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July 16th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Janelle let's Howie in that she knows there are pairs she confirms Yvette and Beau and April and Jenny to Howie.

She tell Howie there may be more pairs.

Howie "i need to win HOH"

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Everyone is sitting on the couches talking about the Teri Schivo (sp) case. Eric is stating that he has a living will and it is in the firestation and his wife knows exactally what he wants to happen to him.

E - the thing that bothers me about the whole case is that our government got involved, that is the biggest thing that bothers me and it happened to be in election year... the republicans used her as a political platform.

lots more chat...

E - the moral of the story ios have a living will....

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Micheal and Janelle were talking in the gold bedroom and they said that they think someone is a crack addict. and then micheal said that Ashlea told him that she had to give up runway modeling because she was to tall and Janelle laughed and called him a liar and said Ashlea was like an inch and half shorter than she was and micheal insisted that is what Ashlea said.

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They're back:

J and M in gold room, Janelle said this sucks (did they lose?)

J: If one of us does leave do you think one of us could come back?

M: Yeah, spiteful little shit I could squash him with one finger. But why squash him with one finger when I could crush him with one hand.

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Guest Pecker

They are still waiting around, like they are waiting for Eric in the DR? Has the POV comp happened or what? Rachel said something about not showing enough effort to help Janelle, but Yvette said "there is no doubt you ahve 110%"

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J and M trashing Eric for going back on his all men's alliance from the first day.

M: Whether I go home or you go home ( :shock: whether?!)

Mad that Eric put a personal picture on the fridge, feel it is an affront. J says its like a slap in the face.

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Feeds back. I am GUESSING neither Janelle nor Micheal won the POV...they are both in the Gold Room looking pretty miserable.

Or maybe they just picked partners and now they are going to have the competition soon?

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