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Saturday, August 5th


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WTF .... Dani and Marcellas in the HOH room and Dani thinks America loves them because they are the underdog. She is truely a NERD HERD and has her sheep following in step.

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yeah i heard that but she isnt telling MArci anything she had this planned out and last nite wouldnt tell marci who she was nominating just told him he was safe this week she said "you will see what i am doing once noms are done" and she is still making him guess.

she isnt going to give her plan away to Marci

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The sov are crying that they are being pushed around this week when they have had power for three weeks in a row. I am really starting not to like them. They are faulting people for doing the same thing they have done.

If they do get to clean house of the floaters, I can't wait until Will manipulates his way to the money.

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I cant believe I'm saying this but I am seriously disliking the Sov's right now.... No one can be this stupid can they? Seriously?? This alliance has been together for two years and BOTH times have turned on each other... I like Janie as an individual player, but as a group....THEY SUCK!!!!!!!!!

I may have called the NerdHerd a cult last year, but at least they stayed true to their alliance!

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I may have called the NerdHerd a cult last year, but at least they stayed true to their alliance! " -ilovekaysar

EXACTLY...I really wish kaysar and james would have stayed in the spirit of things, kaysar's apathetic, he doesn't seem to care, james is...well james. and janie made a dumb move. they were all selfish, they are all guilty, it's not just one person who is responsible for their decline.

in nerdherd, they had a definite leader who told them what to do and what not to do and they obeyed. with sov, there was no established or respected leader that they all listened to. maggie stuck to her word, she never let anyone sway her. you can't say the same for kaysar, janie and james.

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I guess the reason I'm really upset is that the Sov's (janie, kaysar and howie) are trying to stay as loyal to each other as possible by Howie and Kaysar not using veto (if they WERE to play in the veto comp) because they couldnt decide who to use it on...Meanwhile the person they are trying to protect (James) is stabbing them in the back!! Where is Maggie when you need her!!

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She just picked him because he isnt that great of a competitor, she knows he wont use it...She has already realized that he has been playing her, but she is just not letting HIM know that... Plus who else could she have picked?? No one is going to use it unless its Janie or James that wins!!

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ilovekaysar, thanks for reminding me of that. i agree.

i just read on feeds where it says that kaysar (finally!) is getting angry and said to james that 'it is on' in regards to dani and marci screwing jani and sov over. little does kaysar know that james is just going to run right back to them and tell them what kay said! kay sort of called james out a little bit but james was trying to calm him down because kay was whispering angrily. i hope kay starts playing harder. he needed a wake up call, he was getting too depressed and worried about himself now he's thinking more about his alliance.

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Yeah and he didn't use it then either!!!

There is no shock value in this game...I want someone to do something that is totally unexpected!! Is that too much to ask?? I wanna see Marcellus walking out the door like a little surprised queen or James walking out to see Julie with a stunned look on his face and Danielle pissing in her pants because her plan back fired!! SOMETHING!!!

Mostly I just want Janie to win the veto!!!!

Also, this laid back attitude of Kaysar and Howie about them not being sure who to pick (between Janelle and James)...what if one of them gets put up because the veto gets used...I'm SURE they will be singing a different tune then!!!

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bigsis He was talking about Marc and Erika....He said that Dani was playing the game but what is wrong with them two...He called them despicable (sp) And He was mad because he believe Howie threw the HOH competiton... which he made a good point..I dont know...

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i know, how selfish of kaysar and howie?! scared cowards! how could they pick james over janie like that? it seems natural that they would play for janie first since how and kay have been so close to her. they all know that james is the lowest on their list and that he'd be the first to go in their group. im especially suprised about howie not playing it for janie. that's f'd.

ohhh i get what you mean, i just read what you said about how throwing the comp. and about being dispicable. it's hard for me to understand since i dont have feeds. reading it gets confusing. thanks for your help. we're all trying to find a loop hole here and it's stressful.

i too would LOVE to see something shocking go down, like queen b@#! marcy going out, or james. and dani crapping her pants because her plan didn't work. we will just have to be patient because things turn on a dime!

*correction: marcy wont go out because she told him he was safe...oh well maybe next time. the queen needs to be dethroned :D.

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Big sis that is ok... I am a Dani fan though and I hope things work out for her...I dont think she would have gone after Janelle if Janelle didnt call her a weak player...her sights were on Marc.....She tried to get James to get Marc out....but Janelle protected Marc...and they went with Jase.. Dani had been throwing some of the HOH comps and she believe she could have laid low just a little while longer...The Sovs declare war against the floaters and well Dani at least is fighting back....

Do you think Howie threw the HOH comp..Kaysar made an interesting point...because he is not on radar with anyone???

Last year is was a team sport..this year....It is different Sovs need to play for themselves and stop looking out for the rest of them...Will is trying to teach Janie this but she just want listen... only 1 person can win...and since they are the obvious allliance people are trying to break them up..They should have had secret alliances. and use the Sov4 as a cover...Then they would have other people covering for them to keep them safe..It is a game and these people are playing to win or make a big splash before they leave the house... Nobody in the house is playing for sequester...that was last year...

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i dont know how howie threw the comp, if that's what he did because i dont have feeds. but i do know that he made a deal with dani to keep him safe if he let go which he did. so i guess that means he threw it in a sense. dumb move howie. he was supposed to win it, either him or kaysar.

i also think that dani is coming after jani mainly for saying she was weak (which i have yet to see on tv) and i think dani would have come after sov because they were coming after floaters. i do think she would have come after jani no matter what though, just because janie was winning too much and was a threat/target.

i am eager to see when/if marcy and dani's newfoud friendship will split once she turns on him...im assumig she will considering she's done it once before. marcy should know better than to trust dani.

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Bigsis ..Kay shouldnt be mad at Howie because He said so himself that Once Boogie left he thought it was OK and he fell of the web...Sounds like he threw it too. Yeah you may be right because when Dani realized that Erika was up and she couldnt understand...That when it was clear that the Sovs were going after them...

Oh it is not a friendship and she knows she cant trust Marc...when it comes down to it ...These two are mortal enemies...they are playing the game..It is like they have called truce for right now..But soon as when their targets are eliminated...DUCK everyman for themselves ..It will be a show...Just like Marc is doing to Janelle he did the same thing to Dani in their season...and He justified everything.... Dani's mother warn her that Marc true colors would show when he is nominated....

I just read your last statement...In season 3 Marc turn on Dani....and he won POV and she convinced him not to use it because she was in alliance with Jason....And he wanted Jason gone...Marc had a crush on Roddy and Marc would go back and tell Roddy things..He turned on Amy because he felt that she was not playing the game...and he treated her bad the second time Amy came into the house..

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America does love Dani right now because her, and the other floaters had become the underdogs, since the sixers won HOH 4 weeks in a row. And as much as YOU might love Janie, some of us would be soooooooooooo happy if Dani got Janie out this year.

You may not be in THAT part of America, but I do not think that makes Dani a part of the nerd herd.

I think Kaysar and Howie saying they wouldn't want to play Veto because they wouldn't want to choose, is a cop out. They don't want to play because they don't want to have to use the POV, or show that they can win a POV, because right now the way it sits, James and Janies are considered the biggest threats phyiscally of their alliance.

James is NOT a back-stabber, Janie backstabbed ALL of the sixers by making a deal with CT, and going after diane who she only THOUGHT was coming after her (not her whole alliance).

James and Kaysar didn't go after CT either, but James WANTED to go after CT, wanted to replace CG with Boogie and his alliance wouldn't let him do it, they made him put up Jase to protect them (though mostly Janie) under the agreement that the following week they WOULD go after CT, and evict Will or Boogie. Which Janie selfishly decided NOT to do. So I don't feel sorry for Janie at all .. and I totally get why James is pissed off.

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