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Wednesday, February 27th


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Screw Allison for throwing Amanda under the bus. She will regret it i promise you. I've never seen somebody play the victim card so often. It's amazing how she's over stuff but continues to bring it up every damn minute. It's funny how she plays these psy. games w/ first jen, w/ how she needs to become a better person and all that crap. Now she's doing the same to Amanda. She fits in nicely w/ the other dipshits!

And Josh is the biggest pussy on the show. These guys are all wanting to keep the votes the same way. Why? Grow some balls and do what your gut tells you to. Not vote anyway the wind blows or how the rest of the group will vote. But he's all talk and notice how he never talks shit really about the dudes. It's allways about one of the girls and how he's going to tear one of them a new asshole! He's a pussy and a posure. If I were one of Amanda's family or friends I"d knock the wimps teeth out for saying what he said about her dad. I"d get thrown in jail for a night for that little remark.

And James is the one whose also acting like a pussy. Saying he's got no power right now. When have you ever heard an hoh player saying he/she was powerless? They all tell the houseguests which way they would prefer them to vote.

And his partner will never be able to trust another man after she gets out seeing what he's been up too, so to speak. She's no great person either. She's a skank and she will get what she has coming at the rap party as well. I'd give anything to be in the same room when the person explains it to her about James' past! I'm telling you, she'll never be able to trust another guy. And she's just a punk kid at twenty one.

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Alison loves hearing herself talk. Her wrinkly forehead is bothering me. She keeps telling Amanda and Alex about how she's such a good person. "I didn't have to forgive you, but that's just how I am" I KNOW YOU'RE FREAKING AMAZING. SHAAADAAAAAP

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I also agree about Allison. I really dislike her personality...but she is playing the game well. She knows how to manipulate the others.

As much as I'd like to see Alex stay (yeh...Amanda too I guess...;))...this move of her keeping Matt & Nat is smart because it makes it a solid 3 couples against 2

(the 2 being J & C and J & S)...which I like because I don't want Josh or Chelsia to have the upper hand in the game or make it to finals. I really want to see those 2 squirm!

Hoh comp tonight is critical! I can't wait... :animated_bouncy:

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I guess we are ALL hating on Allison now. She drives me nuts how she always trys to compliment someone in an execrated way. Or how she says a millionth percent. Uggh she's driving me nuts. And at first I though I was going to like her. :schmoll:

She probably thinks America loves her. :rolleyes:

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The thing about Allison is she is so full of herself. She keep saying to Alex in the talk last night ....

Haven't you ever watched she show?

Don't you know how it works you have to make a deal if you are on the block?

They really need to get her out of there or she is going to win the game. Funny how she has so much control over Sheila and Adam but trashes Sheila behind her back.


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She cracks my up in how she goes around after everyone and 'fixes' their tasks. When Matt was getting his hair cut Alli had to pop over and say "Oh that is so uneaven, I need to like fix that for you". When various HG's were dying their hair Alli pops up with "Oh that is going to leave patches, I will have to like fix that in a couple of days". She is quite the annoying twit... and when she opens her mouth proclaiming that she knows all about this, that and the other, I just want to laugh... she is NOT all that bright. She does have some intelligent info, but the majority of it is just a plethora of incorrect, useless psycho babble. Also she was talking about the marathons that she was running and her not-so-bright self threw out a date... ummmm wrong! I looked it up, there was NO marathon run at that time where she claimed it was... ooooops!

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man allison was driving me nuts last night i think i'd rather listen to sheila being crazy or nat going off on matt then allison talk down to people any more

for the record i really want alex to stay in the house i think nat and matt are usless waste in the house but alex seems like an ok person (i could do without amanda tho)

all alex needs to do is start some more shit between sheila and allison to gain sheila and adams vote and sharon and josh are an easy persuade for him then they gain the power in the house with alison on the lossing side of things

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Does anyone know if tonight is a live eviction or if it's taped a few hours in advance? Has everyone already voted?

At bbt noon, they're all in hoh lockdown ...dressed nicely...so clothing may be indication that hoh challenge will be Q & A rather than physical. (just curious)

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i think it's pre taped votes like last week

and i'm sure the HoH comp will be some kinda Q & A again

i really hope Alex stays and then wins HoH to put Alison back on the block and chelsia can go up too for being so mean to amanda (not that i like amanda but chelsia is the pot calling the kettle black in this case)

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What I dont' get is James' approach this week to hoh. SAying how he doesn't have any power of how to sway the votes. I've never heard a person stay neutreul on which way he/she wanted the votes to go. I stayed up and watched the feeds after the Oscars sunday night and James coached Matty on what to do to stay in the house. He did it for till 4am, allthewhile, telling him on what to do. Completely spelling it out for him. Matty had no clue on what to do and james told him to have Nat. stir the pot w/ Allison and how Amanda wrote a song about her and shit like that.

And it worked like a charm. And I have a feeling he wil end up regretting that move. And I also think Allison will regret getting rid of Alex and Amanda. At least that's what I hope.

Listen I really don't care for any of them. I like Alex and for whatever reason i don't relly mind Amanda either. I hate Allsion Cheliea, and josh. Josh is the biggest pussy in the house. Going after women like a good tough guy. I'd like to see him talk some trash to Matty or Baller, Alex, etc. But he wont do that. It's only the girls! And he's one mean dude. It's sickening to hear the vile shit that comes out of his gay ass!

And the funny thing is how insane the guy is. Some of his theories show how out of touch he is. Saying how he'll parlay something out of this show. How he'll be a breakout kind of star... Also how people are totally scared of him. Please, just wait, he's going to get his and real quick.

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As of 5ish, I was watching the feeds and they hadn't voted yet. Sharon and Josh were discussing trying to change Allison's mind 20 minutes before the vote. I have no idea if they'll be live votes this time or not, but the last time the feeds were on, they hadn't voted.

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GQ, I have also been confused with James's strategy this week. I understand wanting to put the two Alpha males on the block together and split that friendship. What I don't get is lying to Matt and Natalie. I mean why not just tell them he is putting them up as a pawn, to win POV and get A/A evicted, etc, etc? It's fine if you really wanted them OR A/A gone, but why not lie about the REASON you put them up, not lie about putting them up. It just makes no sense as far as gameplay.

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Right, he told them that at the nom speech AFTER he promised them he wouldn't put them up. What I am saying is instead of promising them not to put them up he should have told them before noms that was what was happening. All he did was make an enemy. KWIM?

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I didn't hear him promise anything. I thought he just said that at that moment he wasn't going to put up Matalie. Well in the BB house that moment is different than this moment. Chelsia said she wanted to backdoor someone and James said not to. whether he didn't trust the blackfoor plan to work or he didn't want to be cowardly about putting the two up. In the DR session he said the strongest pair in the house was Alex and Matt (very true).

His coaching of Matt will hopefully be used to show Matt how seriously screwed he would be without James in the house.

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