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Mike Boogie - Arrested!

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What a douche. I'm not saying the woman was right but I have a feeling he was looking to rub the entire bar's face in their recent loss. To bad he's too much of a wimp to take on a man then the headline might read RIP Booger.

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...he was looking to rub the entire bar's face in their recent loss

Chances are that you are right.

But I will reserve judgement until more details are known.

Living in Montreal, I've seen how tough it can be for anyone who comes here on game night wearing any jersey from a team other than the Habs. So just the fact that we was wearing a Red Sox jersey may have drawn anyone looking for a fight straight to him.

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Yah Jedi. I know all about that. When my fiance and I were in Toronto, he wanted to wear his Senators shirt into a bar. Thankfully my best friend and I stopped him, knowing exactly what would have happened.

But, in Boogie's case, I think it's funny!!!

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Honestly I'm not surprised. It was only a matter of time.

I agree!

If he doesn't practice safe-sex, I can also see him doing this too! He's just not nice to women!

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Booger is such a pathetic wiener, I bet he tried to put the moves on the poor waitress. It probably made her so violently ill, she had no choice but to press charges.

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