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Eric - America's Player


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someone in last week's forum posted:

This guy is the biggest rat I've ever seen. Apologizing to Dan for going off on Jen because "it just had to be done?" That Jen crossed the line and someone had to say something? That Dan's "private live" is none of Jen's business?...

Why didn't he feel like saying something when Dick was badmouthing Kail's family? or every time Dick crosses the line with Jen and attacks Jen's "private life"?...

His "apologizing" to Dan for "having to defend her" was so transparently just to ensure she doesn't go after him...I've said before and I say it again... Eric is a weasel...

i couldn't agree more. i like the idea of america's player only because i know i get so frustrated with the houseguests and just wish i had a say!! but i really think they could have given us someone better to root for. eric gets under my skin with his constant cursing any time dick is around and with his "i'd %^&$ing punch a person who said/did that to me." no you wouldn't. you haven't stuck up for any of the women who are getting mistreated in the house, and the shameful suckup show he is doing to daniele just confirms what a coward he is.

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Actually, I don't think Danielle is necessarily brilliant -- she had help, remember, from the banner that said Eric & Amber lied. She's got a lot to go on, there, and putting the rest of Eric's actions together is how she has figured it out. So, not really all that brilliant in my opinion.

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Look like America's Player's game is starting to fall apart....couldn't make me happier.

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Well, if any houseguest was outed on a banner as being a liar then the rest of the houseguests pretty much aren't going to trust that person.

I would think all of them will be pretty suspicious of Eric at this point.

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yhea he's screwed dick dani and jessica will tighten up because of this and string zach along behind them.... things are looking good for americas favorite alliance and not so good for americas player

thats what he gets for @#%#ing with america we know he did not have our intrests in mind at all, all he had to do was campaign like we told him too he could have easily swayed jessica and dick and dani, he did this to himself, he wanted the alpha males out of the house too badly he got too greedy

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I can't wait to see all of their faces when they learn that it was America who edited them over, not Eric. Anyways, yeah, he's pretty much finished. Say goodbye to BB's second twist this year. Now all they have left is Dani and Dick, and that's turned more into giving them the advantage (as opposed to being enemies).

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why do people send banner planes ...jeez they talk about BB fixing the game now they are changing the game

Yes, it changed the game, but the way it was going, nobody was going to watch it until the end.

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I was happy they saw the banner. I have never liked Eric, I wish they had let US vote for who we wanted to be America's Player. Nothing about Eric appeals to me... he is a sleazy player and you can tell he didn't even try on half the tasks he was supposed to do. I voted for Eric to try and get Dick nominated, just to see him fail.

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If Eric had gone more with what America wanted or atleast thought about it in regard to Nick then it wouldn't have been so obvious...because with Mike, there were no tight bonds out of the "group" with him

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I think it sucks that the banner got involved with the game.

Big Brother is going to have to build a cover over the outdoor area for next season. It'd still have an outdoor atmosphere, just wthout actually getting to see the sky and such. Without something like that, people can just influence the game the way they want by sending planes and saying what they want, albiet at a $2000 price tag. Stupid rich BB watchers...

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Another end to a lame twist.... in fact I voted 10 times for Jessica tonight to add salt to the wounds..I know it will be Amber Kail or Jen as AC but no matter who it is Eric's credibilty is zilch.

Should have done what was asked and would be sitting pretty right now.

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