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Jessica Week 8 - H O H Winner


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Sorry ,but if someone does not know Manhattan is part of NY city they are dumb .I was saying the 5 th Avenue candy bar remark towards Jess as a joke on the prior page because most women that have an ounce of sophistication know about Tiffanys on 5th Avenue . :D;)

By the way CNN said that percentage of people not knowing the US on a map cannot be verified anywhere and they looked.

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Eric has told Jess he was the Ghost voter and did the mustard prank this morn.

All along he swore to her it wasn't him.

He also told her this morning he was a great liar.

She said in her DR that she didn't trust him, wonder if this could backfire right in his face?

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Has anyone noticed that Jess took over the #2 spot from Dani this week on the CBS popularity poll?

Dumb or not, anyone that takes 20 credits a semester, works a daytime job, and dances every night of the week gets a little credit from me. From her discussions about handling money and responsibility, I think she's got a pretty good head on her shoulders and will do very well in life.

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Jessica is almost being assertive this morning. She has told Eric that if it is a tie, she will vote to keep Amber. Eric keeps trying to convince her that Amber wants her out, that everyone wants her out exept for him. The only thing Jess hasn't said to Eric is that he would be gone before her - especially if Amber could have her way.

I'd like to see Jess act now on the fact that she's going to have to distance herself from Eric sooner or later. Eric needs her more than she needs him. And if their relationship is going to survive after this show, he better lose to her. His AP money will be a real thorn in her side if he goes past her in this game.

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Sure she would...she still has her Jam/Amber alliance. She is covering all base's just in case, because deep down she really doesn't trust Eric the weasel.

I said yesterday that his telling her about his AP antic's would blow up in his face...He's a cocky little sh*t!

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She didn't tell Jameka yet...but Jam has had Jessica's ear the whole game. She and Amber kept planting the "TRUST" factor and he blew it when she found out he had been lying to her about the antic's.

Your right about her Christianity....she kept that card close to her vest.

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She's playing a gr8 game; most everyone likes her. She keeps her religion private on a gameshow so she doesn't alienate herself with others, .and she's more of a listener than a talker.

The thing I don't find believable, is her liking Eric so much, who's the sniveling wiesel type. - I don't git it. lol


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Man I thought the world wasn't this ignorant anymore. Any guy can get any girl, and vise versa.. believe it or not, it's not about looks. I'm ugly as hell, and let me tell you, I've dated a girl that makes Jessica look.. well... not nearly as pretty. There's more to it, people aren't as shallow as you think.. :lipsrsealed2:

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Sleep with the enemy? What?? Eric stated numerous times that he will stop at nothing to push Jess ahead in the game. And I'm pretty sure he's feeling good about America* liking him as America* didn't tell him to kiss Dick (hee hee, feel like a 5th grader). IMO, eric is probably guessing that Dick and Jessica are the most popular HG's (and I think they are) and America* won't make him screw up their chances in the F2.

Per their conversation, Jessica better wear something strapless to help eric win HOH!!

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She keeps her religion private on a gameshow

That's because she realized now that telling Jam about it would be good game.

Sure, maybe she goes to church or whatever, but religion is hardly the major force in her life that she made it out to be when talking to Jameka.

There certainly have been ample opportunities for her to mention it before...if Jameka hadn't stayed in the house as long as she did, Jessica never would have brought up the religion card.

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i stand by my opinion. she is sleeping with the enemy. he has lied for weeks about things and it doesnt matter that he is now telling her that he is the one that did the mustard or the phatom votes.. or whatever else. its just proof that he lied to her face. i think deep down she knows that he is the slimy weasel that everyone else talks about him being.. but she feels this is her only way in the game..

which is fine.. if she can do it.. i just know i couldnt hold back on any doubts i had about someone.

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Upon watching Jess & Eric's relationship, my mother said, "It better be dipped in gold" in response to them in bed together after Eric admitted to lying constantly. My mom says the same thing about my aunt's husband (whom my mother does not approve of). I guess a lot can be said for a good kisser. sLo_kiss.gif

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i think deep down she knows that he is the slimy weasel that everyone else talks about him being.. but she feels this is her only way in the game..

Absofrigginlutly Fizzy!!! Jeissca is stealth, she is just using Eric land letting him think he is using her...

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