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Twist Possibilities


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It has been announced during the feed's that there will be 6 people playing for the veto, and that the two people that aren't the HOH's and Nominees will be randomly selected. So I guess this gives people who are trying to not be back doored a better chance. Good job Big Brother for creating this twist because although it doesn't completely destroy the 6 fingure plan it help's it from not being so useful.

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According to RealityBBQ :

Veto Twist *spoiler*

The new Veto is a random draw for who the HoH and nominees have as their partner, so no one can be backdoored with a six-finger plan.


You know what would be crazy? If someone won the veto and took either Danielle or Allison off and then as a twist the houseguests would vote for one of the HoH's to be nominated, so that in the end it is just one HoH and like all the other times, 3 people dont vote instead of four. Just a thought.


well, in that case, you almost WOULDNT want to be HOH..And They wouldnt do that. HOH is a POWERFUL spot in the house not an unpowerful spot.


i knew they were going to have to do something about the backdoor thing . . im glad


yeah, i don't think one of the HOHs going up would work either... isn't this dual HOH deal only for this week? It wouldn't work if the sole HOH went up every week the POV was used - it would do exactly as a previous poster said, make the HOH position an unpowerful one.

I still like the idea of the person winning the POV naming the replacement, if they choose to use it.


who knows. probably will ahve to agree or something

and for the record, they picked the other 2 HGs that will compete by using a wheel of some sort.


Was there a rule breach during the veto comp? I read that on realitybbq...

There was Janelle Jase Ali Dani George and Kaysar competing?


It's possible that america may have a vote that is only used in the event of a tie this week. Who knows, it's possible.

It's also possible that the 2 HOHs have one vote between them.


When they have the Veto ceremony, Janelle gets told that if she chooses to use the veto and save someone she must veto both of them and replace both players.

Equals........Backdooring two players at once

and putting a huge target on your back maybe? Unless you get rid of a player that everyone has come to hate in 4 days.....Will?......Mike?.....Erika?

then you get the person you removed as an ally and Janelle needs allies


Nak and Boogie were talking in the hammock... They said that BB told them that they changed the veto to the random veto to stop the backdooring... But of course Nak saw the way to do it anyway :)

I don't know if I like this new twist...the backdooring can come in handy sometimes...oh yeah,(like someone mentioned before)I bet James is on cloud nine... :lol:

What are some of the ideas that people have on other twists of this season? I have a feeling the ones that did not get in the house will be in the house some how.


That is a good one... I have not yet thought about the next 'twist'... I too would love to hear others ideas!



There is a tie on thursdays live show, and the 15th HG walks in and gets to break the tie?

Surprise, it's Cowboy!! :lol:


If they do bring people back into the house, how would that fit with BB's time frame? Weeks with double evictions? Or some other plan? I'm not a big fan of the double evictions. :mellow:


I don't know if it's reliable info. but there are rumors floating around that the all stars that didn't get in or in sequester. I don't think it's fair to throw them in the game later, giving them a chance to win over the top 14, but they will probably be used on the jury or something. No telling what the plan is with them.


Does anyone ever read the BBinternational boards? Cause the twist they have now, with the "neighbors" and a second smaller house is really intriging(sp?). Hmmm, we have 6 not voted in allstars, would be cool if we had a major twist like this.


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