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Week 2


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Man, i am ready for week 2. All-stars spoiled me, as im sure it spoiled others.

But any season, week one is really the most boring . . . . is it because it is such a loooooooooong week? Probably that and a mixture of unfamiliarity

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i've barely watched the live feeds, and when i read the updates i figure i havent missed much, so i hope things start hoppin after tonights show

a new HOH, kail has to socialize with the untouchables, backstabbing should ensue :cheers:

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yup...I'm ready for week 2 to begin as well.

I have feeds on all day while I'm home...and haven't turned my tv on except to watch BB episodes. I've got a bunch of shows taped to watch...but for now would rather watch feeds...as boring as they are, I'm lovin em!

The pace should really pick up now. I can't wait to see who is the new hoh and how everyone will react. I'm really hoping Mrs. Robinson alliance does not win and a few of them have to do some scrambling. I have a feeling though that the nominations will be safe ones...nobody likes taking chances early in the game for fear of being a target. Boring to put up someone like Jen, Jameka, Jessica, Dani or Eric...none of them have any game yet...but watch, one or 2 of them will be nominated...and that would be boring. :sleep1:

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well with Jen winning HOH, its bound to be a good week. as long as she doesnt take the safe and easy route out. But she is kinda crazy, so maybe itll be fun

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I have the feeds for the first time,can someone tell me what day the nominations are,and when the veto comp. takes place?

I wonder what shirt Jen will be wearing today? I hope things get interesting this week.


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GRRRRRRRRRRRR..........could a WORSE person have been HOH????

how could they all fall to psycho jen?!

yes, some interesting happenings in the house this week, but my hopes for a unanimous jen removal is down the drain!

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I was thinking that if Dick gets evicted that I really don't have any houseguests to root for. I just can't think of one other HG that I like right now. I hope I don't lose interest in BB if Dick gets evicted.

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Man I love the underdog. I hope it turns out that she does really well ( forms a good alliance so she's safe a little while, just to drive you people nuts) and throws a major screw into the house. Hopefully she'll leave Dick alone and does something outrageous.

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Man I love the underdog. I hope it turns out that she does really well ( forms a good alliance so she's safe a little while, just to drive you people nuts) and throws a major screw into the house. Hopefully she'll leave Dick alone and does something outrageous.

I'm rooting for her because I had her pegged to win in the prediction challenges...:lol:

She is for sure going to put Dick up...the way he chastised her the other day for being self-centered...she gonna get a bit of revenge on him for sure.

But when it comes to this game...I like having players in the house who are hated and loved...love the drama and controversy. Like her or not...Jen is going to add all that...and eye candy as well...to the season. I'm hoping she's here for the duration...I just wish she would not align with Kail...that's suicide down the road.

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If you were in the house, what would you do strategy wise different from the houseguests?

For me, I would have, first day, formed an alliance with 1 person under the conditions that we acted like we couldn't stand one another.

Amber and Dustin are too obvious, Kail (for all her "staying away" from her 3) keeps telling people to ask them what they think...

I'd like to see 2 people pretend to hate one another, and work out a signal system for who to vote/campaign for... like different clothes mean different things or leaving a certain item on their bed to signal who they're going after. The point is, after the initial conversation, they need to NOT communicate...

It becomes too obvious after a while.... ya know?

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NOT talking becomes too obvious. that's how dick found out about kail and the boys, because they never talked, people aren't stupid, if you don't talk at all, you pretty much know they're together. you need to just act normal with everyone, then no one will know who you're with.

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