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Jessica Week 8 - H O H Winner


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ANYONE calling Jessica a whore while being serious would be totally offensive but it's almost laughable knowing that she talked about being a virgin til she was 20 and plus look at how she carries herself. Someone calling her that would only prove how idiotic they are.

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I thought Eric said he was a Virgin until he was 20. That's kind of a gimme with him, but Jessica? She's hot, and an AFL cheerleader, and college student, and I didn't think there was that much to do in Kansas...

HA, just kidding. But I really did think it was Eric being the 20-year-old virgin.

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Nah, Jess said something in the first few weeks about wanting to stay a virgin til marriage because of her Catholic beliefs but she got drunk at a party and ended up having sex with her bf but they were in love so she was okay with it.

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I feel so sorry for Jessica right now. The girl needs to take a nap, people. She has been awake for 2 hours.

First the Jameka yammering this morning, then the whole POV time waster, then Danielle and Jameka not leaving her alone. Now she gets called to the DR. I'm surprised this chick isn't dead on her feet. Now eric is waiting for her. Maybe he will let this poor girl rest. :bedtime:

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OK I think I have seen Jessica do housework one time in the house. I think it was only because she had to do that because she lost a bet in beer pong or something. I think she gets by with her cutie pie personality and thinking everyone has to just love her. I don't think she is a bad person but she seems to be a very lazy person thinking everyone owes her something because she is cute. JMO

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Yeah, even her Mom basically said she was lazy in her letter to her when she won the first HOH. She congratulated her on doing the dishes ONCE and cooking mac and cheese, and said maybe she could learn to clean and cook while in the house and do some of it at home. :animated_rotfl:

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Manhattan is a borough of New York, New York and is an island ! I do not know about cute but man how can she not know this fact !

The dumb bottle blond Jess did not know that unreal :animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl::animated_rotfl:

They were just in HT talking about NY ! and Jess did not know Manhattan is part of NY city and is an island.

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Jess just stated that she took a 20 credit hour load last semester, and usually takes at least 18, and that on top of working at the bank. Anyone that can handle that can not be that ignorant and deserves respect for their hard work and dedication. Props to Jessica in my eyes.

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In Jessica's defense, if you've never been to NY or know anyone from NY all of the areas get confusing. The way al lof the cop shows talk about it, NY is like another country. I als othinks that sometime she lets dumb things slip to make others feel smart. It's not game play, it just a subtle ego stroke technique that women do sometimes.

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I personally think that she is just to lazy to get up and turn the light off, but I don't have any facts to support that.

Fiz, what happened at 36 to make you not afraid anymore?(If this is to personal just tell me, I was just curious what could have changed)

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uhhh.. well.... iam 36 right now... i will let you know how it goes when i turn 37 :lookaround:

i am ok with the dark if someone else is in the room. but when i am alone... i need a little light.... and never EVER hang your feet over the side of the bed... EVER!

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well, i do have some idea's about getting over fears.. dont know if they would work for you. you might want to visit Off Topic and bring it up over there..

we have a few people over there that have some great advice and its fun! :)

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i think the only way jessica can get any sleep is if she makes eric sleep in his own bed! otherwise, they stay up all night and morning talking. then when they finally DO fall asleep, bb is waking them up.

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