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The Std Shout Out From Joe


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did it surprise you that cbs showed that part? it just seems really personal, and after all the edits we've seen in past seasons i wonder why they chose to show this especially since allison grodner seemed to want us to like joe....this wasnt live so they could have edited that

i dont care about dumbass joe telling it about himself, but that seems like too much to say about someone else (dustin was saying that they did not have it and the test was negative i think?)

am i a prude for thinking that's too much to know for the 8pm show, i dont care what happens on the feeds but on the SHOW? .....oh well

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I thought Joe was an idiot for saying that and then to continue on about how he ruined all of Dustins friendships. If anyone in the house was even listening to him they should beware! If he does that to someone he was in a relationship with -- well open your eyes!

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What an idiot! I think everyone lost some respect for him after that comment - or they should have. If they didn't, they should be in line right behind him out the door. As far as CBS, I thought it was a little out of their comfort zone, but they aren't broadcasting an after school special.

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Yes, I too was very surprised that CBS aired that part. I would have thought that was something they would have left out. But I was even more surprised that someone would be stupid enough to say something like that on a reality show were they know anything they do or say could make it on national TV and be talked about all over the internet. :animated_scratchchin:

I dislike Joe very much just from the first episode. I doubt very highly I'll change my mind after a few more episodes, lol. I hope he's one of the first few to go. I also think all his trash talking of Dustin might not have sat to well with the other 11 HG.

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i am not surprise cbs didnt leave that out. they need the controversy

due to me being warned uvp will have a strict no tolerance for baiting and flaming from others members

i have been warned that if i get tagged again i may be banned or could get my post review. to the one or two member who are baiting me stop it is quite annoying

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