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How About This For A Twist????

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Unless Abbaholic or someone else from Morty's is sequestered in LA right now, it's too late for this to be the twist for BB8, but it's not too early to put a bug in Allison Grodner's ear for next year. Twists are there to bump up viewership - it's about getting more viewers than it is about the HGs. This twist, which they could call "Puppetmaster", would do just that.

The producers should become lurkers in the various chat rooms and forums this summer and gather up several prospects for next year's house. They should include both pro BB and anti BB types in their search.

There's no risk - all they'd have to do is email the person asking them to apply to be on BB9. Most forums and chatrooms require signup with a valid email addy so access is easy. Lurking would give the producer a good idea of how the people interact with others and how they react in a variety of situations. They even could instigate stuff with prospective HGs to gauge their volatility, sense of humor, etc.

Then, once they've narrowed the list down and added others they've found through casting calls and the regular application process, they could take a page from The Real World and post their videos for fans to finish the casting.

I wouldn't post the vote numbers like they are though, since there are a lot of sheep out there. Also, it was better the way BB did All-Stars because they put in people who didn't win the popular vote so they could mix things up. Last thing we need is a house full of boring nice people.

The twist? The message boards and chatrooms would be the twist. We'd become assistants to the producers by doing different things like writing questions for the trivia games, viewer's choice pov teams, etc. If they had a different thing to involve the viewers each week, viewer interest will go up. Because the majority of HGs are diehard BB junkies, they'll be expecting a twist that they never see. Some will be paranoid enough to imagine twists that do not exist - and the producers should absolutely encourage that.

The finale could have the posters/chatters who originated the evil tasks there to reveal how they were had, and/or representatives from the boards/chatrooms that were pulling the strings on Big Brother 9, the Puppetmaster.

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Hey Cajun, you're right, I have too much time on my hands. That's why I could apply to BB - no boss to get in my way, no job, no money! If I were an HG, I could sit on my ass for three months there instead of here and get paid for it.

If I was younger, I'd be applying for the new Real World where you get to post your own video and everyone votes. I should do it anyway just to be a pain in the ass - that's something I'm good at!

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My guess for this year's twist (based solely on a few things I've picked up here and there in there interview process) is "Big Brother: Nemesis." I could be wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if they had people in there who hated each other.

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No, i would HATE that.. sorry, i want COMPLETE strangers this year! nobody should know one another, except for maybe 2.. but not like BB6, it was a goodseason, BUT it would of been better if they didnt have friends on it. although i still loved Jannie, Howie, and Kaysar!

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I like that nerds in school idea. Revenge on the ones that hurt them.. The bad things is you know most are over all that. They grew up and moved on but it would be fun to see how the ones that didnt reacted to the ones that hurt them. Would bonds of friendship be formed??

Thats just an idea... I still agree with the consensus that it should be all strangers!! I am ready for that!! Let the season begin!!!!!

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bbjunkie I have to agree with you. Some of my questions were geared that direction too. But I was talking about my weight loss and how my high school reunion was this year. He asked if there was anyone that I would like to see from high school that had picked on me when I was fat. So Nemesis could be a definite possibility.

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Tvjunki when I saw your post that you were contacted by a casting agency, that threw out my hopes of it being complete strangers. Obviously the contestants know each other in some way. Thanks for sharing even more details I wouldn't be surprised if you guys are right about the Nemesis theme.


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Well when I asked how they had gotten my name and number she told me that they had a database of names, but I don't remember ever putting my name anywhere. My husband had tried out for survivor and I just assumed they got my name off his application.. But I really don't know. I was thinking the same thing that they are trying to get me in the house with someone I don't like. So I wouldn't be surprised either if people knew each other. I was hoping for complete strangers too. I wanted in that house bad.. But I guess I just wasn't right for whatever role they had intended for me. Darn it.

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If you tried out for survivor I wouldn't be surprised if they share survivor applicants. Wasn't someone in the house someone that tried out for survivor and kept talking about it?

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I think you might be right on with the nemesis thing. I, too, would like to see a house of all strangers, but I think CBS liked the greatness that season 6 was. I'm willing to bet some think tank told TPTB the reason BB6 was so awesome was the house division(which really did have a lot to do with it),and the producres would try to recreate that us vs them thing. Good vs evil. SS vs nerd herd. KWIM?

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Yeah, that was great, i loved watching the house divided, in 2 big groups, instead of a bunch of small allinaces. i rememeber sitting at the edge of my seat shouting at the tv wanting the SOV to win. i loved it. BUT i would still want to see complete strangers form their own allainces and make another split house.

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That's the beauty of this twist - no one would really know each other. For instance, if I made it into the house, I wouldn't say "Hi, I'm Surfgranny from Morty's" I'd say "I'm Karen, save my elderly ass so you can beat me in the finals." If anyone else were there from Morty's, they wouldn't know it until I did my shoutout - and they'd have to be in the room when I did it.

As for this nemesis twist - If it's what we're thinking, I'm pretty sure they'd team up rather than go against each other just because they knew each other. If it were thru the message boards though, they really don't know each other. Can't imagine Kelegyrl (or just about anyone here for that matter) joining forces with BlahBlah.

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Okay, I just read this thread today, and omg, I can't believe they would have people in the house again that know eachother from the start! I realize these are just theories, but if more than one of you who were interviewed were asked things like that, and the idea alone seems like it could be good, but not again, or at least not so soon! I thought BB8 was going to be new and exciting, with new rules and hopefully somewhat of a different game after allstars and with Arnold not being apart of it. But more people that already know eachother? Same idea! For the past 4 seasons, it's been like this. That's more than half the series run! Hopefully, those questions are just apart of every year's process. Anyone been that far twice? Please, new strangers!!!

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