fish came back howie waves at an airplane as they all stand there Fish Still standing next to the conveyor belts, seem to be waiting for something (looking at plane flying over Janelle: Stalker Howie: Hi Dan, you stalker Howie: lets see how the red team did (they bring over the bucket, all jumping up and down), You guys did some good eating, bucket remnance, 35 pounds, .15, You are eating for the week, Blue Team you are on pb&j, Jannie you have the pb&j pass for as long as you are a big brother house guest, and can do whatever you want with it Janelle: Sorry guys, I'm gonna keep it for myself. Back to Fish Blue Team janelle maggie beau April Ivette Red Team James Sarah Rachel Jennifer Howie
  23. Howie: Beau just told me that you guys are on their side10:51 PM 8/4/2005 James: oh so thats why they had to get me out first (Rachel enters) James: I'm with maggie and Ivette Howie: they just said that you were gunning for me and rachel from week 1 James: how can i be on their side, they are shutting off my tv in the veto compitition then they take me out first today. They should come up with better lies. Rachel: the biggest concern i have right now is the prospect of eric coming back, we have 2 to 1 odds. We have to put her up James: eric was only strong when he had me backing him up, he was good at manipulating, motivating people Rachel: If michael comes back its all good, if kaysar comes back its all good, we can't back door her cause what if there is no veto, but if she did get veto then ivette goes up, we can't have the possibility of eric and ivette together again.
  24. 4:50 Everyone checking their hair and makeup before going live. 4:51 FOTH
  25. Ivette, Beau, Sarah and Maggie are playing the "cup" game



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