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If Eric Leaves...


207 members have voted

  1. 1. If Eric is evicted from the BB house, would you want the America's Player twist to continue?

    • Yes, it would be interesting to see another player's attempt at it!
    • No way! The twist is lame.
    • Not sure/It depends on who would be the new AP
  2. 2. If BB were to continue the AP twist with another player, who would you like that player to be?

    • Amber
    • Daniele
    • Dick
    • Dustin
    • Jameka
    • Jen
    • Jessica
    • Kail
    • Zach

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If he leaves won't they then tell the HG's that he was the twist and show them what they show the others as they are evicted? I hope they do if he is evicted.

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twist is lame with eric so why would i want it to continue

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I'm wondering if Eric IS evicted on Thursday, will Julie Chen let the HG's know about the America's Player twist.. then they'd all realize how incredibly stupid they've all been for jumping to conclusions! :animated_scratchchin: My apologies if this has already been posted elsewhere..

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I think it would be, but I think then everyone would be really mad at him at that point... They are all already mad at him even Jessica...

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I don;t think it will be revealed until the end. The paranoia and conspiracy theories are part of the season now and they need to let those play out.

But, I really hope he doesn't get voted out just so I can see the look on Dick and Dani's faces. Dani should have put Dick up and become her own person.


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If they do reveal the twist, then the phantom vote is accounted for.

As it stands, D/D KNOW Dustin is the mole to Kail, so they can hammer the point that he was the stray vote next.

You know that's coming. Letting them know Eric was woking for outside forces would kill some good gameplay. imho.

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it would totally killed the season now if they did. amber would be the target if this happens

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If Eric goes this Thursday they don't need to tell the the other HGs.

If he goes later then they may do it....but if the HGs start to get

(I don't know how to spell it!!!!) sequestered? they wouldn't have

to know about it until the end of the show. No telling what CBS

will do......


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First I was thinking they should but now I am thinking they will have the AC to vote a houseguest back in and have them be AP since they already know about that twist and CBS can continue to make money off of us.

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what if eric gets vote back in lol

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that whats i hope happen lol

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