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House Divided


the house seems to be divided  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. Which side do you find youself rooting for?

    • Natalie- Ryan- Adam- Shelia
    • Josh- Sharon- James- Chelsia
  2. 2. Do you think Ryan and Josh will actually take each other to the end?

    • Yes
    • No

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Ok, seems like the house is divided.. not as bad as season 6, but seems like they are loyal to each other.. well with the exception of Josh and Ryan (if they arent playing each other)

So what side are you rooting for? AND WHY?

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1 ? i dont like nat or sheila, james, chelsia, sharon, josh

2? josh is totally using ryan so no on josh taking ryan

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I chose Nats group b/c they seem to be the most honest...

James has proven that he can't be trusted and I hope Nat doesn't believe this stupid alliance James came up with

Chelsia is just like James and cannot be trusted ... She told Adam she would take him on her trip to Vegas if he saves her this week and then she turned right around in the same breath and told James she wasn't going to really take him ... But then she called him dumb for not choosing to go with their side ... :cookoo:

Josh has an alliance with everyone in the house and was actually ready to throw Sharon under the bus when it came down to voting either her or James out of the house...

Sharon is just naieve to think that she can trust any of them ...

Which brings me to HELL NO Ry and Josh won't see each other to the end ... Josh can't be trusted and I don't think Ryan trusts Josh that much as long as James is in the game.

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I chose James group, because I believe he is a strong player (also I usually like the ones that have strange hair colors and styles). Nat is smart and could go far in this game. I view that Adam is flying under radar. And I chose that Ryan and Josh to keep each other back til the end even though Josh seems to have a big mouth a lot and spill the beans.
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I chose the Ryan, Adam, Sheila and Nat group only because I would like to see Ryan go to the end.

I don't think Ryan and Josh will have each others back. I think it will be Ryan and Sharon in the end because they play the calm, laid back 'card' alot...

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Natalie's group

Natalie - Well I have said so much about her already..she's my gal this year

Adam - My new hero

Shiela - could care less

Ryan - well at least he tried to boot James and Chelsia

Chelsia - High and Mighty much?

Sharon - Just don't like ya

Josh - That whole thing when he was HoH was enough for me

James - Basically no real hatred for the guy


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I chose Natalie, Ryan, Sheila and Adam. Mostly because I CAN NOT stand James, Chelsia and Josh...Sharon can be a bit annoying at times but if someone from that group would win I would pick Sharon.

Well, I guess I should clarify when I say I cant stand JC&J...that isnt a nice thing to say cause I dont personally know them to say that. BUT it is that their ATTITUDES are just U-G-L-Y!!! Josh and Chelsia just come across as MEAN a** bitches for no reason. That is stupid in MY opinion. And James, well I gotta give him credit for playing a good game (he is a threat to EVERYONE in the house) BUT I have been offended by some things he has said in the house. Oh and I feel they all are cocky!!!

I hope Ryan doesnt trust Josh to the end. I honestly would like to see Nat and Ryan at the end. Doubt it would happen though. I actually am pulling for Nat...Yes she can be annoying but people in the house talk about her SO bad I just think that it is wrong. I know this is a game but this season of BB seems to have a lot of people that just talk a lot of mean BS about people behind their backs. I just dont like crap like that. Oh well just my opinion. I am done rambling now! :)

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I chose Natalie, Ryan, Sheila and Adam as well. I second tifferoo, I think Josh would screw over his grandmother for a dollar.

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I'm going with Natalie's alliance... I like Sheila and Adam, I want them to be the final two. I do not care for James and Chelsia, they are very arrogant and rude. As for Josh and Ryan I think Josh will sell Ryan out if he's cornered.

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Most deff. JJSC.

The other side isnt even really an alliance...they are the leftovers from when Josh and Sharon/Chelsia and James were destroying the house in the first half of the game. Sure James Chels and Josh can be vulgar...but at least they are entertaining and have IQs in the double degits. If I have to listen to another pointless convo between Sheila and Natalie I might start losing brain cell.s

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Hmmm Not sure I would classify Josh's IQ in double digits! Likewise if I have to listen to another pointless conversation of him with NOBODY I might start losing brain cells. I can honestly say he is the 1st and only person I've ever seen play a game of pool by himself and LOSE!!!

I choose the least repulsive alliance of Natalie, Sheila, Adam and Ryan.

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I believe this house will flip flop another time or two...Josh is on any team that is HOH. James will adopt and adapt - all players named James end up being the ultimate floater. Natalie is clueless and drifting about. Ryan is just there. Sharon is paddling about. Adam and Shelia lumber about and clunk into groupings from vote to vote.

Actually instead of floaters this season, I think we have ameobas - everbody just mutates each week.

You heard it here first folks - BB9 introduces the Ameoba strategy - when the scum is just too thick to float.

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I choose Nat's side cause I still like them - I realize it's a game and people lie and there has to be gameplay - but I still think they're the best of the lot that are left.

And I choose 'No' because I think Josh will try to stay with whoever he thinks he can win against at the very last. If he keeps going off on the women (calling them c__ts, etc. to their faces) he's going to have to go with another pri_k cause Ryan has too much class (or maturity) to do it to their faces.

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They're all a bunch of liars, hypocrites and creeps. So I am not really 'rooting' for any of them.

But in spite of the gross factor, I still hate the James side a little less than the others.

No way Josh and Ryanus will go all the way to the F2. They're both flip floppers and will betray each other the first time it looks as if someone else could take them further, at the same time they both will expect the other to remain loyal to them in case the new deal falls through.

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