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What Happened To The Luxury Comps?


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Is this the first season that the HG's didn't have to earn anything but food? In seasons past, I remember the hot tub being locked down, the washer and dryer, the gym (was that season 5 when they added the gym?), and other things in the house that have just been given to these HG's this season. Maybe All-Stars they were given these things, but I remember thinking that was because it was All-Stars, not because they were giving up the luxury comps.

I liked the luxury comps. I thought it gave the house a chance to work as a team and made the show more interesting.

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Which season was it when they could run into the house and get a bunch of clothes?? I thought it was so cute, but I can't remember who did it. Was it Nakomis?

And I think they stopped doing the "work for food" comps when they found out the HG's couldn't spell anything with more than 5 letters.

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Cindyannie: I don't take any of it personal.

But, it's BB and they should stick to the concept.....Fizzle and I have been saying it for years..it's just too damn cushy in the house. You know why they insult eachother like they do because they are bored.

They should be making their food from scratch, doing their laundry by tub and washboard and clean the floors/toilets with toothbrushes---it shouldnt be a vacation in the house it should be strategy and hard work.

Sorry, I offended you by stating my opinion about comps...c'est la vie.

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I wasn't offended at all where did you get that? I just felt you were wanting to punish the hg's because you didn't like them but that's not what you meant.

I don't disagree with you about the chores etc. but I just thought the luxury comps add another element of desperation and game playing and affects alliances. That's all.

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This will be my last reply on it.

I got that from your post...."I guess we're not taking it as personal as you." How should one interpret that line. I stated my opinion about this thread like others...and just for future I rarely comment on other peoples posts but just go along and state my opinions of what I think.

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i remember non-food competition/non veto stuff that they would do

'luxury' competitions that just meant the winners got to watch a movie (show they could get in a shameless plug for a soon-to-be-a-flop movie)

i liked the fun stuff they had when they could each choose an article of someone else's clothing (remember erika's hat, jun's fishnet coverup)

i guess this time around they have so many arguments and retwistings of 'alliances' that they dont need any extra stuff to fill in the show

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I agree that the show would be much cooler if they didn't have so many luxuries. I guess I should've clarified my post, but luxury comps I was not meaning giving the houseguests more things like movies, trips, clothes, etc. (though I do remember those comps in other seasons and maybe that is the true meaning of "luxury" comp). So perhaps I misspoke with how I catergorized them. I was meaning more the things that the HG's used to have to work for. Like the washer and dryer. There was a time in seasons past that they did wash their clothes with a tub and washboard and had to play a comp to earn a washer and dryer. Now, they come into a fully loaded house with no need to work for those daily things like washers and dryers.

That said, even the true luxury comps, like movies and clothes, while not deserved by the houseguests, at least it would make things more interesting than constant talk between POV and HOH comps. And the food comps really should be on the live feeds.

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I could do without food comps altogether.

And I agreed...I liked when they had to solve riddles to get the key to unlock the hot tub and workout room I believe?

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i am soooo with Ginger on this one. take those luxuries away and let them work their day away. they are too pampered and do nothing but complain and b*tch all day.

in the earlier seasons they didnt get everything handed to them like they do now. that is part of the problem. and this crew definately shouldnt get any luxury comps. they dont deserve any.

ohh and i believe they already had some mixed in with their POV comps.

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He's going to spend his five grand on "cheap dirty hooker men"? This is the first I've heard that JOE is going to be in Barbados! Which one will be bringing the penicillin?

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there is no luxury comp because cbs cant afford to look bad that ap player isnt even america favorite

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I think the past couple seasons are focusing more on airtime for feuding, instead of lighthearted montages and all that. Another thing is the luxury comps usually involved America's Choice, and that's been reserved for another purpose this year.

I still can't believe a week has passed since AC normally started and the houseguests still haven't matched the lack of AC to Eric's rogue votes. They've all made comments about there not being an AC yet. I give it a week before someone learns Eric's secret.

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CBS is really showing their frugality...here they have a show that gives them 3 PrimeTime hours a week...internet & Pay Channel synergy and they give these people NOTHING other than a Grand Prize at the end of a summer...had this been an hour-long crime drama it would cost them 100s of Millions of $ to run this kind of schedule...they need to pick up the Prize Value and start giving away some stuff!!

The viewer numbers are getting stronger, c'mon CBS!!!!!

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