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Dan - Week 7


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I hope he can sandbag Ollie into thinking he's safe, but eh, I'm not so sure.

hey tar..........don't worry at all about that part.........Ollie is convinced that HE will control the POV (hard to understand, I know but it was part of the deal to get Ollie to give up HOH)...........Ollie has already stated that he will "make Dan cry" and gone as far as to promise to "kill Dan" if he doesn't follow through............the POV "deal" is supposed to be a secret (shhhhhh)........ but everyone knows...........just one side knows Dan is not going to do it and the other side thinks he is!

Hope that helps!

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I don't get Dan.. He's willing to put up his F2, to keep his word but wants to win the POV so he can BD Michelle. If he's going to go back on his agreement with Ollie, then why wouldn't he just put Ollie and Michelle up to begin with???

If he's been applying for 4 years to get on the show, he should know by now that nothing ever goes the way they are planned when you have these agreements.

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I don't get Dan.. He's willing to put up his F2, to keep his word but wants to win the POV so he can BD Michelle. If he's going to go back on his agreement with Ollie, then why wouldn't he just put Ollie and Michelle up to begin with???

If he's been applying for 4 years to get on the show, he should know by now that nothing ever goes the way they are planned when you have these agreements.

My thoughts exactly, IMISS.....but, I deleted the last two nights of BBAD on my DVR on Thursday :scared: night and then on Friday too! I haven't had much time to catch up here. I didn't order the feeds since I am such a junkie I know they would find me dead at my computer! I could probably OD on BB feeds and I don't know if they have invented a 12 step program to accommodate that one yet! :cookoo:

I usually can follow the boards but you guys are so funny that I am laughing too much to concentrate! Your hysterically funny LenRay & Ivgal!!! Or I am sleep deprived (it's a toss up and probably a bit of both) cause I really was laughing outloud at your comments. I'm having a ball and so glad I came to Mortys now. Makes watching BB infinitely more interesting. Thank you, everyone, one & all, I never knew this could be so much fun! :animated_rotfl::drummer::cheshire:

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I think that Dan knows that Ollie won't be satisfied with keeping only one person safe who could be on his side. If Ollie and Michelle could be content to have each other, they would be better off letting Jerry go and both working hard to win HOH next week. But Ollie and Michelle are both greedy to run the show and are so conceited about their own power, they are willing to bet they can sway Dan to their side against his other alliance. As seen last night, they were laughing that Dan's own alliance doesn't know about the last part of the deal.

As Dan said to Renny... Pride goeth before the fall. Either Ollie or Michelle are going to fall hard, because they both are planning on using the POV on Jerry if they win it so they have the "numbers" at next HOH competition. Jerry tried to warn them, but they didn't listen. I suspect Dan knows very well what they will do. As long as they don't find out, or Dan is able to convince Ollie that he will fulfill the whole deal... Dan's plan will work in any scenario.

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Also Renny told Dan tonight he needs to wash the swimsuit!!! But Dan is skating on thin ice. At least this one will be exciting until the Veto Comp/Ceremony anyway

double eviction dream scenario: Renny wins HOH, tells Dan he MUST wash his swimsuit or be put up on the block, then Ollie leaves :lol:

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I have been on pins and needles this whole week! I'm still on the Danwagon! I'm sooo hoping it works...but I'm not so sure. My mind doesn't work in these situations, so I love reading all ya'lls scenereos...cuz I would SO LOSE This game! LOL Keeping my fingers crossed! WOULD LOVE to see Michelle GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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He was impressive in the HOH but the more his real personality comes out, the more I'm taken aback by him. It looks like the pre-show interview Dan is in full force. It's strange to me that he's not allowed to shower on the opposite side of a girl but he wanted Keesha to get in the tub with him? Okay. And if he's so worried about his job, screwing Ollie won't do him much good.

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dan will look like a hypocrite to rest

JUDAS as jerry called him was well deserved

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Well from how anal Dan has been about his job, I'd assume they wouldn't be too happy with him breaking his word that badly. I'd be disappointed in him because of what a hypocrite he'd seem to be. If Memphis did it, I wouldn't be surprised but Dan pretends to be someone bigger than the other's petty game moves.

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Dan is in full force. It's strange to me that he's not allowed to shower on the opposite side of a girl but he wanted Keesha to get in the tub with him?

Dan said he would love for them to talk to him while he is in the tub but nobody can get in with him. Renny kept teasing Dan about that.

Dan is playing the HOH very well.

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Marty you just beat me...I agree...Dan invited them to come up and watch him take a bath ...play bath-ketball. I never heard him last night say to Keesha to share the bath with him. He was joking with Renny...I don't thinke he ever considered she'd get into the tub with him. Dan won't even allow an unmarried woman put sun screen on his back...only Libra and Renny were ever asked to do it.

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I'm not claiming he is, I'm saying his personality has changed in the last few weeks. He even cusses every once in a while now which isn't a huge deal but it's a bigger thing coming from him after what a big deal he makes about trying to seem pure. I really noticed it after Keesha and Renny discussed it a week or so ago that he was willing to sleep in the same room with Keesha all the sudden when he wouldn't before. When I read about him smiling at people scrambling about while viewing his spyscreen, I was a little irritated. I don't like people who hide behind their values in the game to appear as if they're better than the rest yet they still stoop as low. It's more hypocritical than most and it reminds me of Natalie all over again.

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I really don't think Dan thinks he has to be perfect. I certainly don't. My boyfriend is strong in his Catholic faith and is not perfect by any means.

As far as Dan up in HOH laughing about the people on the spy screen I thought that was hilarious and entertaining.

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The difference (for me) between how Dan is and how Natalie was...

Natalie kept claiming that God wanted her to win. God would hand her the victory over those "evil doers". She was part of "Team Christ" after hearing about "Bible Buddies" and before that... she had no problem with giving bj's and stripping for everyone.

Dan on the other hand... came into the game with his beliefs... has never called anybody an evil doer. Has never claimed that he deserved to win because of his faith. He TRIES to maintain a certain moral ground, but it doesn't always work out because of the environment he is in. I know what it is like when you are surrounded by people who cuss. You have a tendency to cuss as well. When you get away from that, you stop. It's happened for me before in the real world, and I'm certain it is amplified in the house with no release from your surroundings. He's never prayed for God to hand him the victory because he deserves it. And he's even stated to others that he doesn't believe that God grants him superpowers or anything.

There is a slight difference. He tries to do good, but knows he will mess up and is aware that he will have to lie and deceive to win the prize.

Natalie was a flat out hypocrite who tried to use God to get her own way. Dan tries to live up to what God wants, but has a realistic view of life.

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I really liked Dan at the beginning of the game but he talks about people just as much as Keesha & Memphis do and it comes across to me that he feels better than them but he's just as flawed. I'm not saying that cussing makes you a bad Christian but he's slipping up more as time goes on and what he's willing to do has bended a lot. That's my perception.

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I understand what you're saying endure...and don't dispute that he hasn't changed over the past few weeks...I've seen it. It could have been an image of himself he was trying to project for strategic purposes early in the game or maybe genuine concern for his job/school/students. Later he got relaxed and let things slip. We see the contradictory behavior and call him (or any of the others as the case may be) out on it. I don't believe for 1 second that Dan is as pure as he appears. I sometimes think he's naive...and other times think he's pretty smart and savvy....which is the real Dan? Somewhere in the middle I'd expect.

It is a game and they are trying to manipulate others to get to the grand prize...does playing the game and deceiving us and other hgs make him a hypocrite...not to me. I don't see rules of living an honest respectable life outside of the BB house applying to living within the house since it is a game.

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This religion thing is one reason I wouldn't enter the BB house. I firmly believe if you have a sound moral base, you wouldn't do anything to contradict that. I'm not passing judgment on anyone or anything they may do but it does make a difference especially when you act like you're holier than thou (Natalie). I learned at an early age that money is root of all evil. Just my opinion.

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Unfortunately, Christians are always under the microscope. Big picture is that we all live in a fallen world and even Christians sin. Difference with Christians, is they recognize it and try to correct their behavior. It doesn't always work and we look bad to everyone else who doesn't even try to have some sort of moral fibre. Long story short, too late, Dan is human just like everyone else.

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I think some people are misunderstanding me. I'm not saying Dan being imperfect makes him a bad Christian by any means. I'm saying he made himself seem one way and has switched it up entirely. If that is his gameplay then okay but I find it hypocritical from how he initially made himself seem. Everyone is allowed to have flaws and things to work on, that's not what I'm saying. Do I think he deserves to win $520,000 at this point? No.

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