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Danielle Mentioned Mortys


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Yep, Dani just gave us a shoutout! She said we are watching 24/7 at Morty's, and someone is always watching and writing down what they say! She says it's ridiculous! :animated_rotfl:

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so her quest to be the next janelle continues smh

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The stand-up girl knows about us Mortycians??!


Elisabeth - "they all think it's weird people watch" . . .

Does that mean they think it's weird that people watch . . . or they think it's that weird people watch?

I vote for the latter. I think most of us are weird.

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Yay... I knew that Dick read the sites, but didn't know about Daniele, and people wonder why we don't want other sites using our updates?

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We gave a shout out on our last episode for folks to donate to their fav BB board/forum/site. Heck, we'll pay 10 bucks to go to a 2 hour movie so why not drop it at a site (Morty's!) where we spend 100x more time?

Hey, on Morty's donate page it says they get 2 million hits/week! Is that true?? Wow.

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