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Eric - Week 10 Evicted


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CBS will have to edit the tapes before showing them to the HG or if not give time to let Rat Boy high tail his ass to

Manhattan !

Too bad they weren't able to edit everything Dick said to and about Jen. If I were her family, the wrap party would be very interesting to say the least.

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Ok. America votes, assuming a Dick in the finals that is one vote. Who else might vote for him?

Versus Daniele, it should make a difference

Versus Zach, I don't think it matters much

Versus Jameka, I don't think it matters much

So we get a vote. To me it doesn't really matter

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Glad Eric is gone. Don't let the door hit your A$$ on the way out. :running:

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If he doesn't get paid for it, i think he should cast his own vote.

But, i guess this means Jen is in sequester...

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If he doesn't get paid for it, i think he should cast his own vote.

He may want to. But he was brought on as America's Player. I would assume he still won't have a vote. He agreed to the terms, so unless it's in the contract the he CAN vote on his own (& we won't know that until prolly next Sunday), then he's SOL.

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I would really love to see the America*s Player contract. As it has played out, it seems that it screwed eric more than helped him and I can't see why he would agree (unless there was no other way he could be on the show). Man, to give up your jury vote, too?

I still would like to know if he can spill the beans in the sequester house.

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Eric was by far, BY FAR the best player this season. He had to play without the ability to cast any eviction votes for his own strategy or game play and he still got as far as he did. The only reason that Dick has made it this far has been a gift from America. The only reason for Danielle is riding the coat tails of that gift. There is not one well played out strategic move by Dick that was made possible by AP.

I like Dick, have from the beginning and I'll be happy if he wins, can't stand Danielle she is nothing but a spoiled brat. But have to give credit where credit is due, without AP, neither Dick nor Danielle even make it to the sequester house.

AP had a huge impact on the game this year, because Eric was such a good player and America voted the way they did.

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