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Dr. Will


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I like Will but don't think I could trust him as a Dr. If the people in this game trust Evil Dr.Will then they are just to dumb to think. Did none of them watch Dr. Will the first time, He should have been the first to go and then Jani and the James and the Kayser and then Dani and then Marc and then whoever. You go after the best players first, and I HATE to admit Jani is a great player, but these people go after the floaters who don't know thier head from a hole in the ground. Instead they let Will dictate who goes and he has done exactly what he needed to do to be in charge and no one is looking to get rid of him. They all think they can probably beat him because the Jury would never give him the money again. Again, did they not watch the first time he played and WON? Come on people get it together. :angry:

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WILL just Drewed Janelle along into trusting him simple as that and it worked :lol: and just like drew he will help seal her fate

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They all think they can probably beat him because the Jury would never give him the money again.

They better think long and hard before they buy into that train of thought. The good Dr. could quite possibly beat any one of them in the final 2. Without question, he has certainly played the best. For the most part, he has controlled the game.

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It seems Will does NOT have a girlfriend anymore..........

As of yesterday, the people who are updating Will's myspace page while he's in the house have changed his "status" to SINGLE and ALL pictures of Erin have been removed.

All this was reported on Aldav's Big Brother page and they also claimed that Erin "requested" her pictures to be removed.

Link to Will's myspace:


Link to Aldav: (look in the center column under "Sun Night Aug 20")


The following is now about 1/4 of the way down Will's myspace page. Section is titled "Rumors":

Rumors: We will use this space to address rumors as we become aware of them. We will always post items that cannot be verified as rumor only otherwise you can assume that we have made sure that what is on this site is the facts as we know them.

1) There has been speculation over Julie Chen disappearing from Will's top friends. Julie or someone on her behalf removed Julie Chen as a friend of Will's on the Saturday after Will called her "sweetheart" in a Live Broadcast.

2) There has also been speculation on the disappearance of the pictures of Will and Erin Brodie that were on the site. After the infamous shower scene with Mike, Erica, Janelle and Will, Erin requested that we remove them and we did. We will not make any other comment on this as it is a private matter between Will and Erin and we respect that.

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<<<<<brow is sweating....oh my goodness! LMAO. This guy has lost it, he needs to leave that house!


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I have to admit that I hated this guy in the beginning but now....**fans self** he is so freakin hot...its not even that he is CUTE it's his attitude that is what makes him hot (to ME anyway)...what he was doing to the cameras earlier was very funny... He was talking DIRECTLY into the camera to the "internet viewers" He was "dating" us internet views...the he broke up with us, he said "its not you its me"... and then he was going to cheat with one of the other cameras but couldn't do it... so funny..." i want my computer to communicate with your computer if u know what i mean" .... LOL

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If Erin really did break up with Will over the shower scene then I feel bad for him. If I were Erin, I wouldn't do that because he's on live feeds for goodness sake and it's only a game. I guess for all her money, looks, etc., she is really insecure. If nothing else, I would wait until he was out of the house and break up with him personally (and privately) rather than having his people remove my photo. As charming as he is, I think he's got a really good chance of winning her back; if he loves her - I hope he gets her back. :(

And, as we say in England, where there's a Willy there's a way! :P:lol:

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Seriously? I think she'd be insecure if she stayed with him. I'm really not the jealous type, but I am filled with pride and self respect. There is no way I would put up with half the stuff he was doing. She's supposed to be O.K. with it cause it's " just a game"?

So if my dh is showering and playing spin the bottle with his clients I should be O.K. with it, because it brings in money...Because it's "just a job."

He knew it would hurt her, he thinks it has. I wouldn't be jealous, I'd be TOTALLY humiliated and there would be no chance in hell of me staying. Money, fame, sex appeal are lower on the list to me than someone that is considerate of my feelings.

How does she know when he's telling her the truth? He probably used half those lines on her.

I know, it's just a game..and I understand that and in the end this does not affect my life, I just find it hard to believe that so many people are O.K. with that sort of behaviour from a partner.

End of rant, xoxoxo

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i don't think will did anything wrong. he was constantly talking about his relationship. he just didn't do anything that would bother ME if he were my boyfriend...and, much as i love janie...i do think janie has a BIG crush on him and wouldn't be all that upset if he did something with her.

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That's the way I look at it too (like Chichi) . . . like what is she, chopped liver? I think self-respect would tell a woman she can do better and I would guess Will would respect her more for expecting more for herself than that.

I don't think it's a question of a woman being secure if she lets her significant other lick body butters off somebody else I think it may be just the opposite now that I think more about it. I mean it may not even be a question of self respect I don't know . . . it just seems like if you've got tons of options guy-wise like Erin Brody does and can just as easily get another guy who is smart, rich and charming who WON'T let women lick body butters off them in showers then why would you sit around letting a guy who does do that to you? That doesn't make sense to me . . .

jmo :)

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i didn't know about the body butter licking part!!!! that's not good!!! i thought it was just janie pulling him into a shower...and the spin the bottle where will only wanted cheek kisses! i wouldn't want licking from my boyfriend on tv!

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OMG!!!! I just saw Will's little conversation with the internet viewers via the camera. Wow! There is something that is so appealing about him. Wait.....did I just really say that???? I felt a little dirty and grossed out watching it. He was kind of slimy, but strangly, I liked it. I am oficially under the spell of Dr. Delicious. :unsure:

I'm starting to think that he is brillant and that he really knows how to make good tv. He definately knows how to ham it up for the camera! Maybe he has more of a future in tv, rather than being a doctor. But, I don't think he could give up being a doctor since that feeds his God complex and his very large and needy ego. JMO

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Thanks aunt julie!!!!! :)

OMG!!!! What is it about that creep that I like so much. I just can't figure it out. I don't think that I should watch any more of those clips :unsure::D Seeing any more Dr. Will talking to the internet viewers could be dangerous to my health!

What is so appealing about this man???????????? Now......if somebody just knew how to reverse this spell that has been cast upon me.

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First of all, even Shannon said that Will was a homebody so I doubt this is something that he does all the time. As far as we know, he didn't french kiss or tongue anyone and he didn't lick the body butter off anyone's erogenous zones - bikinis stayed on! He hasn't crawled into anyone's bed either. I am the last person to be insecure about what my man does (particularly since he is probably more conservative than I am) but I honestly don't see the big deal about what Will has done within the context of the game when he has specifically outlined his evil plan to make Janelle fall in love with him so she will do what benefits his alliance. He talks about Erin constantly even to Janelle and I think he has made it abundantly clear how he feels (to the live feeds anyway). I guess when it comes down to it, you have to trust your partner and, if you don't, move on. Just be sure it's your partner that you don't trust and not your own judgment! B)

Anyway, bottom line - Will is great TV (and feed) and I'd love to see him win! :P:P:P

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So, earlier Will was bouncing off the walls w/ boredom when they had lockdown & had somehow acquired a beachball inside that he was hurling off everything he could throw it at. I'm guessing he (once again) broke something? He was called into DR & when he came out he told everyone that as of that moment they had to pay for anything they broke. Did anyone see what Will did to enact this new rule??

BTW -- I too hated this guy when the season started. I didn't watch his season & couldn't fathom what anyone saw in him. I certainly didn't think he was anywhere close to good looking. Now ... I'm TOTALLY hooked. Everything he does amuses me & I think he so cute. He's so bad, but so charming -- so it works. I'm on board w/ Dr. Delicious.


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