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chelsia will turn into dani and befriend adam like dani did zach

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i thought she would beat adam easily

she was buzzing in quick

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I was shocked more that Adam didn't throw it to Chelsia. This really wasn't in his game plan. However I think Adam wants Chelsia and Josh out more than the other house guests so, he couldn't let her have it. The only reason I think he'll nom. Josh/Sharon instead of Josh/Chelsia is because of the partners and if the noms stay the same he has to get rid of one of them.

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Chelsia looked a little scared after the votes and then Adam winning HOH. I hope Natty Sheila and Adam will be smart enough to see how Chelsia played them the last couple days to get Matty out. Natty needs to wake up and stop thinking Chelsia is a good girl I can't wait until midnight to watch showtime.

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She was sucking up big time to Natalie saying she didn't really lie to her last week she intended to vote for Matt to stay but when she got in the diary room she was not sure and voted to evict him before she realized it. Their whole plan to make it look like Sheila did not vote like she said has backfired and Chelsia looks like the hypocrite she is.

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let's face it here....the whole game is about lies and backstabbing...it should be called big hypocrit instead of big brother. i don't see adam putting up chelsia or james. they have both been friendly with him for a long time...and not just to use him or suck up to him. adam reminds me of zack last season. at first i think he's dumb....then i think maybe it's an act and he's smarter than he looks...then.....no ...he's just dumb

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Chelisa is saying she changed her vote because she saw Sheila gave her a smirk and she thought something was up. I don't know why these people believe the liars in the house.

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I was shocked more that Adam didn't throw it to Chelsia. This really wasn't in his game plan. However I think Adam wants Chelsia and Josh out more than the other house guests so, he couldn't let her have it. The only reason I think he'll nom. Josh/Sharon instead of Josh/Chelsia is because of the partners and if the noms stay the same he has to get rid of one of them.

I agree, I figured he'd throw it to Chelsleasa as well. I guess he's decided it's time to get in the game.

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Did anyone notice how much weight Chelsia has gained? Her cheeks are so fat that her eyes look alot smaller than they had. Like she's squinting or giving evil eyes all the time.

I didn't notice the weight gain...but come to think of it... her ass does seem wider and flater. ;)

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yep...for some odd reason the women love to make announcements when their cycle is happening....tmi!!!

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funny, I was thinkin the same thing last nite, Chelseia is really thick thru the middle, she has no waist, even when they first entered the house I thought for someone with such big boobs, she has no waist and that sweater was not flattering, I thought Sheila and Natalie looked the best in their outfits last nite, Sharon has had that same outfit on before, and I did not like it then, James was acting like it was sooo much thtat he had a collered shirt on, he is kinda knock kneed also so when he wears his jeans sooo tight it really makes that fault stand out, he should loosen up the pants and let that asparagus(as wicked calls it) breathe,lol

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She has the weirdest body I've ever seen. From behind she looks like an 80 year old woman. She is all hunched over. Her voice drives me up the wall. When she talks I literally have to mute my tv. I wonder how many men will think of her as marriage material after watching the internet footage of all her antics. She may not have to many offers after being with James either...........(I do like James though :smilie_tux: )

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