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Eric - Week 10 Evicted


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Ginger the producers making changes during the game via the rules would be "arbitrary and capricious". That would be one legal precedent Erics lawyers could use in court.

Not that I think this would ever get to court. Cbs would not want the bad publicity in my opinion and Julie on national TV telling Eric HE ALREADY EARNED $40,000 would be very hard to fight in court.

Nah, I just threw that out there to prove a point that the producers can change the rules as they go along...they think they can and if no one challenges them then yes...they will.

But, I know pages have been posted regarding Eric and his ap task and awards, but was the finals mentioned? I would think once he's out of the house "America" has no reason to be part of it because game over for "America" they can no longer advance their player in the game.

But, like I said if it would benefit D/D in anyway, I am sure that the producers will add something that would give "America" input to advance the d's.

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I am not making an insult you did by bringing up Miss Cleo .But it is naive to think CBS did not get Eric to sign a contract that stipulated he had to fullfill all tasks . Just Julie on TV saying he has won 40,000 does not guarantee he will get it and if you think it does that is not accurate and is not a correct understanding of contracts.

Why do you think CBS would pay Eric if he screwed up the entire show and concept they used for the season ?

If Eric voted for another person that was not in the envelope he would be in breach of contract plain and simple.

CBS attorneys would have had that spelled out in fine detail .

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can understand Eric wanting to tell Jess. I would be surprised if he hasn't already hinted at it quite honestly.........

He's already told her quite a bit (mustard on jen's pillow, phantom votes).

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Arrowhead I do not make assumptions on what CBS did or did not do with their contract. The Mrs Cleo reference is about you or your dad stating things as facts without ever seeing the actual contract. If anything is naive it is to make those assumptions and also assume on how a court would rule on them. Just because something is in writing does not make it iron clad. It also has to be fair and just. You could sign a loan contract paying me 80% on a loan and a judge would not enforce that contract. In fact he would likely render the contract null and void.

Who knows what is or isnt in that contract and what stipulations are in it. Some of the biggest deals in the world have been written on napkins.

Often money already earned in a contract does not get touched in a court case. Its only money not yet earned.

A judge looks for equity, justice and to make a person whole. If that person has already earned $40,000, has been told on national TV with millions of witness's that he has already earned $40,000 than it is very unlikely that a judge will let a company get away with not paying out that already earned $40,000 in my opinion. CBS could try not to pay it but being it was already earned I do believe a judge would think long and hard before having Eric walk away with nothing. Julie represents CBS. Her stating that Eric already earned $40,000 along with the producers of the show themselves stating that Eric has already earned $30,000 in interviews would make it extremely hard to picture a Judge ruling Eric should not get his previously earned money. Its possible the Judge could rule for CBS but I would put my money on the judge ruling in favor of Eric getting the money he was told he already earned.

Lastly you keep seeming to think breeching a contract in any way makes that contract null and void. Thats not how the law works. As pointed out Eric already told a HG about the mustard and the votes. That might breech the contract in some way yet Julie still told him he has already earned $40,000 so apparently the contract is able to be breeched in some ways without it being canceled even in CBS eyes.

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"America's player is not done yet! He has one more task to accoplish. On finale night Eric will need to cast your vote for the winner, America. More details to come." :animated_scratchchin:

Well, here may be the answer to the reason we are not seeing any sequester. We do get to vote one more time.

(Moderators you may need to move this to where it need to go.)

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I'm confused by your post. Was this supposed to be a secret .............even though everyone already knew that? :animated_scratchchin:

...and if he could be AP inside of the BB house where the game was being played, why would it effect us seeing sequester in any way... outside the million rumors of hg's knowing. Just don't see how "votes" have anything to do with viewing the sequester house.

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No, not a secret, but I did not know that there was another vote for AP since he had been voted out of the house.

Plus, others have been speculating are they being secluded individually or as a group? If they are being secluded individually, this may be the reason so Eric doesn't spill the beans or Jen or Dustin spill the beans; according to the conspiracy theorist.

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I live on the west coast and I didn't get to vote on last

Thursday's live vote....I hope they let all regions vote

this next AP task!!!! :animated_wave: Hey, CBS... there's alot of us who

wants to be included........

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Northeast there will be no more interviews with evicted houseguests until after the finale. They are contributing it to the Amber hooplah, but who knows? That is why there is so much speculation about jury house and if the HGs are together or being held individually.

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well if they are sequestered together, i hope sense they have an extra show this year they will just show one hour of the jury house. it would be better then the little we get at the finale.i just wanted to point out on some of the things dick is telling jameka about eric. whatever your opinion about the donatos/eric, the donatos know they sent 2 bitter jurors in jessica/eric to the jury. they are trying to work jameka against eric, so jameka will help the donatos on the jury.

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Talking about noses...Teresall

Eric's is going on tour with his schnozz.

One hell of a specimen, cosmetic surgeons

just drool over getting a wack at that beak.

Micheal Jackson has asked if he could just

get a small scrap of it, his rubber one is

looking a bit shabby without makeup.

His proboscis is so big, he can sniff his own ear canals.

I wonder if he hung out with Jess so she could mow his nose hair.

How disturbing when you smell farts from Japan, in California

EDIT: Where did the post about Janelle's nose go from Teresall when you re- opened this thread

are you trying to make me appear as an instigator about his proboscis? This post is edited out of

context. That is why my opening line is..Talking about noses.

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