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Wednesday Live Show 4/16


72 members have voted

  1. 1. Who will be evicted tonight?

    • Natalie
    • Sharon
  2. 2. Who will win HOH tonight?

    • Adam
    • Ryan
    • Natalie (if not evicted)
    • Sharon (if not evicted)

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OOOh really? I'm going to go back to my tape and rewatch that part.

Isn't there something the viewers can do about this unfair game???? And get Sharon to be HOH?


This HOH comp was a load of crap! I mean, really! How can a friggin guinea pig have a "pre existing relationship" give me a break. Julie didn't even know wtf to say.

Really lame BB! Really lame!


I was thinking that all those questions were stupid. Why not have some questions are not ones that you just guess at. How would they know the answer to many of them? Stupid stupid questions.


Ok, so best case scenerio, Sheila or Sharon win POV, take themself off, put up Adam, woman have majority vote and Adam goes home......in the end screw BB.


Bonehead remark by Adam is that he would win when questioned by Julie.

The person that wins the POV gets to chose who goes home as they are the only one voting to evict.


You know what, for none of the other HOH questions was an answer shown on the TV for the viewers like they did for the guinea pig question. You can definitely hear something going on during that long pause for that question.



Like I said, if they're going with non-humans, then the whole question is a lie because there are more than just the guinea pigs. Every insect in the house would be related to other insects in the house. You can't pick and choose which relationships to consider if they want you to take the question literally. Oh wait, this is BB. Yes you can! You can apparently make it up as you go along!


Good point Xal. I think I saw some flies buzzing in the windows and I think they have a relationship.


OK this is the first time that I have seen blantant cheating and manipulation done by the production of BB. Nothing behind the scenes, nothing through the DR... this manipulation was done on national TV. I am sure there is a fine line in the term 'relationship' there can be a love/hate relationship, there could be a friendship... it is just an incredibly vague question that was obviously formed to sway the 'tie-breaker' to include Ryan. And what was the deal with Sharons answer? That was just stupid, she has to know math... she is a realator, she has to have some sort of 'relationship' with math and numbers...


Was the question :There are three pre-existing relationships? Depending on how was it exactly worded, Xal, you may have proven thier point. The ants obviously have a pre-show relationship, as they were there last season.

I agree that it was purposefully vague and they got the outcome they wanted, Sharon & Ryan having different answers. Ultimately, however, BB couldn't control how each would answer.

I'm still clinging to my belief that this season has been rigged for a Sharon/ Ryan final two, as they were both part of the orginal twist and have been allowed to continue their game AFTER they were evicted.


The question went like this...

Everyone knows that Ryan and Jen, and Jacob and Sharon were two pre exsisting relationships in the house, but there is a third pre exsisting relationship "still" in the house...


But they could have changed the correctness of the answer depending on who it would affect.


ridiculous hoh gp question aside...

My favorite part of the show was when James made Chelsia cry. Love to see her get what she's got coming to her...but then I still couldn't help but think what a tool he is to come in and outright blame her for his eviction...make her cry...then turn around and get all cozy with her. "what's wrong?" ack!!! You know what's wrong dipwad...you just told her off! I thought for a few minutes maybe he really was ticked at her...but then he caved...probably because he just wants to get into her pants during sequester. :rolleyes:


You wanna send a message to CBS. All it takes is one show. The Sunday Show.

We will pull alittle move that WCW did during the Monday Night Wars with WWF.

WWF that Monday night was taped so WCW excs went out and before the WWF show READ all the results of the show live on the air.

So thats what we do, we all know what is gonna happen on Sundays Show long before it happens so lets flood the internet with the results with the tag line of sending a message.

And when I mean flood I mean flood every single blog, blast it on myspace pages, any other kind of forums, emails, hell even put up a one page website just for sundays show.

It is pretty clear that people are pissed off and some people LOVE this show, if your not willing to step up and voice your opinion on this matter then be ready for MORE just like this. They want to see how much they can get away with and if nothing comes of this you can expect more rigging of live comps except next time they will prepare for it and we will never know!


BB placed the animals in there, and there was soooo much speculation that there was going to be some link to one of the comps involving something to do with the GP. The question, IMO, was fair because it was the houseguests themselves that established a relationship for the two GP...They gave them the names of two figures associated with one another. Sharon was on the cage all the time...if anything was skewed (and it wasn't), BB skewed the questioning towards her, but she was too dense to put it together. If BB had said, "If you can guess how many marbles I'm holding in my hand, I'll give you both of them", there's a 93.6% chance, according to my calculations, that Shh-Shh-Shharon would've answered, "4"

However no one would've gotten it:

Shelabia - would've answered "46, because that's how old I became on my birthday"

Ryanus - would've answered "20 because that's how many pounds Jen weighs and it's twice my IQ"

Adumb - would've answered "2" and it would've been right, but only because he had drfited off, and thought they were asking, "How many nostrils can one pick nose goblins?"

If Nutalie were still there, she would've answered, "Blue"...I don't know why.




Just playing devils advocate here.

What if the reason that Julie paused for so long was that BB didn't expect anyone to answer fact. If all three would have answered fiction, then Julie would have told them about the GP. Since Ryan answered fact BB decided that it would be better to have the 4 of them trying to decide who the 3rd relationship is.

I'm not saying I believe this or not. Personally I don't care if it's fixed or not, I will keep watching.


1) It could have been just as easily favored for sharon because she is the one who always deals with the guinea pigs. I am sure if she had got that question right and nobody else, then everyone would have said it was rigged for sharon and be mad, and wanted to have ryan or adam as HOH.

2) Second...the pause was likely for dramatics to make the houseguests on edge about the possibility of another twist. Or the long pause could have been a technical glitch that came at a really bad time. You can't know these things for sure.

This is like the mystery box with James. That could have been their plan all along, but it just looked bad with it being James. We can never really know for sure. Look at both sides.


ok the PAUSE came AFTER Julie started to say the answer. Which means she was reading something off a card and SOMETHING made her STOP.

What that something is we will never no for sure, but its not like she read the question and then there was a long pause, she always does that.


Ok I just relistened to the show on my MP3 making software.

There are 2 sounds after Julie askes the question.

1.) Sounds like someone scribbling something on a paper

2.) The sound of typing or someone tapping something against something

AND this is Julies reponse to the question...

The Correct Answer is..............Pause................................The Correct Answer is Fact!

I wanna see if I can get the 2 sounds completely isolated and post them on the web.


Its all happening at the sametime, you hear the scribbling as she is saying The Correct Answer is.....(the first time)

The reason she has those cards is so that she can read what she is suppose to say.


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