BigMDGirl Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 Ginger-- The reason why I think that this one has more "weight" than the others is because this was more blatant and right in front of our eyes versus the manipulation behind the scenes in the diary room where speculation could still take place.
GingerSnaps Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 I see your point. If Julie didn't pause do you think all would be forgotten?
uvp Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 no one can debate it now you always have those who try to defend that bb doesnt manipulate or cheat now the debate is put to rest
leesestyle Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 i agree... it's a bs question. maybe the guineas are just screwing and there is no relationship. like matt & natty
CTK Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 If she didnt pause yes then it is laughed off. Her pausing is the screw up
Jem Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 BB showed that it was the GP's when Julie gave the answer
BORED Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 What a stuped question. Looked like BB didn't want Sharon to win HOH. Notice the long pause by Julie Chen AFTER the house guests made their picks. I call BS.
GingerSnaps Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 Gingersnaps they said the answer were the guinea pigs ... it was typed on the screen ... Sorry, I was updating the thread and was going by what I heard. I probably missed it. Yeah, those scumbag producers really showed their true colors this time.
Dade Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 Final question. Fact or fiction: Everyone knwos Jacob and Sharon and Ryan and Jen were two pre-existing relationships in the Bb house. But there is a third pre-existing relationship still in the house. R guesses fact. Sharon and Adam say fiction. at the same time it was posted on the screen (Guinea Pigs)
Cocoabutta98 Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 Exactly CTK ... The pause is what is causing all of the drama ... This was more out in the open than any other cheats ... And the DR really screwed Ryan b/c Nat was his only chance at winning $500K ... Team Pink + Sheila hate Nat with a passion ...
chachingbling Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 Who knows, maybe we need to think outside the box. What if the GPs were Ryan and Jen's pets that were brought into the house. That wouldn't surprise me one bit. As far as BB is concerned, tonight really did disappoint me. I won't be boycotting completely but as of last week, I already stopped watching Sunday and Tuesday shows since I can follow the live feeds on You Tube and updates on Morty's. I'm still gonna watch the live show to see how things play out but once again, what a stupid question.
pootiebootie Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 I think that was the most blatant use of spinning the answers to get who Big Brother wanted to win that I've ever seen. I can't even believe they would be so bold. Chenbot started to answer then waited atleast five seconds to finish!!!! What a crock!!!
theatermouse Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 I was very happy to see Natalie evicted tonight & Ryan to win HOH. My favorite part of the show was when James blamed Chelsia for his eviction. The look on her face was PRICELESS!! I was never able to stand her so to see her put in her place was awesome!
MrsFroman Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 I do not understand why Sharon is throwing Nat under the bus STILL. She's saying things that she wouldn't say when Nat was still in the house. What the heck?
GingerSnaps Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 BTW - it's not like Julie never paused before. I need to use my toes too to count how many times she blunders sentences. Tonight - she couldn't get the work contemplate out...she said contemplaith then corrected herself. She's a tool--Grodner's tool.
higgy Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 ginger... if chenbot wouldnt have paused that long, i think it would be a moot issue.... from the stuff been hearing from the HGs it sounds like they are being manipulated in the DR, but no clear evidence(since most likely the HG have signed a confidentality contract so wont blab after the show is over), this pause is very good evidence to the possibility of a scam being ran by the producers....
GingerSnaps Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 The manipulation goes way back, even before last season. We have all seen the light now and UVP and myself feel redeemed in our effort to enlighten ya all
Weazlegirl Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 Julie's response: I think she really thought everyone would answer false and she had some funny quip about the GP's being a pre-existing relationship. However, I think it was a "Oh, #$@%!" moment where she was thinking "He actually answered 'true'?" She couldn't give her response and had to think what to do...hence the delay. It doesn't really matter who won/lost this HOH though because ultimately, it's the POV winner who is safe, gets to move to the F3 round and decides who goes home - Sharon better win it. Actually, if you think of it...Sharon winning POV is ultimately better for Ryan in the long run. It wipes Ryan's hands clean if Adam leaves and he doesn't have to go up against Adam - someone he probably has little to no chance of winning against.
higgy Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 well i watched the feeds last season, but rarely visited the board til the later weeks of the show, and i just started watching with BB8, was more of a survivor fan(until heard bad stuff about things they pull) but a friend (kudos owned) got me hooked...
GingerSnaps Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 but a friend (kudos owned) got me hooked... Does your friend know there is major manipulation of hg going on? Does your friend know that Julie wears GP food on her shoulder? Does your friend know that Sheila spends money and time in tanning salons to get those custom made lines on her neck?
myss911 Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 "The second answer to the relationship question was "Ryan and the Refrigerator" That was brilliant! I am sure Sir Chubs-A-Lot wouldn't deny that one at all!
BAWSGIRL Posted April 17, 2008 Posted April 17, 2008 CTK wrote Maybe BB producers are believers in reincarnation (sp) and they think that the GPs are the souls of Nats kids so there are siblings Ok I am going to hell for that one. Yes you well more then likely pay for that one. You did go to far the innocence of babies and GP's do not need to be dragged into this at all. You could have gone all day without saying this remark.
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